Asexuality Questionnaire #5.1: Relationships

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. What is your romantic orientation?  If you are unsure, please explain why you are unsure.
  2. How did you discover your romantic orientation?
  3. If you are not sure what your romantic orientation is, how important is it to you to find out?
  4. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with a non-asexual person?  Can you describe what that was like?
  5. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with another asexual person?  Can you describe what that was like?

[wpsqt name=”Relationships Part 1″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #4.3: Community and Visibility

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Do you feel that it would be valuable for a celebrity or other famous person to come out as asexual?
  2. Do you feel that it would be valuable for a TV show or a movie to have an openly asexual character?
  3. Do you have any ideas for asexuality awareness/education/etc. that you would like to see someone create?  Have you ever tried to create them yourself?
  4. Do you feel like there is anything missing in the asexual community?
  5. Where would you like to see the asexual community in five years?  Ten years?  Twenty?

[wpsqt name=”Community and Visibility Part 3″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #4.1: Community and Visibility

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Have you ever participated in a “pride” event of some kind? If not, do you plan to do so in the future?  If you do not plan to do so, why not?
  2. Have you ever participated in an asexuality awareness or visibility event of some kind? If not, do you plan to do so in the future?  If you do not plan to do so, why not?
  3. Do you have any “ace pride” items that you display in public, such as t-shirts or other clothing, black rings, nail polish, bumper stickers, jewelry, signs, black-gray-white-purple items of some kind?  Has anyone ever commented on them?
  4. Do you feel it is important that you be a “visible asexual”, that is, someone who actively engages in asexuality awareness activities of some form?  If so, why?  If not, why not?  Do you want to be visible, but are afraid to be?
  5. What is your opinion of various symbols related to asexuality, such as the ace flag, the AVEN logo, the Ace of Spades, or the half-filled heart?

[wpsqt name=”Community and Visibility Part 1″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #4.2: Community and Visibility

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Do you participate in any online groups that are asexuality related?  If not, do you plan to do so in the future?  If you do not plan to do so, why not?
  2. Do you participate in any offline groups that are asexuality related? If not, do you plan to do so in the future?  If you do not plan to do so, why not?
  3. Have you ever been involved with an LGBT/GSM/Queer group in any way?  Did you reveal your asexuality to them?  Were they welcoming or not?
  4. Have you ever met another asexual in person?
  5. If you want increased visibility of asexuality, what do you want it for?

[wpsqt name=”Community and Visibility Part 2″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #3.3: Sex

IMPORTANT:  If you are under 18, skip this questionnaire.  Return to the main questionnaire page and answer some others instead.

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Do you have a libido?  How would you describe it?  Do you enjoy it?  Does it make you uncomfortable?  If you do not have a libido, explain why you do not feel that you have a libido.
  2. Do you experience arousal?  How would you describe it?  Do you enjoy it?  Does it make you uncomfortable?
  3. Have you ever felt “turned on” or “horny”?  How would you describe it?  Why do you not consider it to be an expression of sexual attraction?
  4. Have you ever had sex or participated in a sexual activity (or attempted to do either) as a “test” to prove or disprove your asexuality?  If you haven’t, have you ever considered it?  Did you feel it was important to “know for sure”?
  5. Do you participate or want to participate in any activity that is generally considered “sexual” by others?  Do you consider it “sexual”?

[wpsqt name=”Sex Part 3″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #3.2: Sex

IMPORTANT:  If you are under 18, skip this questionnaire.  Return to the main questionnaire page and answer some others instead.

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Have you ever wanted to have sex or participate in a sexual activity for some reason?  What was that reason?
  2. Have you ever been in what you would consider to be a sexual relationship with someone else?  Describe what that was like, being asexual.  Have you ever experienced problems in a sexual relationship because of your asexuality?
  3. Have you ever experienced non-sexual, “more-than-platonic” physical contact with another person, such as hugging, kissing, or cuddling?  Do you enjoy it?  If you never have, would you be willing to do so at some point in the future?
  4. Have you ever experienced sexual contact with another person, such as intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, mutual masturbation, other genital stimulation, breast play, or frottage?  Do you enjoy it? If you haven’t, would you be willing to do so in the future?
  5. Does it bother you if other people have sexual thoughts about you?

[wpsqt name=”Sex Part 2″ type=”survey”]


Asexuality Questionnaire #3.1: Sex

IMPORTANT:  If you are under 18, skip this questionnaire.  Return to the main questionnaire page and answer some others instead.


If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. What are your thoughts on sex?
  2. Did discovering you were asexual change your outlook on sex?
  3. Did you have sex or participate in a sexual activity before you discovered you were asexual?  What was it like?
  4. Did you have sex or participate in a sexual activity after you discovered you were asexual?  What was it like?
  5. Are you repulsed by sex or sexual topics or experience an aversion to sex or sexual topics?  If so, describe what it’s like.  How did you first discover that you were repulsed or averse?  Did you ever attempt to overcome your repulsion or aversion?

[wpsqt name=”Sex Part 1″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #2.3: Coming Out

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Have you ever been outed against your will?
  2. Had you previously come out as some other sexual orientation or otherwise indicated that you were something other than asexual?  Did this lead to people doubting your asexuality or questioning your honesty when you came out as asexual?
  3. Have you ever pretended not to be asexual or otherwise hidden your asexuality at some point after coming out, in order to fit in?

[wpsqt name=”Coming Out Part 3″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #2.2: Coming Out

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Have you lost any friends or other close relationships because of coming out?
  2. Do your parents or other close relatives know?  If so, how did they react?  If not, why haven’t you told them?
  3. Did people believe you when you came out?
  4. Have you ever had another person react positively to you being asexual?
  5. Have you ever had another person react negatively to you being asexual?

[wpsqt name=”Coming Out Part 2″ type=”survey”]

Asexuality Questionnaire #2.1: Coming Out

If you have not already done so, please stop off at the main questionnaire page for important information about the intent of these questionnaires.

Thank you for your interest, but this survey is now closed!  We are no longer accepting responses at this time.  If you’re curious, here’s what the questions were:

  1. Have you come out?  If so, why did you come out and what was it like?  If not, why not, and do you think you ever will?  Are you out to some people, but not others?
  2. How do you describe your asexuality to another person?
  3. Have you had any positive coming out experiences?
  4. Have you had any negative coming out experiences?
  5. What advice would you have for someone choosing to come out?

[wpsqt name=”Coming Out Part 1″ type=”survey”]