I wonder if any asexual people have their hormones checked. It could be due to a hormone imbalance rather than just a personality trait. Low testosterone in men can affect sexual feelings. I mean if people want to be asexual, more power to them. But, if they are interested in not being asexual, a medical work-up might could help some of them.
I tip my hat to anyone who finds themselves a part of this group. It's difficult being outside of what our society aggressively pushes as "normal" and I salut anyone who's had the challenge to come to terms with it. Sexuality is a powerful thing and not only is it distracting, it is divisive. I can only imagine what else I could have achieved with the energy I spent satisfying my sexual nature over the years. Truly understanding asexuality, from the position of a sexual person is probably an impossibility... But I understand that it is likely as pervasive and undeniable as my homosexuality for me. As such, while the concept fills me with questions, I also know that for any person who identifies as asexual, there needs to be respect and understanding that this is the path they are traveling and be allowed to travel it free from judgement.
As a gay man, I'm very excited about this! I have not met any aces (I love that term btw), and I've never really learned much about them except through wikipedia. But you are my fellow members in the LGBTQIA community! I know that this will be absolutely divine decadence!
Thank you, for 52 years I have been told things such as "You must have been molested as a child" to "You must have a hormonal imbalance" I have struggled to fit in , to be normal. I just want to thank you for bringing light to this subject. I may never use the monocle of Asexual because anyone outside the norm tends to get persecuted by society.Recently I met a man who was gracious and polite but declined his advances because I did not want to deal with the physical aspect. Wow, I wish this was written in the seventies! Thank you is all I can say.
OMGOD!!! THIS IS REALLY ME! I never thought that there are people out there feel the same as i do. I've fallen in love to girls but not really sexually attracted to them, I love guys physically but really not in emotional level and never, also, see myself having sex to them but I consider myself gay. I thought I have a disease or something that makes me don't want to touch other person's body or even kiss. It always eww me. Now I know I'm asexual. Thank God I run into this article. I've been thinking about that a little lately.
I am excited to see that Huffington Post is going to have a series of articles on asexuality. As an asexual male myself, it seems silly to some but acceptance as an asexual is something that can be hard to come by in many different ways!
Asexuality is just another from of sexuality. Live and let live.
awesome bit...and let me just add, all too many people confuse sex with love...sex is good, but love is better!!
It seems like a lot of people just don't "get this". I get it. When I was trying to discover my own sexuality, I tried dating an asexual woman who was also trying to discover hers. Only, I was trying to see if I was bisexual and she was just trying to see if she was sexual! Needless to say, it didn't work out but I remember her telling me that she just didn't get it. She couldn't understand why she just couldn't feel the same way everyone else did about sex. I offered to her that she might be asexual (something I had just read about) and...after I explained what that was...she perked up. THAT made so much more sense to her than anything else anyone has ever told her, including her therapist. We've lost touch in the last decade, but I hope she's doing well now, wherever she is. :)
As an aromantic asexual, this is really, really great to read. I'm glad that the reddit post worked out, and I'm glad people want to hear more about being asexual. Wonder if they plan on doing something on aromantics? Great post! And yes, my hormones are just dandy
These people need to get their hormones levels checked.
A word of caution to the folks posting comments suggesting that an asexual person "should" to have their hormones checked or that asexuality can be "fixed". While I appreciate that the postings I have read so far seem to be positively worded, please remember that the same was/is said about homosexuality. I believe the world would be so much better off if we simply stopped needing to classify our neighbor's sexuality in order to feel more comfortable in our own skin.
Why are asexual people "looking" for each other? I thought the whole point of being asexual is that you don't want or need someone else?. Pathetic, but to each his own.
Married 23 years, been "non-sexual" for 3, suppose this is a form of "asexuality", displeases wife who is almost nymphomaniac but she doesn't get it from me. Sex is totally overrated. Wish I was single again.
It's so great to see more awareness being spread about aces! I only recently realized I identified as an asexual, but it's really starting to feel like there are more people out there that understand how it feels and identify the same way and it's just brilliant. There's always more that can be said, of course, but I'm looking forward to seeing more and hopefully seeing more people become educated about the asexual community!
I think this is wonderful. Though I cannot fathom how it feels, neither can someone who identifies as an "ace" understand how I feel about sexuality. The power of shared experience is what can make life go from lonely and confusing to fulfilling and happy. I hope as we as a society continue to denounce sexual binaries, we will come to a place of understanding and equality. |
Genuine, albeit a naive question: Do asexual people face a lot of discrimination? High school doesn't seem like a fun place, but after that it must be relatively smooth sailing. I mean, aside from 'quiverfull'-like movements, the religious probably don't mind the resulting celibacy. And who cares what that way too prideful mother has to say about your lack of 'productivity'?
So what is it called when one has a healthy interest in sex, but zero desire for a relationship?
Im nterested in love, not in sex, does that mean I am asexual? I wish i could find someone like me
Honest question here, Do asexuals masturbate? or is everything sexual gone??I guess I'm asking is everything sexual turned off for them. Anyone????
I'm interested in seeing where this article series is going to go... Every time I have tried to learn about asexuality, I kept finding myself on tumblr on bizarrely aggressive blogs, some that take traits and preferences of sexually active people and render them asexual (once saw a self-proclaimed ace explain that what qualified her asexuality was not enjoying phallovaginal sex, but everything else... I mean, I'm not about to police someone's bed behaviour but I'm right in that boat with her, but I'm not an ace...? Or am I just wrong about being a lesbian?) so my research has been less enlightening and more confusing. I'll be happy to learn more about this!
Many of the asexuals commenting here claim to have normal hormone levels and normal libidos. Those just haven't met the right person yet, apparently. Completely separate from those who truly have no libido.
Fascinating. When two or more asexuals start spending time together, do they ever experience / develop any kind of attraction, sexual or not, to each other?
This is something that I don't understand or know why some people are that way BUT I also don't know why I'm gay. I just am so aces are just the way they are. It is what it is.
Please bear with me. I ask this question honestly and sincerely. Do asexual people identify as gay asexuals and straight asexuals? While not interested in sex, do they enjoy companionship more with opposite asexuals or gay asexuals. Or does it matter?
LGBTQA ? Are we going to let the A's in our parade ?
I feel so alone...I suffer from a serious addiction and hope there's a group out there I can join .....I absolutely love : Money, Fast cars, Faster women, Beachfront Mansions, Fine wines, Expensive cigars, Lear Jets, Expensive restaurants and being famous......Can anyone reach out to me and offer the support I desperately need to feel whole again.
So, is being asexual now the official way to explain that you're ok with being single? Do we really need another label for people?
Serious question--do Asexual people masturbate?
If someone likes sex but only by himself and not with other people, would they be called asexual? What would they be called if not asexual? This is a question for the author or anyone familiar with the subject.
"AVEN started small but quickly ballooned..." nyuck nyuck |
Why are the cute ones always asexual? ; ) |
According to the definition of sexuality provided by AVEN, "Each asexual person experiences things like relationships, attraction and arousal somewhat differently." I must admit that I have never met an ace before, and this is really the first time I have read anything like this about this matter, but I am curious: What, exactly, does arousal mean here? From my developing understanding, aces do not get aroused sexually. Is that incorrect?
I think that it is great that asexual people can find other asexual people to form friendships and relationships with, just as.gay people do with other gay people. What I find sad is when gay people are critical, referring to them as "pathetic" or "sad" when they are very capable of forming deep and meaningful relationships. Perhaps even more successfully as sex drive is not a dominating motivator. I shake my head when gay people show intolerance and I ask myself "Have we learnt nothing from all of those years of bigotry?"
Jeez. It must feel very isolating sometimes to be outside of society's overstimulated, hypersexualized sphere. I'm celibate (an entirely different thing, I know) and in a relationship, and I know when that occasionally comes up most people are completely stumped by that. Hopefully increased contact with aces makes people pause and consider their own sexuality in context. |
Wow, as a hedonist and a bisexual I'm having trouble processing this information, it's like the opposite you never knew existed. I wonder if they're more productive since I spend like 90% of my time thinking of or acting on sexual thoughts. |
I see nothing abnormal about anyone not wanting sex. If you take two steps back and look at it, the act is rather ridiculous when you get down to it. You either want it or you don't. I am one of the ones who wants it, but why should everyone want what I want? I can easily see someone not wanting to get that close to other people.
Fantastic. I'm 100% ACE. I have a normal sex life (with myself) and romantic attractions (to other women) but I don't want to have sex with anyone else. I am not without sex or romance. I just don't want sex and romance to go together. A LOT of people are like me. Especially women but men too. I'd love to socially mix with such people and would love to have a large ACE community and culture to mix with. I consider myself gay because I want relationships with women. But sex with other people does not have to be a part of everyone's life. |
Shouldn't this article be in the nay, not the gay, voices, section? |
This guy probably doesn't know that from the 19th century up until the 1960's the word "asexual" was a cover for people not wanting to acknowledge that Tchaikovsky, for example, was homosexual. Used to use it when speaking of Schubert, also. It was so taboo to use the word homosexual that "asexual" became a way of dodging the truth, and uncomfortable conversations. I do not believe there are asexuals.They just haven't really "found" themselves yet sexually. But, of course, there are people who have less interest in sex generally, but that doesn't mean they are not gay, straight, or bisexual.
We live in a sex-obsessed society and it takes a huge amount of courage to realize you can live without it. One can only imagine what could be accomplished without distractions: I'm surprised the CIA and FBI aren't seeking these people, they would be impervious to seduction. This is a society where sexual response is how some people gauge their self worth: if they can't turn you on, they feel worthless. This is bound to bring about ugly accusations. Good luck to everyone who finds themselves to be asexual.
They all have sex. Come on... right?
Asexual? no sex, that would be the rightwinger holier-than-thou who have no sex because it is a sin...*
Whenever I hear about asexuality (and it is a rather rare occurrence), my gut response is one of pity. I get so much fulfillment from my relationship and intimacy is so important to me, and I am inclined to feel bad for people who don't get to experience that. But then I think of this one time a, rather drunk, friend told me he feels 'so sorry that i don't get to enjoy having sex with women, and gays miss out on a wonderful natural feeling'. And I realize in this instance I am just as naive and probably come off just as ignorant. I know we don't know a lot about the science of sexuality, but I feel like neuroscience does have a decent understanding of attraction. I would love to read about the brain chemistry. In colony/eusocial animals, only the queen and select males breed, the rest live out an asexual lifestyle- and there is nothing wrong with those individuals.
Never read or researched anything on asexuality before but it is something I always believed to be liberating and idealistic rather than being driven mad by women....which now I know is ignorant for multiple reasons. Shame really, after getting myself in another sticky stressful complicated situation this weekend. |
So, I'm guessing now that I wasn't the only person watching The Big Bang Theory who got irritated at Amy for nagging Sheldon about sex?
Seem like more narcissism to me. So you're not interested in sex. . . that creates what sort of challenge to you again? You're discriminated against in what way, again? Are you upset that sexually interested people don't want to date you or marry you because, unlike you, they''d like to have rich sexual life? Give everyone a break. Since the human race cannot go forward without sex, then people who are indeed asexual and have no sexual desires at all have some sort of physical or psychological problem and it might be uncurable. Doesn't seem that they care much about "curing" it in any event.
Ever since I can remember, probably around 7or 8, I knew I was different form everybody else around me. When girls and boys started noticing each other in middle school, I had no interest in that kind of thing whatsoever. When people started hooking up in high school, I didn't really care for that kind of thing. Now I know there are others out there like me- I have no desire for any type of sexual relationship. I have had many romantic relationships, but sex wasn't what drove me to be in a relationship (and why some of them failed). I don't have anything against sex, but it just doesn't interest me like it does others. I am glad there are people out there who support those who may not have support anywhere else, like myself (I have a few lgbt friends who are understanding, but my family isn't understanding at all). Thank you so much, David Jay. Wish there were more people like you.
Asexual, as I have come to know the term refers to someone who enjoys having sex with any gender but has not emotional attachment to them. I am for example an asexual. I am a heterosexual who can have and enjoy sex with any gender but lack the ability to have an emotional bond with them such as women. hummm, maybe the way I learned it is incorrect though.
Would a guy who likes sex once a month be considered Asexual?
Let's not forget the "Occasionally-Sexually-Aroused" community, and the "I-Only-Like-Sex-With-Toys" community. The HuffPost LGBTQIAOSAOWT Voices section is now in the works. |
Give it a break.....Creation made two sexes for a reason... Get a grip on yourself...
David Jay has a documentary called Asexuality on Netflix. After watching part of the asexual documentary I came to the conclusion that people who classify themselves as asexual have a weak sexual orientation. They are not stimulated enough to want to have sex with people so, they do not want to sexually identify as straight or gay so not to attract unwanted sexual advances from others.
Looking forward to the day when what people do (or don't do) in their bedrooms, alone or with other consenting adults, is nobody's business but their own. We are entirely too consumed with other people's intimate behavior. I am very happy that the Internet brought these people together so that they do not have to feel so marginalized.
More perversion. People are in mass confusion these day. They are coming up with anything. Don't they have something better to do their lives. Guess not. Everybody wants special rights/ attention for some off the wall made condition.
I gotta say - there are times I could care less about sex.....Im thinking its testosterone....need to get back to a regular gym routine/felt sexier when I wrked out 3-5x wk......it might be that, or that Life has other priorities....and sex isnt the most important thing....sometimes its a chore..not that Im a germ-a-phobe..but I prefer to bath prior.....so its a process, spontanaity isnt good for me when it comes to sex |
Friend zoned. |
I do not understand how asexual people are criticized. I have heard rude things being said about gay people and straight people, but I have never heard anyone say bad things about people who are not sexual.
How does this work? I mean with men? Do Asexual men never get chubbies? (That was the safest word).
I wonder what religious homophobes have to say about this one.. |
David Jay is A-sexy!! |
The man name David, pictured above, seems like such a wonderful, attractive, intelligent and honest person. Good for him. More power to him. However, the person in the video in the green shirt with the monotone voice seems really mixed up, and it was difficult to listen to them. The one thing that made them seem confused is what they called their significant other : He said "she's my girlfriend, my wife, my whatever".. No, she's not his wife, so that's a lie and it doesn't even seem like she is your girlfriend. This makes the person lack credibility. Are we supposed to understand this person? They don't even seem to understand themselves, nor how to communicate their ideas. Sorry. I will support the asexual community, but that video was annoying at best. They do not have sex. Okay, nothing wrong with that. I wish them well as they "come out" with this big revolution.
Thank you HP for bringing this issue up for a debate. |
Why is this the headline article in "gay voices"? I can see that for people who are lonely because they want intimate non-sexual relationships that finding other folks like them is great. But what has it got to do with being gay?
This article should have been written better. The first thing it needed was a definition of asexuality so we could understand the pain of the folks interviewed.
That guy in top pic is so cute, it's hard to believe that he doesn't desire sex with someone. I'll bet plenty of people have desired to have sex with him! I'm not sexually active myself for fear of AIDS, and this new meningitis bacteria that's going around affecting mostly gay men. I don't hit it, but God knows I have the urge to FREQUENTLY! That's the struggle for me! |
Asexual people have always been around. They are just usually called "married" people. |
i hope nobody makes fun of these people because i know many straight ''married'' couples [with kids] who don't have sex with their spouses [or anyone] , and they put up a fake ~facade~ that they are. |
I've participated in a number of conversations online with people who are asexual but don't have a way of understanding or defining it. Hopefully this will help people understand their lack of attractions. From the comments below me it seems already this has been very helpful to some people. |
Thanks for including me in the article. It was great working with you, Dominique. I'd also add the following link at the bottom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEeGuCCQ_8w |
I don't think asexuals will have much trouble fighting discrimination in this country. One of the roots of homophobia was simple disgust at the physical act of gay sex. With asexuals, there really is nothing to scare or disgust the straight community.
"We know that asexual people have been looking for each other for a long time, but it wasn’t until the Internet that we found each other,” Well, you're not going to find each other at a singles bar. |
Wait, so nobody turns them on? They just feel no sexual urges at all?
Does this identity politics affirmation ever end? |
Oh great. Another community to not be a part of. |
I'm honestly getting tired of all this. I had a room up for rent. Guy came by and looked at it, and said he was interested. I was just waiting on the rent. Got a phone call. Guy says "Hi, I'm a lawyer moving back from DC and I need a place to stay for a while". I think "okay, here's a good plan B just in case, sounds stable". Guys says "I have one thing to tell you". I say "what?" "I'm gay" "Yeah, I don't care" "Well some people care" "Yeah, it's not spelled out in the lease or anything" "Well some people are uncomfortable" Yes, I can see how when this is what you open with people would be uncomfortable (didn't say that). I wondered in retrospect if he thought he didn't get a callback because he was gay, because he asked for one even if the other guy paid. Which I didn't do. It's like a job interview. I don't feel like when I alert you to having a potential someone lined up you're owed a phone call. So this is how I feel. Stop making your sexuality so central to who you are and others won't care. I could give to sh**s I'm straight. It's not a defining aspect of who I am and if I all of the sudden was curious it wouldn't change me at all. My sexuality is less than one percent of who I am. |
Well, at least it will save them a ton of money... |
Another label for the collectivists to place onto the scales of social justice? Have sex. Don't have sex. Stop obsessing over what society tells you is "normal". Most of them are just trying to sell you something, anyway. Nothing is normal. Everything is normal. Living in a free society means that you get to decide. As long as you don't harm someone else, it doesn't matter. Enjoy the feeling of your own skin. |
It sounds uncomplicatably awesome! |
I'm only half-hearted about this but I can't even keep the acronym straight most of the time as it is. Can't we just say breeders and non-breeders? Is that too offensive? Is it not inclusive enough? Is it too broad? lol, our PC world is starting to have too many footnotes. |
Fascinating subject and with absolutely no judgment I see this as a similar notation that I have ascribed to myself and some friends that I have as solosexual...meaning no desire to have traditional sex with anyone and only enjoy masturbation as the only sex that interest me. Like some asexuals, I have had sex partners in the past of both genders (mostly male) but prefer only sex gratification today. I think the similarities breakdown in the desire column.....as a solosexual, I do have or possibly have more consistent urges but not in response to attractions. This really is an eye opener and really enjoyed reading at the AVEN site. |
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is asexual. I'm not against him being asexual but I am surprised he has made it this far in politics without ever even having had a partner. Especially since he's a republican. He should just come out and say he is, instead of putting up with constant questions about his sexuality. |
Asexualitly might just be a more advanced state of being. A life without the burden of sexual urges and desires would be so much more simpler and peaceful! |
I don't have anything against those with the condition but just because many people have it doesn't make it something to celebrate. True they don't know what they're missing and they aren't hurting anyone but there are many other conditions most of us don't use that rationale for. Plus sexual attraction often includes/leads to a greater level of intimacy.
what's it called when you just grow tired of it all.....? so much effort anymore it seems |
Never getting your heart broken sounds heartbreaking. Finally I think I know how it feels to be one of those carnivores who says to Freddsky (who really just doesn't enjoy eating meat and, when it comes to willpower, can resist anything but temptation) "Man, how do you do it? I could never give up having a burger. I just couldn't stand it." etc. Except that I don't plan to question or challenge anyone who isn't hot to trot...to trot...or even to be hot....maybe I should just listen.
There is much to be said for a pure friendship, untrammeled by sexual usage. It is also nice to be thinking with one's mind rather than some other organ. |
watch out with the asexuals |
Unfortunately while this may seem natural, it isn't. This is because of contaminants like BPA that's in all of our water. |
It makes sense to me that asexuality is another expression of the range of our sexual identity. I applaud AVEN . Life can be tough enough to get through without ongoing angst about our sexual / non-sexual selves + recognising + supporting each others experience makes so much sense. |
Interesting article and movement--it's always good and healthy when people find a group that validates their experience and way of being in the world. Ironically, I find the AVEN founder very attractive. :) |
Just another backwards group. |
I know some people like this. But does this mean no self pleasure? I can see they may not be attracted to anyone, but what about having sexual urges to, or by, themselves?
I think society would be astonished at the number of people who have no interest in sex of any type. As a Gay man I have been the friend and confidant of many "straight" women throughout my life. Many of these women have told me that they had never had any interest in sex and indeed just went through the motions in order to please their boyfriend or husband. Perhaps this is the final closet that needs to have the hinges blown off the door. |
I hate to be snarky because I'm glad this group has formed and found each other. However this is one genepool that will disappear very quickly.
I used to fantasize that if all the people in leadership positions in the world were asexual, there would be more justice and equality. Every decision will be based on merit, a lot of time saved not having to pursue sexual drive and lust. A perfect state of equilibrium. |
I remember when I stumbled upon AVEN years and years ago. Such a great resource for people like me. A community that lets you know nothing is wrong with you. |
I first self identified myself as asexual in '71. I do not think that I need to identify myself with any association or community. Certainly not with LGBT. Why would I? I have no sexual attraction. GET IT? I don't need a support group. I am not being oppressed. I don't like you. I have no desire to get hooked up with your friend. I don't want to get married. I don't like children. Do Not Touch Me. Do not order me to smile. I don't even care enough about you to make eye contact. I don't want you in my house. GET OFF MY LAWN! |
I have known a couple people like this over my lifetime and honestly, I almost envy them. I think my life would have been much less stressful not having to live with "the drive". It's hard to explain, and no offense to my wife, but life must be much simpler not having to worry about things like this. Aside from the "why aren't you with anyone?", "why aren't you dating?", etc. |
I'm on the opposite end of the sex spectrum. This definitely has piqued my curiosity. This would explain a couple of my friends. I wonder if they have come across this yet. To know that there is an entire community out there that "gets it", would be a wonderful thing. |
When I was young, I would have been considered abnormal by the medical profession because I wasn't crazy for girls. Then they decided I was all right as long as I was crazy for guys. But they've still tended to label people as abnormal who aren't attracted either way. I feel sure that research will more and more confirm that the only thing "normal" is for there to be a mix of heterosexual, homosexual, and asexual people, just as it is normal for there to be a mix of right- and left-handed people. |
As an asexual, I've been wondering when or if a discussion would be started so that asexuality can be recognized and accepted. I'm fine the way I am and while I respect others curiosity, just because we don't behave like the rest of the herd doesn't mean we're something to be analyzed with the intent of fixing us. Don't judge and if you don't "get it" just accept it. Nuff said. |
The only thing left in this world is for people to marry their pets and inanimate objects.
I think my ex wife was asexual Just hated sex and acted like it was punishment. We had a child and after she was born we never had sex again. She never dated a man or woman after we divorced and just spent her time raising our daughter. A lot of asexual people marry and never know what they are. Luckily I found a woman who liked sex as much as I and we have been married for 32 years. Still friends with my ex since we have 2 grandchildren together. |
Mr Jay, you must be aware of the lives you have saved/rescued/improved. No wonder you have such a beautiful grin in that photo. What a wonderful guy you must be. |
This must be epidemic, at least that would explain my last few relationships |
Asexual people have always existed and the danger for society is to let them take a foothold because they will start lumping all genders together.
What does asexuality have to do with Stonewall? LGBT people are sexual human beings! |
In the old days this would be called being frigid. |
So some humans have no physical attraction towards other humans? How rare is that? |
I saw his documentary on this topic. David Jay seemed very confused about his own feelings on the topic, still. How can a group of people identify as themselves under a certain name, if they all have different interpretations of its definition? I'm all for openness and self-exploration. Still not convinced asexuality is legitimate. Seems to me like there are just deeper issues regarding sexuality that need to be explored and by identifying as asexual, they may just be shielding themselves from facing those issues. I don't mean to judge, though. Just a thought. Gotta say... I |
There's nothing wrong with a person who is not motivated every second of the day by sex or the th |
I saw his documentary on this topic. David Jay seemed very confused about his own feelings on the topic, still. How can a group of people identify as themselves under a certain name, if they all have different interpretations of its definition? I'm all for openness and self-exploration. Still not convinced asexuality is legitimate. Seems to me like there are just deeper issues regarding sexuality that need to be explored and by identifying as asexual, they may just be shielding themselves from facing those issues. I don't mean to judge, though. Just a thought. Gotta say... I |
I saw his documentary on this topic. David Jay seemed very confused about his own feelings on the topic, still. How can a group of people identify as themselves under a certain name, if they all have different interpretations of its definition? I'm all for openness and self-exploration. Still not convinced asexuality is legitimate. Seems to me like there are just deeper issues regarding sexuality that need to be explored and by identifying as asexual, they may just be shielding themselves from facing those issues. I don't mean to judge, though. Just a thought. Gotta say... I |
oh no..........now we are going to have asexual boy and girl scouts and transponders and gays..........my head hurts... |
Good article, but the link "this Imgur photograph" goes to a 1 x 1 jpg. Very suspicious.
I saw his documentary on this topic. David Jay seemed very confused about his own feelings on the topic, still. How can a group of people identify as themselves under a certain name, if they all have different interpretations of its definition? I'm all for openness and self-exploration. Still not convinced asexuality is legitimate. Seems to me like there are just deeper issues regarding sexuality that need to be explored and by identifying as asexual, they may just be shielding themselves from facing those issues. I don't mean to judge, though. Just a thought. Gotta say... I |
Most of them aren't actually asexual, but instead autosexual. They like sex and they like orgasms, they just prefer to have them alone.
I know a few asexual folks- and I always wondered....thanks for the help...at least a bit. |
"aces"...smh, everybody wants to distinguish themselves with a cool name. Im sure they're just clamoring to be the "new gay". Maybe next we can have a group that only has sex with aliens, considering they crash land on earth.
One of my best friends is asexual I do not think he is aware of this community I can't wait to tell him, Thank you. |
WOW! This "Maddox" is one confused chick! |
Do these people have jobs? Could they spend more time obsessing about themselves? |
I can see the marching parades now...blank flags and corduroy pants.
He was right the first time. There is something wrong with him. |
Sex is primal and primary. I thought i had become asexual. Eventually i found that I had a "sliver of pituitary remaining." Believe me I was glad to have the replacement hormone therapies. Other diseases can lead to lack of sexual attraction as well - for example, Parkinsons can lead to lack of sex drive for many years before diagnosis. I doubt that we have to make room for a new civil right. |
Bit I don't think asexuals are gay by definition. Why is this article in the Gay Voices section?
I have had two friends in my life who were asexual. I grew up with them and this was before "asexual" was a recognized group. My other friends and I came up with the term ourselves after some period of observation throughout high school and after. Eventually, we just lumped it into the category of heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, etc. It was only years later that it was "officially" recognized group and we started hearing about it in the media. |
Since no or low sex drive can be a symptom of various illnesses, I don't see the harm in suggesting that asexual people get their hormone levels checked at least once. If there are imbalances, that's important medical info. If the hormone levels are fine, then go on and have a happy asexual life. It's your life, not society's. I know several asexual people (who got their hormones checked) that have had wonderful lives once they got it all sorted out and understood who they are.
So does sex not feel good for these asexual people?
Will the Huffington Post now have a new section, entitle "Asexual Voices?" Sorry, but Obama will not pander to you.......not enough votes. |
Thank you for this article. I need to share this with my best friend because I suspect his wife is asexual and she doesn't even realize it. I think she is unaware of this because she was raised in a strict religious household that prevented her from exploring her sexuality (or lack thereof) and is still part of the same religion. Then she gets married to my best friend (who was born into the religion but as recently left it) and they've had sex probably less than a dozen times in 8 years. He's had plenty of experience with sex from previous relationships so I know it isn't him. I know some of you will say he should get a divorce ( I mentioned that to him before because she won't go to counseling - her religion discourages seeking "worldy" advice) but they have a kid now and he will not get a divorce because of that. He wishes now that he never got married and he feels trapped in a sexless relationship. I hope she can come to terms with her own sexual identity, whatever that is, but the conservative christian beliefs she has hinders any progress I think. |
This is a poor first article on the subject. After reading it, I thought, "So what?" The article does nothing to explain the universal applicability of the subject to the reader. Why should I care about asexuality?
at the risk of offending, being asexual sure seems like it would make life easier... |
Without sex: I would rather be dead! |
Ok. I am a bit confused and I'm trying to make sure I understand what it means to be asexual. I apologize if my question is inappropriate, or perhaps I am asking about things that are none of my business. I am asking NOW so that I do not inadvertently offend someone later in my ignorance. Here goes, from what I'm understanding, an asexual relationship would be just like any other relationship in that there would be cuddling and hugging and kissing, just no interest in the actual sexual intimacy? Or would someone who is asexual not enjoy (or desire) ANY forms of physical intimacy? As in hugging, back pats, or other strictly friendly type gestures. Do they not enjoy ANY physical contact, or just that which is overtly sexual?
Here I thought it meant frigid. |
Fascinating article which raises some important questions. Will asexuals seek out cohibitation with lifetime partners, as many gays and straights do? It will be interesting to see how this community develops and finds its identity.
I am an older man now, but when I was young and although gay functionally bisexual, I can assure you that I wasted countless hours adding up to months of my life in the rather successful but fleeting pursuit of sexual gratification. Yes, I had some enduring affairs and one very long term relationship, but considering what I've accomplished in my life I can only imagine what I could have achieved had I devoted even half of that time spend in the quest for sex on accomplishing the goals I had set for myself. I have no regrets. It is interesting to think about though. I wouldn't say I'm asxual now, but the needful desire for sex certainly doesn't rule me any more. |
I am an older man now, but when I was young and although gay functionally bisexual, I can assure you that I wasted countless hours adding up to months of my life in the rather successful but fleeting pursuit of sexual gratification. Yes, I had some enduring affairs and one very long term relationship, but considering what I've accomplished in my life I can only imagine what I could have achieved had I devoted even half of that time spend in the quest for sex on accomplishing the goals I had set for myself. I have no regrets. It is interesting to think about though. |
I suppose there are worse fates. Excessive sexual drive causes MANY problems, on many fronts. Strong sexual urges are very distracting, and affect judgement in the worst ways possible. |
Why is this listed under the 'Gay Voices' section? Excuse me, if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain that asexuals are not any variation of 'gay' (LGBTQ). Are we adding them on the bandwagon now too? Just curious. Will I see them at pride this year?
Do asexuals appreciate being told how smoking hot they are (because that Dave guy is pretty darn hot)? Or is it mildly annoying like when straight girls tell gay guys that "it is such a waste"?
Well, I guess I'm asexual too...A-SEXUAL-MAN, that is! Thank God for dudes and big D's!!! Any questions? |
Asexuals of the world, unite! You, well, have nothing to lose. . . |
I am happy you have started this series . Not only would it reduce ignorance about asexuality , it may help people better understand themselves |
I have questions. I know that some of the answers are going to be different from case to case, so saying whether it's possibly will do. 1) When someone says they're asexual, does that mean that they just have no sexual attractions, or that they are actually find sex repulsive? 2) Lacking sexual attractions, do asexuals have romantic attractions? 3) Do asexuals ever have sex as an expression of love, i.e. not for the physical sensation?
The article does not define what an asexual person is. |
I love ya buddy! But I am a bit confused - I have always felt that if two people loved each other, and the sex just wasn't there - that they should face their fears and go to sexual counseling together - how does this differ from a regular sexual problem? Lack of desire is also a common sex problem, isn't it? Common anti-depressant medicines "turn down" the sexual feelings a lot - |
Perhaps we as a society should stop identifying ourselves based on what we do or do not do with our sex organs. By doing so, we point to anyone who isn't fitting a particular paradigm, be it set by Queen Victoria or Queen Beyonce, and make judgements. I'm a post-menopausal female who is being told I should have the same sex life now as when I was 20, and if I'm not, I should "see a doctor", my huband should "see a doctor", I should explore alternatives, on and on. We're so flooded by pressures to see sex as love or sex as the reason for living. I wish this group success as I'm sure it will help that person who needs affirmation. |
Ever since I was a kid I knew we had asexual in nature. This is the very reason why I believe in homosexuality, too. We have gay in nature, too. Technically we are animals, too. Therefore, it makes no sense to me why animals would have certain sexual traits that humans wouldn't have. Also, I believe in monogamous humans because Penguins and other nature creatures mate for life. Unfortunately, some have multiple partners, too. People really should go outside and study nature. Siting in a church and having people with an agenda tell you about life by their biblical interpretation isn't based on fact. Nature is fact based. |
On a positive note, these people don't have to worry about STD's.
Ridiculous. Live your life. Quit defining yourself by what you do with your private parts. |
I think an asexual individual might be good in the clergy. |
so we have a new group of perverts,thats not news in america any more.
Having almost the opposite problem, I envy asexual people. I am a hundred pounds overweight to keep myself safe from others and myself. I don't remember not having a sexual identity (molestation may have contributed to that). |
I have a question - and I'm not judging AT ALL, I'm curious. I've never heard of this before reading this article, so I'm wondering... do asexual people have relationships then? Or do you choose to live alone or with friends/roommates/pets? I mean no disrespect, and I would sincerely appreciate a helpful answer. Thank you!
Sadly, asexual people are often labeled, "cold fish." Just because someone does not desire sexual relations, that does not make that person cold or unemotional. |
And here am I thinking that asexual was exclusive to (platyhelminthes) flatworms, and other assorted phylums. Little did I know! |
Stupid biology class! |
Very interesting article. To paraphrase Plato; a gift of your later years is the decrease in sex drive leading to more productive thought processes. Another interesting aspect of the topic is that there is a very prominent Ace in our current popular culture medium in the person of Dr. Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) who appears to be asexual. And his friends are trying to "fix" him in this respect, and seem to be having some limited success. Actually, I'm rather envious in some respects of this community, seems like a lot of aspects of life would be simplified. |
Until recently, I didn't know what asexuality was. I used to know a girl who I now believe was asexual. I was confused back then when she was explaining her lack of sexual desire. I'm glad that the Huffington Post is having this series so I can educate myself and not say something hurtful out of ignorance to someone who is asexual. |
Is there anything that doesn't have a "community"? |
he actually thinks he his sane |
Another branch of freakism, there has got to be an end to this madness...... |
Is it a woman after she has eaten wedding cake? |
I think a lot of human beings have always felt this way. Historically marriage was predicated on the idea that sex is a responsibility one owes society. "Close your eyes and think of England." |
There must be something lacking in your brain that you have no sexual feelings. It goes against nature. I support all human beings and their right to be sexual with who they want to be, straight, gay, and of course I support the asexuals but I cannot say that this is normal. Some neurons in your brain must not be firing.
Sex is wonderful, specially if you are doing it with someone you love and trust. I respect Asexuals though. Live and let live. |
Just another mentally and emotionally confused group of people
There are millions of men and women who have no interest in sex. You never heard of the word "Apatheist" either...it's people with no interest in religion. They could care less if there is a god or not. |
stupid ah |
Heterosexual? Homosexual? Bisexual? Asexual? Why exactly do people feel the need for a "community" to support their sexuality?
I WAS getting cheked out at the grocery store the other day the bagger asked if Ipreffered paper or plastic Isaid it made no difference to me because I considered myself BISACKUAL |
oh for gods sake, enough with the labels. good grief, |
can't wait for south park to do an episode on this haha |
"I started using the word 'asexual' when I was about 13 or 14." We know what the "a" stands for. Nasty, very nasty. |
Asexuaal, You mean that is another work for Queer, |
why is it called a sexual community when sex has nothing to do with it? LOL.. in the old days we called it simply a person who doesn't really like sex, frigid, or simply "leave me thehellalone," it sounds more like they are simply nonsexual. cool |
Some people just don't require sex, or think it is necessary, or desirable. Our society is so focused on sex and sexuality selling products, etc. |
I discovered my Asexuality the moment I first saw Hillary Clinton |
Oh good god now what ? |
Since we are supposed to be sexual beings with the purpose of multiplying the species, I submit that anyone who has no sexual attractions is defective.
It would be strange to date someone who is not sexually interested you in anyway. It would be like living with a best friend of the same sex.
I dont believe it. (I cant believe I'm typing this on the web, speaking of disbelief) but this is basically what disolved my marriage. I swear I thought i was pretty much the only one, other than certain subsets of people. Going to try to find contact info for these guys.
Anyone consider that sexuality is just one aspect of sensuality? Never heard of asexuality until now, and I am not asexual, but I as I ponder this I believe that aces can be sensual. People who are in touch with all of their senses can be very passionate and energetic about life and relationships.
I believe that my cousin is asexual. Did you know that the BBC show Sherlock has the title character written as an (aromantic) not too sure on that term, asexual? So many people love the show based simply on this portrayal alone! |
I think hormones, especially in women have a lot to do with it. That is why I don't judge women that are promiscuous, or not interested in sex. Our biological and chemical makeup is unique to us.
Just what we need,,,,,, another group of freaks trying to convince the normal people they're OK.....just different. Unless I forgot my Biology, sex is a necessity to perpetuate a species.....How can you embrace a lifestyle, if embraced by all, would doom the species??????
If asexuality is considered something people are born with, rather than choose to be, I'm wondering what about people who are not attracted to other persons possibly because of sexual abuse history in childhood, which 'shut down' that aspect of their development? Not specifically an anxiety around sex, but a lack of sexual attraction. Thoughts? |
I heard the term in 1984. |
I became asexual in 2008 as a result of changes in brain, following brain surgery to resect a brain tumor. Life is very different--not better or worse, just different. |
...This is stupid. If you're asexual, it doesn't mean you don't experience sexual attraction. If you're asexual, it means you have sex with yourself. It's in science. Something about bacteria. Or a cell splits itself, into two cells...because it doesn't need a partner, to produce offspring. So it has sex WITH ITSELF. I learned that in 6th grade science class. Huffintonpost readers need to go back to the 6th grade. |
uh oh, I'm gonna get bombarded with hate mail for this, but I think this guy has simply never met the one who floats his boat yet. I'm not buying it. We're like birds and mice and dogs, we were born horny and we die horny. Sorry, just being honest. This guy needs to get laid properly.
I recently read that 20% of all men have no, or almost no, sex drive. I'm sure it must be similar with women. With the advent of the "pill" a sense that people want sex 24/7 came with it. It's just not true. We're all different. So many people deny who they really are sexually. Some do want sex daily, and some monthly. Although there is certainly room to please one's partner/spouse. I knew a young woman who thought she had little sex drive. Then one night she met a man and that was it. Some are just much more particular. We aren't all the same. |
Why would anyone who is sexual want to be w/ a asexual?
Can someone enlighten me? I feel that sexuality is private regardless of sexual orientation. My brother in law was gay (a highjacked word) and was of the opinion that flaunting sexuality was in poor taste. Trash class. WHY do people find it necessary to display their orientation to the public? Is it low self esteem or a desire to get attention? Who cares what other people think?
uh oh, I'm gonna get bombarded with hate mail for this, but I think this guy has simply never met the one who floats his boat yet. I'm not buying it. We're like birds and mice and dogs, we were born horny and we die horny. Sorry, just being honest. This guy needs to get laid properly. He's super handsome and seems kind and good. He just needs to meet "the one" and then all is well.
Huh, I always referred to myself as asexual without realizing it was a whole community thing. Although, unlike the people in this article it means nothing to me that there are other asexual people out there. I guess I'm asocial as well. I find it a bit odd anyone would think they are the only person who has experienced something. |
I'll bet it's pretty tough to get a date at the asexual conference. |
You can give it a name and a definition but it's all a fallacy. Sexuality, like any other aspect of being human is really prone to flaw and brokenness. It's a brokenness of the fallen state of man. That's why people need God and it's what the human heart longs after, not really the physical pleasures (or not) of sex. In this man's own words he even admits he "Created" this definition. Such gender confusion by a pagan hedonistic world. But it's nothing new as pagan societies have existed centuries ago. We have a gender identity theft in a post modern thinking world.
What a weird article. First, "asexual" is not an obscure word. Second, asexual people is not an unusual concept. Third, just about everyone already knows that our world is oversexualized. Fourth, it's weird that someone would think they have to conform their sexuality to what virtually everyone knows is excess. Fifth, if you aren't interested in engaging in sex, why attempt sexual relations? Sixth, it's weird for people to define themselves by their sexuality. Seventh, it's weird that asexual people would assume they are homosexual. Asexuality used to be well-known in Christianity. As much as possible, Christians are encouraged to be asexual, and even the New Testament talks about people who are asexual, either because God made them that way or because man made them that way. So, asexual people should not have a problem having their non-sexuality accepted in the Christian community. It's only in a world in which everyone is expected to be hyper-sexual that asexuals should have trouble finding a place. |
I spent years in the nightclubs with my friends, watching them "score" while I usually went home alone, feeling left out in the cold. Then, one day, I stopped going out because I realized that I was just trying to fit in. I don't need sex or someone to love to be happy. If that makes me a freak then so be it. |
Asexuality is just another name for a man who has been married longer than six months. It is forced upon him by his wife!
Sometimes I feel like that but then realize it was the drugs. |
Curious, have 'asexuals' never have engaged in self pleasuring? Or did once to see how the anatomy works but found it un-stimulating? Or does the internal wiring not work? As I read this I'm understanding it as they 'appear' to fit visual gender description but the internal wiring is off. Sort of like a car with chassis but missing a few parts for the motor and transmission. Does this mean someone over 40 single and never married can claim they are an "Ace" and be given hiring preferences to get a job? I bet in todays economy there would be a lot more "Aces" than you think! If I claim I am androgynous, asexual and ambidextrous can I get preferred rights and a better job than working as juggler at the circus? If they have 'all the parts' of their respective gender than aren't they more aptly "ASD" - asexual sex drive - rather than asexual? Or are they the first multi celled complex bio organism that can self replicate? Who knew we've been having cloned humans long before Lucy the sheep! I think the choice of word to describe their situation purposely confusing.
Actually, it would be fascinating if a complete in depth study was done as to why people develop the way they do, especially with no desire to reproduce, a strong desire in species. Some books I have read that look at the development of the human brain and sexuality: THE RED QUEEN by Matt Ridley, THE FEMALE BRAIN and THE MALE BRAIN by Louann Brizendine, and WHY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE HAVE MORE DAUGHTERS by the late Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa. All look at the Nature vs Nurture effects. |
Maybe some day people will realize there is no "normal" & let each person be who he or she is. |
Well this is great, this is going to be the real challenge. How broad can the scope of people's willingness to respect other people decisions go? Because right now as we attempt to accept "marriage equality" ( and I used quotation marks on purpose) things like "virgin shaming" are popular. So are we going to exchange one trend for the other like going from a Coach bag to Gucci bag? Or are we going to once and for all respect everyone as long as they aren't hurting anyone? Bravo to the aces community for widening the dialogue. |
I imagine 100 years ago, there would have been no need for such a term, or special group, as it is only today's world with such an obsessive focus on sexuality that 'makes' people think there is something wrong with them if they don't experience continuous sexual feelings. I think the distortion is in the modern experience of sexuality, that, through advertising, media, and hype, has made hypersexuality the 'norm'. |
So now they finally have a name for women who put on a wedding ring. |
Ignorance is Bliss is no more apparent than in this story, where HuffPost has decided to categorize it, and the Agenda that is trying to redefine the meaning of the word. Asexuality means NO SEXUAL ATTRACTION TO ANYONE. Straight or Gay. However, just as with grouping Bisexual persons into their Marriage debate, the Gay Community is trying to adhere Asexuality to their Agenda. Ignorance. It isnt about Same-Sex Attraction... it is about the total lack of ANY sexual attraction. |
Makes sense. Nature is a crazy thing. Amazing really how the world sort of works for balance despite our darndest efforts at excess and/or sparsity. Almost as crazy is how we are all taught from very early on about "unique". No two things are identical, finger prints, snow flakes, there can be only one...wait that's Highlander...anyway. We revel in uniqueness and elevate "special" things and people. Then we freak right the heck out if somebody doesn't think, act, perceive or react in the "normal" way. We aren't the brightest species are we? Always lovely to hear that folks who were in need of one, came upon a community they can call home. |
would love to be asexual with him.he is cute |
Sex has always occupied too much of humanity's time and attention. If you think about how problems get started, I swear it's possible to trace everything back to sex (seriously!). As Lord Chesterfield said, "The pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense is damnable." Like wolf 123, I, too, would like to have back all that time that I wasted on sex and its attendant problems.
I thought asexuality was a condition that occured in women shortly after saying "I do". |
I admire people who don't feel they "have to be" a something, a this or that. It's like claiming to be a rebel and to be different, but ending up to look and act like 'everybody' else. IE: (No offense meant), Goths, hippies (of old), tough outlaw bikers, tattoo covered cage fighters, and Gangstas, ho hum, etc. Why put on a costume? Why so desperate to have an "identity" of some kind? Sometimes I think it's the hardest thing to just accept ourselves as we are and to hell with what other's may think. Maybe it's just easier to go with the flow and join a herd. |
I am very happy to read this is "coming out" in the open so people like myself can stop feeling so "deprived" or left out or whatever. Although my asexuality stems from being very damaged as a child, it still helps to know there are others I can at least talk to. I have been to therapy for years and AA and NA and have been in recovery for 17 years. YAY Me! Thank you for starting a great community called AVEN. I will be checking it out. Whatever the reason, it's ok to be who you are.
For all of you out there who are not sure if you're actually Asexual. The AMA has recently done a study and here are their findings.....If Kate Upton comes to your door and you tell her to go away.....You are Asexual ...or DEAD !!! |
People love labels to much. |
So, it's just a fancy term for eunich then. Eunichs have been around since biblical times. |
If all Priests were "someone who does not experience sexual attraction.", wouldn't that be nice? |
SCHOOLS need to start talking about asexuality. They introduce sex in Kindergarten now, and kids think there's something wrong with them if they don't associated with the hetero or homosexual labeling. Worse, there are huge numbers of kids who have Asperger's that live their lives in a world of black and white, this or that, who because of their social "disorder" don't relate as well to other kids. Yet, they MUST be either homo or heterosexual, because that's how the teachers (and parents) say the world works. I know a few who have had sexual experiences that they hated, because they think they're gay and this is what they're supposed to be doing. When you say, "I think you're asexual," they tell you there's no such thing, because those in authority didn't tell them there is such a thing. Lives are destroyed when you introduce sexuality so early in childhood development (young boys especially are confused because they have no interest in girls for part of those years of "teaching") and when you leave out this important "group" of people who really have no interest in sex. None. And please don't try to "fix them." This is who they are. Now add it to your explanation of sexuality. You will be saving some kids a whole lot of grief. Demand that your schools incorporate it in their Sex Ed curriculum. NOW! |
just another label in a society that demands there be no labels |
I don't understand why someone would ridicule an asexual but I suppose there's always somebody ready and willing to pounce on something different from themselves. |
I would become an instant asexual if I was surrounded by Republicans |
Although I have never been plagued with that problem I see no problem with those that do have this problem. Leaves more for those that enjoy sexual relations. |
HAHAHAHA, why does anyone who may think them selfs to maybe be a little off from the norm, hech who isnt,,FEEL THIS BIG DESIRE TO LABEL THEMSELFS AS A MEMBER OF A GROUP? what does it accomplish? haha, and when are they going to push for protected status under their civil right being violated? gotta be something in it for them,,, |
Many marriages turn asexual after a while. |
What does an asexual fantasize to while masturbating?
I am happy to see this out, its the closest description of what a lot of people feel like and cant share it because everyone finds labels and names for you. Is so discouraging to have pressure from all of your friends to be active like them when your a teenager and you don't want to. Some people enjoy the elation of being happy even more than focusing on libido. |
That would be horrible. |
There are thousands of menopausal and post-menopausal women out there who wish they could be asexual. But, alas, we are married and still have to tend to our husband's needs. Sigh..... |
Not sure if this comment is PC but I think sex is more than just LUST..there is so much more to it that everyone should experience it in life. To be asexual takes that away from a person. I find that somewhat heart breaking.
This was a very interesting read. I have never heard of this form of sexuality outside of biology class. I wish David Jay all the best, and I sincerely hope the fundamentalists don't get on their soap box about this. |
Wow, congrats on this article covering Aven ..and congrats to the Aven founder. I am just a Sociology student and have been intrigued about this subject matter and continuing on in the fall, I'm excited to learn more and write about it. This series will give me a more abundant resource rather than the 1/4 page that was written in the book in 1970! :p Nothing but respect and support for you all. |
geezuz..another community? why all the labels..i can't get enuff sex from my wife, i'm male and wife's a female. I know you find that strange , but what label does that give me
I'm struggling with the "asexual transgender" (isn't that...an oxymoron?) and I laugh at the fact there is a "gay pride" Ad under the "Asexual" article. Gay is not Asexual, and sex reassignment really goes against what Asexual really means at its root.....It's great they formed a group that apparently anyone can join, and they call it "Asexual" .. So we really have a diverse group celebrating something that at its core is not diverse at all.... I also find it interesting that it says "Asexuals experience sexual arousal and intimacy different from each other and other people." (paraphrased.) isn't that the entirety of the Human Genome? So, we have a group for everyone, founded by Asexuals, for Asexuals, but no actual Asexuals join, or is it everyone is Asexual? Can't we call this what it really is? People who have come together out of some mutual feeling of not wanting to be defined, this is almost the same thing as Transcendentalism. All you college level kids Doing "American Identity." could use these articles to easily obtain an A. Of course, Grading these days has gone down the tube...everyone has to "get" and A. What ever happened to EARNING...but that's Another story. I applaud Asexuals (ahem..everyone)
I never heard of this condition .What a shame this poor guy has never known the joys of a normal healthy sexual relationship and the closeness that it brings to a married couple.
A good round of therapy would help most of these delusionals.
It is okay to have whatever level of attraction, interest, and desire for sex that one has. It matters not if they couldn't care less about sex or care tremendously for it, if they experience sexual attraction for all people or for no one at all, or if they have a large desire for sex or no desire for sex - it is all 100% perfectly a-okay: http://a-okay.org/. |
Thank you so much for this series, HuffPo. In a culture where the "sexual revolution" has taken us full-circle from shaming and pathologizing having and wanting sex to shaming and pathologizing NOT having or wanting it, it continues to be of paramount importance for the media to humanize and highlight asexuals, lest people continue to think, much as they did with heterosexuality before gay awareness, that sexual attraction is a defining part of everyone's existence.
I always thought I was a strange duck in a world that revolved around sexuality and the rituals that went with it. So nice to know that I am not alone. I never had a desire to marry and if I kissed someone all I could think about is how germy that is. I really tried to be normal and just now these past few years just decided to be myself. I really like people and friendships, just don't have a desire to have sex with them. I would also like to have a purely intellectual relationship with someone, but most people couldn't handle the limits of such a premise . I tried to have a boyfriend these past 5 years but I can't pretend anymore. It's not fair to him or myself. Are there really people like me? Am I normal?
Thank you Huffington Post. If it weren't for this series, I would still not know who I am. |
See Henry , I told you so. Well I am a neat freak, the thought of anyone elses germs on me make me just panic. And the physical anatomy is soo ugly Who designed that mess?lol I grew up as a very beautiful woman or so I have been told. And I tried to fit in like everyone else. But honestly I had to get drunk to even get near to a man.It was horrible 4 marriages and three children later- I am now old an alone accepting it and happy about it,,I have discovered I do not have to be like everyone else.Asexual fits me to a tee. they say Montgomery Clift was asexual as well.. but he had strange antics.I can love stronger deeper and longer than anyone.. just not with my body ! Keep the change you filthy animal..LOL (from home alone) . |
One pop culture example of asexuality being given positive and normalizing recognition is the the webcomic Girls with Slingshots, which has brought up several marginalized sexual subcultures along with the rest of its slice-of-life humor topics. I highly recommend it - socially conscious and just great humor. |
Asexuality is a bit of a misnomer in many cases; there's actually a distinction between analloeroticism and true asexuality, wherein the former lacks sexual attraction to others but maintains a sex drive, while the latter lacks a sex drive in part or in full. |
When I saw this diagram http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/19/asexual-spectrum_n_3428710.html My first thought was that there is something wrong when specifying your sexual identity is more complex than ordering at Starbucks.
Thanks for including me in the article. It was great working with you, Dominique. I'd also add the following link at the bottom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEeGuCCQ_8w |
to those saying asexuality is not a 'legitimate sexuality' or that 'noone cares' if people don't like sex or that asexuals 'don't face the same discrimination that LGBT people do', this is the EXACT discrimination we face; from sexual people who criticize/mock our lack of sexuality. growing up, i didn't fit into any group. i felt alienated; not capable of being satisfied with straight/gay relationships. i felt like a freak, not normal... we live in a hypersexual world, and not being a part of that makes you a stranger. the fact that most of my sexual friends can't understand and think there's something wrong with me is PROOF that we need asexuality awareness. WE ARE REAL PEOPLE, WE DON'T LIKE/WANT TO HAVE SEX. EVER. try telling a lover you don't want to have sex. watch them freak, watch how it falls apart. try telling your parents they will never have grandkids because you won't reproduce. watch them cringe in disgust. try explaining to a friend that a movie sex scene, or a hug that goes on for too long, or a song with sexual references makes you uncomfortable. watch how they roll their eyes. finding asexuality was not just finding my identity, but a comfort: i'm not a freak, i'm ok. imagine telling a homosexual to 'get over it' or 'noone cares' about their identity? it's not ok. neither is it ok to say that to asexuals. we deserve the same respect anyone else does. |
I don't get why this is a thing. Some people aren't interested in the weather, either.
Asexuals can continue being asexual, and the rest of us will continue not caring, and society will continue not doing anything that harms asexuals in any way. It seems as if the articles about Asexuality this week are trying to paint some kind of parallel between these people and us in the LGBT community. We're all human, and they happen to also not technically be heterosexuals, and that's about as similar as it gets. I wish them well in "acheiving greater visibility" but people need to stop acting as if asexuals are facing down some great struggle for equality or something.
I've observed from the comments sections that the contributors to this series are actively participating in the discussions so: Thank you for this series. It's been wonderful food for though, and may even help me to understand someone I love better.
I don't really think most asexual people get persecuted very much or at all. Asexual people do not want to have sex with anyone of either gender. In our society, it is perfectly acceptable to reject sexual advances from other people. While the religious right condemns homosexuality as supposedly evil, asexual people don't engage in any sexual acts that anyone else can condemn as supposedly being evil. The only real anger that I think asexual people are likely to occur is anger from other people who aren't asexual and who want to have sex with them. I suppose there is a bit of social expectation that people have some degree of sexual desire towards others, and some people might be incredulous if they find out someone else is asexual. But look at politics, people get in trouble for sex scandals, they don't get in trouble for not-having-sex scandals. Nothing about asexuality could ever be remotely scandalous, it is the exact opposite of what people would find scandalous. Throughout history, plenty of old bachelors and old maids who never married and never had any children lived out their lives in an asexual manner, usually with little or no scandal. It's really not a big deal. In fact, perhaps asexuals are the ones who have it easiest, because sex is more trouble than it's worth for lots of people who are sexual and want it anyway, plus asexuals don't have to worry about STDs or contributing to overpopulation. Less worries in life.
Thank you so much for this series! I'm sure this helped loads to educate more people about asexuality and I hope some might even accept it as a "normal thing" and not scoff at us. Every article is a step to more awareness among the general population and help that more kids realize asexuality exists before starting to think something is wrong with them, or they are broken. Furthermore I appreciate the overall rational and matter-of-fact tone of this series, lacking the often seen "omg do you see this, can you believe this exists?!" sentiment.
Great video. I liked these people a lot. The pendulum may be starting to swing the other way. From a surfeit and glut of sexuality, forced on everyone - to sexuality becoming less imperative and more private. I wish I had this information when I was young and wondered if I was "normal". I have a low sex drive and could have put sex off until my mid-twenties.
If you aren't interested in sexual activities there's nothing wrong with that. |
I have been reading this series and learning a lot. Thank you to those who have written and also to those who have answered my questions in the comment section. I am honestly just trying to understand better, but I am still having a difficult time understanding the difference between asexuality and someone who simply has a very low sexual drive. Was there an article that I missed or would someone mind elaborating for me a bit?
I'll step onto the minefield by saying...it's not like there is a history or intolerance, hatred, discrimination, or prejudice against ACEs. To compare the ACE "movement" to the LGB and T movements is really a stretch.
Why can't sexual people accept the fact that some of us just DO NOT like sex. Never have and never will. It's a weird strange act. |
It's been a good week, and I enjoyed speaking with (most of) the commentors. I'm very glad to see that more people have come to understand what it means to be asexual, and I hope that the people who have been harsh about the articles have a little more to think about now. Thank you Dominique and everyone else at the Huffington Post who made this possible! |
As is everything in nature, there is always a wide range on spectrum of what we like and dislike, obsess over or are indifferent to. So it is not surprising when it comes to sex the human appetite ranges from over indulgence to total indifference . And so what? Whether you have sex twice a day, twice a week, twice a month, twice a year or twice in a decade this is your own personal preference and is nobody else's business. As long as you are not hurting anyone, your sexual preference and sexual frequency is no concern to those who feel they have to go around codifying, labeling, naming and boxing people into categories so that they can know how to treat them. |
Do asexual individuals lack a sexual orientation? or are they heterosexual and homosexual individuals simply uninterested in sex? All the individuals in the Huff Post Live discussion seem to be gay. Are there asexual heterosexuals?
Without actually going to a dictionary - different brands of which offer differing, vague answers - I have yet to have anyone explain to me in simple terms what "transgender" and "asexual" really mean. Lots of articles about it. None define it. They just talk about it. A lot. Anyone want to educate me? I feel I should know, but I don't know if this is a physical thing, a mental thing, a social thing or something else I don't understand. For instance. I am a man. My husband is a man. We love each other and are married. I am a gay - or if you prefer - homosexual man. Easy. Simple. Concise. In those same kinds of terms, can anyone define "asexual" or "transgender"? (not to be confused with transvestite or drag queen as I'm quite familiar with both of those).
Word of advice to asexuals, if someone asks you on a date, let them know upfront your orientation. As a hetero. male, nothing is more discouraging to ask someone on a date, go on the date and then be told "I just like you as a friend"..this goes to all hetero females out there also...if you aren't attracted to the asker then politely say "I'm not interested" or "I'm only interested as a friend". It may be a callus thing to say, but most guys will not ask a girl on a date to be friends...that's what other guys are for, it's because we find you attractive and want to get to know you better.. Also, if you are dating someone else and you go on a date with some other dude, then you are considering dumping your boyfriend. If you aren't, then refuse. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to go out with another guy. If she would, then she is not loyal..let her go. |
I'd happily date an asexual. I'm gay but extremely prudish. |
How can asexuals even try to understand what sexuality is, since they don't have the mental capacity to understand the concept of sexual attraction. So how can they understand what asexuality is? |
These men and women are going to have the hardest time separating themselves from that other umbrella term, "genderqueer". |
to those saying asexuality is not a 'legitimate sexuality' or that 'noone cares' if people don't like sex or that asexuals 'don't face the same discrimination that LGBT people do', this is the EXACT discrimination we face; from sexual people who criticize/mock our lack of sexuality. growing up, i didn't fit into any group. i felt alienated; not capable of being satisfied with straight/gay relationships. i felt like a freak, not normal... we live in a hypersexual world, and not being a part of that makes you a stranger. the fact that most of my sexual friends can't understand and think there's something wrong with me is PROOF that we need asexuality awareness. WE ARE REAL PEOPLE, WE DON'T LIKE/WANT TO HAVE SEX. EVER. try telling a lover you don't want to have sex. watch them freak, watch how it falls apart. try telling your parents they will never have grandkids because you won't reproduce. watch them cringe in disgust. try explaining to a friend that a movie sex scene, or a hug that goes on for too long, or a song with sexual references makes you uncomfortable. watch how they roll their eyes. finding asexuality was not just finding my identity, but a comfort: i'm not a freak, i'm ok. imagine telling a homosexual to 'get over it' or 'noone cares' about their identity? it's not ok. neither is it ok to say that to asexuals. we deserve the same respect anyone else does. |
I actually want to point out before dozens come in here to take to the comments (and in reply to the article). To state that asexuals shouldn't be welcome in the LGBT because their discrimination isn't as bad, or is non existent just goes to further the discrimination against them (and even justify it!). It's basically like saying... "Since your discrimination isn't real, or isn't as bad as real members of the LGBT you shouldn't be welcome in the LGBT community!" Any discrimination is bad, regardless of the other negative events that already take place against the LGBT doesn't mean that because it's "not as bad" they shouldn't be welcome. It's a silly, and pointless argument. You have a set of allies standing on the side lines looking for all of the same things you are. The acceptance and equality of sexual diversity and gender identities. To remain separate from one another is a pointless battle that leads to nothing but bickering among two similar groups. Asexuals still struggle with acceptance of themselves and their sexual identity, something many LGBT persons struggle with and look for acceptance in any community willing to accept them. To have the LGBT cast out an asexual struggling with his sexual identity is terrible an unjustifiable.
Asexualism seems more like the sexual manifestation of a personality disorder than anything else. I'd say probably schizoid. Maybe even a coping or defense mechanism to deal with erotophobia. Bottom line: it's not normal.
I am sorry but I tend to agree with Dan Savage's POV on this. Why should a group of people who have no desire or urges to have sex be included with the LGBT Community? Does the LGBT Community need to become a mixed bag of people whenever we are not sure where to classify them? By saying any of this I do not discount their own personal plights I just do not see the correlation. Do we now have to label ourselves the LGBTA Community? What's next? Personally I have been surprised to see so many articles on this subject under the gay voices section of the HP, obviously someone is trying very hard to get us to make this correlation. I will gladly be an ally of the ACE Community but do not believe we all need to be lumped together.
So, let me see here. Asexuals are discriminated against how? I have never run across a boss firing someone for not having sex. Never heard anyone getting kicked out of an apartment for not having sex. Most parents and officals would be thrilled with folks not having sex. And most of the folks I know (gay and straight) spend very little time detailing their sex lives to groups, crowds, bosses, family and friends and so I have no idea who is and who is not having sex. So I guess I just must be missing something here. Yeah it can make you feel different and maybe awkward, but I feel that way about being short.
If your reason for denying inclusion of asexuals in our community is based solely on SEX, then I fail to see how you're much different than those anti-gay bigots who only see homosexuals through the prism of SEX. It's precisely because we've been persecuted that we need to be more inclusive of other groups...an asexual person didn't choose to be that way any more than I chose to be homosexual. |
even though i support asexual people in their struggle for acceptance, I have to say that I don't think they belong in the lgbt community...we are loosing our identity, asexuality isnt the same as being gay, it just isnt, they should be supported by the lgbt community but i dont think it should be LGBTA, there will be no end
*hugs asexual people* You are most welcome
This alphabet soup of acceptance is starting to get a bit silly.
"LGBT alphabet soup" is right. Now there is Q for questioning. Which is just a mixed up Bisexual that will turn to L or G or commit to B. Once they commit, they aren't Q anymore. Now let's add A for someone who has no sexual attraction. We are becoming kinda ridiculous.
Stop acting like you know what an asexual individual goes through. You don't, and neither do I. When did we decide to become the type of people that discriminated against us and continue to over the years? When did we decide that it was alright to slap people willing to be our friends and allies in the face? Your hurting our cause and theirs by using the same justifications that have been used against us. How dare you! I'll take an ACE ally over an elitist ally any day and everyday. |
I'm all for equal rights for everyone, regardless of what their sexuality is. Open question: when do we stop adding letters and new labels? Never? Should every sexual orientation that is not straight be lumped together? Also, to me the term 'ace' seems a bit corny. "Mark McClemont, a 49-year-old homoromantic ace who lives in Reading, England, added that the ace community has learned so much from the LGBT movements that have come before it." A homoromantic ace?
Yes. The gay rights movement is about adults being free to love who they want, even if that means no one. But, let's stop with the alphabet soup name.
Well, taking this to the next logical step, shall we include straight people in the LGBTQ community?
Whats the fascination with being a "minority" or "protected class"? At one point in time, it wasnt so sensationalized and praised. It was a bummer to be part of that group. I know from experience because I live it every day in my brown skin. Its not something that I have to profess to the world and then force everyone to accept. I, like many others, just live it. People spend so much time fighting for equal rights and to NOT be put into a box separate from society just so we all could put ourselves into our own self prescribed box. Ridiculous!!
The problem starts with the classification of any group as a "sexual orientation". Yes, being gay means you are sexually aroused by members of your own sex. But there is so much more to it than just the sex. One may also share love, friendship and a life with that person. Asexual persons may find that they feel most comfortable having a close relationship with someone from the opposite sex, and others may feel that they feel happiest in the company of someone of the same sex. From what I read, there are straight Asexuals, bi Asexuals and Gay Asexuals. Therefore the bi and the gay Asexuals should be welcomed into the LGBT community.
I'm asexual and always was - and doing without sex did not make me unhappy. I'm pretty old, and when I was young it was more "acceptable" to not have sex - some people were actually willingly chaste, so some people might have thought I was a prude, or waiting for marriage or something, but they didn't think I was "disordered" for not wanting to hop into bed with someone I'd known for about 10 hours. If I was going through this today in the time of the hookup, not sure how people deal with it. Having said that, I'm struggling with what this "discrimination" is. You don't have a partner (although you certainly should have friends) and there is nothing at all obvious about your preferences unless you are carrying a sign that says "Asexual" -- and just why are you doing that?
Who paid for this documentary, what a total waste of time in fact the entire LGBTQIABCOLsLdND (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, Bear, Cub, Otter, Leather sub, leather daddy,not sure, don't tell anyone and so on) Whew that's a mouthful (no pun intended to the asexys) community declarations have gotten out of hand its GAY, if that does not fit you start your own. And for the record all this is about the right to marriage and relationships and diversity. So your all covered, now you can thank us because unlike you, we the gay community never discriminated against you!!
I'm not sure I get it.. What civil rights does an asexual person not have?
I welcome the Asexual community into the wider non-fitting-into-traditional-gender-or-sex-roles community! I see it as just another expression of human sexuality. Even the lack thereof belongs on the scale of sexuality, just like the lack of religion belongs on a scale of religiosity. Visibility is important, because it leads to more open conversation and hopefully education. I see it is akin to bisexuality, in that some of us "look straight" and as long as we're in a hetero relationship, people think we're straight, even though that isn't the case. Correct me if I'm wrong, but an ace not in a relationship could be seen as someone who is perpetually single and no one asks you about a sex life, which is nobody's business anyway! Or if two aces are in a relationship, people assume you're having sex. And there are many who identify as LGBT, and there are many aces who fall somewhere along an ace spectrum, correct? While aces who fall into "normal" categories, i.e. looking straight, may not experience blatant discrimination like the LGBT community can (housing or employment, for example), just the fact that people question its very existence, or think that something's wrong with their hormones (there is a distinction between hyposexual and asexual), there was some trauma in childhood (sound familiar ?) shows that there is plenty of misinformation and potential for harm out there. Let's not be exclusive, let's be inclusive!
here is my thought on this as a gay 24 yr old. not sure why really they would be included because LGBT refers to people who are ACTING on their sexual desires/identities.. asexuals are not sexual, they abstain. but on the other hand i semi see the thought process since they want inclusion as to fall under the umbrella of a group of people who face sexual discrimination.... BUT AGAIN they dont face sexual discrimination because they dont partake or engage in a sexual lifestyle... it'd be confusing to include in them but if they really want to come into the rainbow tent, i guess more the merrier....
There's enough room at the table for everyone (even straight people)! There is also power in numbers. I'm not sure, however, that asexuals' needs are always best served by being a part of lgbt. For one thing, if grouped together it is too easy for those unfamiliar with asexuality to see the world as 'normal,' and 'other,' and gross generalizations follow. This does a disservice to everyone. While, historically, various groups have joined to accomplish specific goals, they retain their differences. These differences should be acknowledged and respected. To that end, it is high time for a HuffPo Asexual Voices page. |
If someone chooses not to have sex, that is their prerogative, but are they really a "group"? I just don't see them as being discriminated against. I've really never heard anyone say: "You know, I just don't get those GD asexuals". Much Ado About Nothing, if you ask me.
It is NOT part of the LGBT community. No one is denying any rights to people who choose not to have sex. Sexual acitvity should be a private matter (unless you're those two pigs who were caught having sex in a McDonald's bathroom). How is the fact that someone is not having sex relevant to anyone but the people not having sex? How would anyone know?
Of course Asexuals should be included in the LGBT(etc) community. Any suggestion otherwise makes no sense. LGBT(etc) is an umbrella term for anybody who does not identify as heterosexual or cisgendered. It's truly is that simple. |
If one bothers to pay attention to just how many LGBTQ* people also identify as asexual, demisexual, or gray-a, one would realize that the communities are already linked.
No they shouldn't we don't need str8 people our group support yes claim to be part of us no.
How the bloody hell is this even a thing? Honestly, if you're against such inclusion of Aces, then perhaps take a long, hard look at your life, and ask yourself: when did I become so hypocritical? |
First of all, if you add the A, let's agree not to do it after the T. LGB T&A just sounds wrong. Otherwise, seems to me that the umbrella is already covering completely different yet widely discriminated against groups, so why not?
I support equal rights for all people however, gay is gay.
EVERYBODY who WANTS to belongs in the LGBT community. Cut the crap!
I also have no problem with the more letters. And the fewer letters. Identify where you do. Those upset about the number of letters have certainly never attended any radical groups where people give their bonafides ... I'm a cis-gendered, queer-identifed male pro-feminist, anti-racist, immigrant & prisoner rights advocate that identified as homo sapian |
Many people are starting to use "GSRM", for "Gender, Sexuality, Romantic Minorities" or something like that. It's a way of being able to cover everyone, without having to deal with petty fights breaking out over "Adding another letter to LGBTQ*".
OK, I'm gonna put my foot in it and say this whole dust-up sounds an awful lot like gender-based cross-talk between a mostly male LGBT "side" and a mostly female asexual "side". Yes, I know LGBT's ain't all male, but the ones doing most of the objecting here seem to be. And I know all asexuals ain't female, but look at most of the comments, the blog posts and the picture at the top of this article. I heard the same things said in the early 80's, when there was a "gay" movement that needed lesbians and vice-versa: gay men had more political clout and social influence (it was the 80's and they were men, after all). And lesbians were, well, alive. They were not dropping like flies from a mysterious plague. We needed each other. We had to make it work. But it didn't happen without endless discussions about "inclusion". Not without the lesbians going on ad nauseam about categorizing each other (as the "homoromantic aces" and so forth have done in this forum), and getting hurt feelings for not being invited into this clique or that, like 5th-grade girls on a playground. And not without the gay men having their eyes glaze over when the lesbians wanted yet another meeting about yet another inclusiveness issue, and finally retreating into inaction, in the same way straight men sometimes retreat to their man-caves when the girl talk gets too deep. Both "sides" had to give to make it work. |
Asexual people have their own community. They have the asexual community. Just because a sexuality is abnormal, doesn't mean it fits as LGBT. |
NO, and let's break up LGBT into separate groups. They don't belongs together, either. There are separate reasons, separate causes, separate goals. I don't want to be part of a sandwich or alphabet soup. |
Asexuals should be included. This community is about accepting people that aren't "the norm". It's about standing up for each other and protecting each other. To say asexuals shouldn't be included because they don't face as much oppression as us is ridiculous and absurd. |
There is this strange measure of relative acceptance that when 'aces' first broach the subject of their difference, the initial reaction is usually "then what are you, gay?" That even in self assessment, an ace may think of him or herself as gay or lesbian first before realizing and moving on to a-sexiness. In as much as this happens, they should be considered part of the LGBT sexual diaspora. By definition anyone in a sexual minority that makes up 1% of sexual expression belongs with us. And yes, the LGBT… acronym is growing and getting unwieldy. Can’t we all agree on one term that designates the diaspora with simple prefixes or suffixes to designate the specifics? I think its about time that we recognize that the diaspora, ’queer’ or whatever, is not the sole property of any one minority. |
I think it would be helpful if people started viewing the LGBT "community" as what I think it really is, that being more of a "political alliance." We have an LGBT community center in the town I live in. Depending on the night of the week they have events for Gays, events for Lesbians, events for Bisexuals or events for Transgener people. And then some nights they have more general events that are inclusive of all. We can fight a political fight together, but it does not mean we cannot also focus on our own smaller communites as well when we need to. I also do see why some fear a rush of various groups to join now that the LGBT community has gained acceptance, it can seem to many that a flood gate has been opened now that we are winning many battles. Some people are just cautious due to how long we have been fighting and also because of the very tenous nature of many of our wins. I don't like how many lash out in response though, it is very similiar to how many reacted to including Transgender.
Dan Savage has come around on the asexual thing. In fact, he's had David Jay on his show a few times. Welcome to queerdom, Aces! It's good to find a home :).
I don't really care either way... but, just thinking out loud here: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender. Which one of these means Asexual?
I don't see how people could be against asexuals joining the LGBT community. Asexuals are treated as sick or repressing their sexuality. We are considered just as if not more bad than homosexuals and even stranger. People can understand how a guy can like a guy , even if they think it sinful but somehow no one can accept that maybe one cannot like either men or women in a sexual way. |
I'm all for asexual inclusion. They share all kinds of experiences of being treated as 'queer' for not being heteronormative heterosexuals. Being trans isn't about having sex, either, but they still are subject to homophobia whoever they do or do not have sex with. I don't seem to recall stopping being queer just cause my lady love's been far away for a long time. |
I look forward to the day where people are not identified by their sexuality. When an asexual person is simply a person. When a transexual person is a person and can identify himself or herself by whatever preferred pronoun without scorn. When a gay marriage is just a marriage. Equality for ALL!! |
I would tend to think that asexuality would be a subset for any group, be they ethnic, LGBT, gender based etc. I don't see someone's asexuality as being threatened or threatening. Like...I don't see people being against asexuals using their bathrooms or getting married, or buying a home. Maybe I need to expand my train of thought.
yeah, come on in, just leave your religion at the door
When the goal is equality for all, how can we exclude one group? We need to re-brand to GSD immediately and save everyone the hassle. |
Funny how the more successful the Gay community becomes the more letter get added. When I first came out gay meant everyone with same sex attraction, it was inclusive. Then it became Gay and lesbian because lesbians wanted to be more visible which lead to a long period if the incredibly stupid "Gay men and lesbians". Then we needed to the T because the T's felt excluded. Same with the Bs As soon as we started with the making a list rather than an inclusive word, the list became exclusive. If you were not on the list, you were not included. Asexuals should never have had to ask to be put on the exclusive list because we never should have started with the exclusive list. to |
As an asexual, I don't particularly identify with the LGBT community -- but that's cool if others do. It depends on what the individuals in question are seeking from their identification and allegiance, and I would presume a lot of the tension on different goals here. If gay people are most interested in a movement that celebrates gay sexual relationships, I can see why they would not have any interest in having asexuals in their tent. But if someone joins the community because they believe it celebrates experience outside of the sexual norm, then asexuals do seem like natural allies. I say that even while I as an asexual doesn't identify with the GLBT tent and am nothing but a supportive ally. This perhaps stems from my experience in college thinking I'd get understanding from gay kids when I said (not yet having discovered the asexual movement) that I just didn't care about sex at all and therefore I also didn't fit in, but they most frequently thought I was repressing being gay and therefore were not a good place to find support. Others' mileage will of course vary. But everyone brings their own baggage, needs, expectations, and areas of comfort to these kinds of groups. |
Asexuals should be included under the queer umbrella, as they are a sexual minority. For me, queer means "not straight," which in turn means "not a cisgender, heterosexual, heteroromantic individual." If you fit that definition, welcome to the acronym. On another note though, saying that asexuals are apart of the "LGBT" community is a bit wrong. Literally by definition, LGBT means "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender." It's why if I'm referring to the whole queer community, I just refer to it as such or the LGBTQ community.
I see this as being similar to whole Transgender thing. You have a few people who want to be associated with the LGBT in much the way there were a few people who wanted to be labeled Transgender and attached to the LGBT. The problem is they never asked what the rest of us wanted they just they were just trying to be inclusive. Now almost twenty years later all the research is garbage because many of us won't take a Transgender survey and want nothing to do with either the LGBT or Transgender groups. If L and G's were smart they'd dropp the rest of the alphabet soup before it bites them hard them hard for the discrimination tht it is. You don't get to include people without heir consent and bully them when they reject like Transgender activists do. Te Transgender Umbrella is going to be dismantled because it is sex discrimination and a perverted form of reparative therapy. |
If you want to be technical, based on the name "LGBT" the answer would appear to be no. But for what it's worth, I hate technicalities. As a heterosexual, I feel very much a part of my local LGBT community. I have many friends and a son in the community. I hang out with them in "their" bars and elsewhere, participate in activities like Pride, and in the fall when I return to school I will be joining the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) on campus. (I was invited by a young woman I met and befriended in one of my classes.) Bottom line, IMHO anyone who is gay friendly and supports gay (make that human) rights should be included in the LGBT community. I have one question for any asexuals out there who might read this. Both my boyfriend and I have very very low sex drives. When we have sex it is very satisfying but we do only rarely. 99.9% of our relationship is based on the companionship and how comfortable we are with each other. We do snuggle and kiss but that is usually the extent of it. And it works great for us. We have been together nearly four years. My question is...would we be considered asexual or semi-asexual or anything with the "asexual" tag applied? Sex, while wonderful on occasion, has never been the be-all and end-all for either of us, even when we were younger (we are both now in our 50s).
No. Asexuals do not belong in the gay community. This all-inclusive nonsense needs to stop, fast. Every year we have to fight for basic rights and privileges, like marriage, freedom from discrimination, inclusion in civic duties, etc. The reason Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Trans-people banded together was because we all faced, and still do face, the same prejudices in our society and in our laws. Adding asexuals to the LGBT community would just make a mockery of things. As a gay man, the idea that someone who has no sexuality, and will face no discrimination in the law, or virtually anywhere, is sharing the same struggle as me is offensive. People seem to have forgotten that the LGBT community isn't some circus where every minority group just belongs by default. We have actual issues to face. This desperation to absorb every other minority group in our own has to stop. It makes us look ridiculous, and undermines the seriousness of all the fights we still have to win for equality. |
Anyone who needs support can belong to the LGBT community. Let's leave the inclusive communities to the religious, shall we.. |
Asexual people live and love just like everyone else, and they are another marginalized group that needs the acceptance and inclusion of the support networks that can help them to find each other and feel good about who they are. As gay man I strongly believe that we should encourage and embrace the diversity of all legal sexual minorities. It is about being true to yourself in the face of pressure to conform, and we all have that challenge in common.
If you're a gay or trans asexual you're already part of the LGBT community. If you're a cis and straight asexual you've got the asexual community. IDK what the problem is. |
Neither Gay nor Straight. They are asexual. C'mon HP. |
I guess they could include asexuals and while there at it, include every sexual identity as well, including straight people. Asexuals who are gay, bisexual, or transgendered is a given. BUT there are many asexuals who are straight. And if you're going to include every sexual identity under the sun into the LGBT community, then you might as well include straight people. Although I would suggest changing the name from LGBT to HR, which stands for human race. |
Both views are valid... I say let them come to the table, strength in numbers. But I totally get the point to where some one who has no sexual desire what-so-ever would not be forced to come out or ever have to alienate themselves because they'd rather be alone. |
Thoughts: Can asexuals fall in love? Are asexuals homophobic? Do they masturbate? I would like to know the answers!
maybe we should include Data from star trek and other androids to the ace community. GLBTQAAA, Asexuals, Androids, Automatons |
I feel for the plight of asexuals and any discrimination they experience. But I don't think we should lump them in with LGBT... I'm honestly surprised they'd want to be. Think of the parallel of atheists and minority religious groups. At some point atheists realized they didn't believe in any god and did not want to practice religion. They get discriminated against because of this. Does that mean atheist groups must be included with persecuted religious minorities in order to have a voice? When's the last time you saw atheists lumping themselves with wiccans or zoroastrians? Atheists recognize that no religion is very different than minority religion, and they have developed their own voice. |
I'm not sure that many Asexuals would want to be included in the LGBT community. Part of the issue is that even amongst the LGBT community it is still all about sex. Like heterosexuals, all too often, the LGBT cannot comprehend those who lack the sexual desires or emotions. In fact, I've found that LGBTs are even less comprehending and understanding than heterosexuals. One thing that happens, is that gestures and common statements are often taken as tinged with a sexual undertone. However, that is not the intention of asexuals, who are not feeling the sexuality... and therefore do not comprehend that gestures and phrases can be misunderstood. Sometimes, this can even lead asexuals to trouble because they lack the emotional cues that something is "different". They have to intellectually learn what others sense emotionally... and those who sense such things emotionally, cannot comprehend that others do not have such antennae. |
A new acronym: Androids, Asexuals, Automatons... AAA |
I am just trying fathom a health human being under the age of 50 not having any sexual desires?? Maybe I need more education on this topic, and I am not being disrespectful at all, I am more curious than anything.. It just seems to me there would be a medical reason for no libido or sexual desire, physical or mental. We are animals and should have that internal mechanism. This the whole reason way homosexuality is just as normal as heterosexuality... its human!
I agree that asexuals face a lot of ignorance and discrimination, but I don't see why anything more than an FAQ is needed to rectify the misunderstandings. Its not like ppl actively hate asexuals; they just dont get them.
OK. Where do we put the "A"? On the end? Is just the "A" enough or do we need to include all the letters for the subcategories like 'hetero-normative' and 'homo-normative'? What are we up to now; LGBTQA? I know I'm missing some. I just can't keep track anymore. If this is to turn into a movement that covers all sexualities, shouldn't we add an "S" for straight? Or maybe we could simplify the whole thing and just use the letter "H" for human. |
it sucks, how actually distant we can be from each other within our own community...hope for better |
To borrow a very useful term from John Irving, I think that everyone who qualifies as a "sexual suspect" should be included under the Rainbow. That means that anyone who gets the old stink eye because of how they express themselves sexually is fighting the same fight. Sadly, in a culture that is predominantly sex negative that's a wide segment of the population. The first thing the LGBTQ(A?)WTF? community needs to do is police the discrimination that exists within itself. Maybe, just maybe, we need to focus less on adding letters to an already overburdened abbreviation and more on being an inclusive community. So much energy being wasted on who's sleeping with whom and how they're doing it... Grow up America. Just grow up.
Asexuals are a part of the sexual minority community. Period. For any other sexual minority to say otherwise is hypocritical.
Don't tell anyone how seldom you have sex and no one will know. Boom. Instant equal standing with your fellow straight people, or gay people, or bi people who have lots of sex—who presumably (hopefully) are not sharing their sex frequency info with strangers either.
I am starting to think this is ridiculous. LGBT will turn into LGBTQAI etc. there are too many people wanting their own special little niche. Why don't we just say queer or gay and stop with this political correctness? Asexuals are born that way thats fine I am glad they are open with that now but is asexuality really such an issue it requires a week to examine it? |
I think asexuals should be included but the name needs to evolve from LGBT to some name indicating sexual minorities. |
Everyone should be welcome to exist as they are, I think the issue probably is that most LGBT groups are groups who specialize in gaining equal legal rights for couplings that don't have them. A man and woman who don't want to have sex with each other still can get married, that's not to say they don't face any prejudice it's just not in the wheelhouse of any major LGBT group. |
this whole LGBT thing has always really bothered me it is like Hetero sexuals decided ...."we're hetero sexual and everyone else fits into the other category it is so simplistic....just like their mindset there's us and there's them in one nice package but the reality is bisexuals have just about as much in common with heterosexuals as they do with homosexuals......so they should be a separate group transgender people have about as much in common with heterosexuals and homosexuals as they do with bald eagles an elephant's....they should be a separate group lumping together lesbians and gays I can understand because both are attracted to the same sex.... what about cross dressers they tend to be heterosexual men they have about as much in common with gay men as they do with straight men they should be a separate group so you see why its confuse me why the Hetersexuals have just decided and maybe the gay community has too...that it is much easier to just make one category for heterosexuals and one category for anything or everyone else but in reality the diversity of human sexuality is much more than such a black and white analysis |
Exactly. If the act of sex is not the defining factor in being LGBTQ (or in sexual orientation generally), then asexuals should only be included to the extent that they identify also as LGBTQ. So, if you're a cis woman, for instance, who loves women emotionally/wants to be with a woman and identifies as lesbian, bi, or queer, but you're also asexual, then you're included automatically. But why would an asexual who is straight be included? They're just a straight person who doesn't have sex. It's kind of weird how the asexual community uses the "it's not about sex" line as a reason that they should be included, when in fact it's for that very reason that asexuality should not even be seen as an orientation in need of inclusion. |
We should come up with an entirely new system: The cartesian system! I am gay, semi horny, so my coordinates are (5, -5), asexuals, since nothing in this world is absolute (QUANTUM THEORY) would be, (-300, -75), Bisexuals, (1,-1), heterosexuals, (244, 288). Happy?
First off, I don't have much knowledge about asexualism. I do not want to defend anyone, but I may ask "stupid questions." How is this different than people who decide to have not to have intercourse in a marriage or abstinence as a single individual?
I don't get the inclusion fight. It seems like its becoming the LGb..~t community. I'll stick up for anyone whose bullied why would you put up barriers when your trying to bring them down? |
Hmm, as of right now I don't think that asexuals should be part of the LGBTQ community. Although, as someone mentioned earlier that including the 'Q' already pretty much covers everyone. The LGBT community is basically rallying for people attracted to the same sex or in the case of Trans people attracted to the same sex of their original sex (unless you're trans and gay in a way that you're attracted to the sex you've changed to; I wouldn't rule out such intricate variations). Anyhow, by saying that I don't believe they're part of the LGBT community I do not ignore the discrimination against them, I know it exists. However, I think the asexual community should have its own agenda. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most asexual people straight anyway? Also, why such a need to be part of LGBT instead of standing on their own? Is it because the LGBTQ community is already strongly established and it's easier for asexuals to be under their wing? I wouldn't speak against the idea if they were included, just to make it clear, I just don't understand the need to be included in that specific community.
Because asexual people are not mainstream, I can see where they might like to have company. But asexuality doesn't really fit in with those who have sex, regardless of straight or gay. I am thus torn and refraining from advocating one way or the other until I read or hear something which makes sense.
The "LGBTQ" community is composed of people who self-select to be with others with whom they feel comfortable. The only issue I can see if when and if someone who is asexual wants more support than they can get from a LGBTQ group. I suspect that one can self-identify as LGB or T or Q--and also be asexual. |
Mark McClemont, a 49-year-old homoromantic ace who lives in Reading, England, added that the ace community has learned so much from the LGBT movements that have come before it. "Gay people have really had it the hardest of all. From verbal abuse to being killed, they've been put under so much fire for expressing their sexuality. They've suffered a lot, they've paved the way," he said. Stonewall, the Compton Cafeteria Riots and a host of other movements were started by and involved Trans persons of color, just about every movement involved POC's and Trans persons of all races and yet here again Trans people are thrown under the bus and their deaths are erased, right along with Lesbians and Bisexuals and Intersex persons. Apparently according to this man in England Transgender people aren't murdered, or denied housing or jobs, or charged with felonious crimes when defending their very life. Yes we live above the rest of society up there with the 1%er's. We are so lucky and privileged and it's the gay people who have suffered the most. While any death because of hate is a tragedy, excluding subsets only shows how much people see (don't see) those subsets, in a sense "LBTI's" are non-existent. Thanks Mark McClement! |
I am not as familiar with those who identify as asexual, but I do understand at least, that because one does not want to have sex, does not mean they don't want to be in love and fall in love. I imagine that asexual people can fall in love and be in relationships with any gender, any sexual orientation. Which includes gay asexuals, lesbian asexuals, transgender asexuals, intersex asexuals, queer asexuals. They want inclusion in the LGBT, where the T is still almost silent for the most part. The fight for gay marriage rests on the argument on being free to love whoever they want, which also means they can have sex with whoever they want. Asexuals want the same, they just want to be recognized they don't want/need the sex part. |
Hi, My name is Abram and I'm an asexual. I happen to agree that we should not be included in the LGBT movement for three reasons. First of all the literal, we have an severely diminished or non-existent sex drive not an "alternate" sexualty. We are outside sexuality. Second of all is social, being a member of LGBT community will give us a sense of legitimacy which is not an attractive notion nor a reason to join any group. Last of all is protection of the group, we are new and are just realizing and adjusting to a fact that we now have a community, which is *fantastic* by the way. We need to stand on on own two feet. |
I am not sure that I fully understand what A Sexual is. But I can understand that they must go through the whole coming out, and trying to figure out what is wrong with them like any one in the LGBT community. I always thought that there was something wrong with me (because every one around me were hetro.) and im sure they do go through people treating them badly, say a really hot woman who is A Sexual and a hetro man wants to be with them they may become very nasty towards that woman because she is not intrested in them. so I say why not Include them with the LGBT because they are different from others .LGBTQA sounds fine to me.
I am asexual and I say whatever floats people's boats is fine. If we become part of the LGBT that is fine, but I don't think it is going to kill us all if we aren't. We are a community full of amazing and strong people and we definitely have the power to stand on our own two feet. |
Nobody deserves to be raped, for any reason. I find the entire idea of 'corrective rape' horrible and demeaning.
I admit I had no idea what asexuality was until very recently. But it saddens me that those in the community have to organize rallies to be heard and accepted. I love that the visibility is growing, but what is it that people don't understand? I consider myself an extremely sexual person so I can't say I understand, but I feel that in some ways I can relate. Our society dismisses anything different. We attack the sexually expressive and those to whom sex is not a part of who they are. So which is it? To be considered "normal" a person must be sexually active 2-5 times a week, with certain types of people, in certain practices??? If a book series of all things can single-handedly bring BDSM to the mainstream who the heck is anyone to judge the sexual appetite (or lack of) of another? The idea of corrective rape is so monumentally disturbing. Those who believe this is viable in any way are the ones who need some correction. In this world we are all different. Why not allow that diversity enhance the beauty of our humanity?
'.....an anonymous user wrote, "[A]sexuality is not a thing. You are just ugly and no one wanted to date you, so you made up a thing to cuddle your lonely self as you cry into your pillow. Also, I hope you get raped. It has a dual benefit, you'll get laid finally AND put you into your place as well.".....' Sounds so very, very 'xtian' to me, at least the ones I seem to run into to. Dear haters: Please pick on me. I am a 25-year retired Army Master Sergeant with three combat tours, wounded in action twice and decorated numerous times for valor, including a Bronze Star for Valor under fire. Instead of picking on those who are unable or unwilling to defend themselves, give me a go. I'll gladly tell you how to reach me. Trust me - you'll go to ICU.
What pathology is behind people's insistence that if someone is not "just like them", there is something wrong with that person? That seems counter-intuitive in a world that holds the potential to grow in awareness and understanding thanks to information widely available on the internet. How dare anyone deny the truth of someone else's existence? Even more so, how dare anyone threaten to try to alter someone's truthful existence through violence, domination, force, rape? The person someone else is, the life they live, and the validity/essential value of her/him IS NOT FOR YOU TO DECIDE!! News flash y'all - the differences between us are good things! Recognizing them, celebrating them even, lets us learn about all of life, not just your little corner of it. If you like what you are, and what your life is, that's great for you. But how can you even imagine that the only way for another person to like her/his life is to have one just like yours? People who fail to appreciate the differences in other people cheat themselves of a full existence. People who think they have a right to try to (psychologically or emotionally) force someone to follow a path that mirrors theirs are pathological. Those who exert physical force in that attempt need to be incarcerated. THEY are the true social pariahs.
If someone else's differentness makes you feel angry or aggressive, the problem isn't with you them; it's with you.
I fail to see why anyone would discriminate against or persecute asexuals. Is it because their sexual disinterest is seen an assault on some people's egos or what?
1. Anonymous people on the internet sometimes say hurtful things. They certainly have to me. And they certainly do all over HuffPost. But I struggle to see how this makes someone "afraid", as this article reports some asexuals are. 2. People try to kiss each other sometimes. Especially 19-year-olds. Some like it. Some don't. But I struggle to see how this is, as Julie Decker claimed, "quite scary". 3.Has Angela in the Tumblr forum ever been "harassed or assaulted" because she is asexual? Has it ever happened to anyone she knows or even to anyone she ever heard of? She does not say so. Yet she still claims "there is a real fear" of it. 4. I've read a lot of academic studies, including the one by the Brock University researchers. Frankly, I've found academic studies that talk about attitudes and perceptions (not about threats or violence) sometimes boring and sometimes interesting. But I've never found one to be "really scary", as David Jay says this one was for him. Of course rape and harassment and assault are bad. And of course asexuals deserve understanding and respectful treatment from those they meet. But an article like this, that presents them as folks who are afraid of their own shadows, is unlikely to dispel any mistaken notions that they are "abnormal, unhappy and repressed."
I hope this breaks the silence on the assumption in the previous articles that we as asexuals are somehow absolved and free of any discrimination. Even some people said we deserve to be made fun of, bullied, etc. I hope that everyone from the past three articles fully reads this. It gives a serious glance into the troubles the community has faced. Dominique, you have become an inspiration for me. Thank you.
Well, I'm puzzled. As a gay man, the overarching message I've been hearing from the...uh...umm...what shall I call them...let's say, the more judgmental members of the sexual mainstream, has been that if others don't do exactly as they do, they'd prefer those others do nothing at all. Now, here come some people for whom even that isn't good enough. And they get aggressive and hostile over it, to boot! See how much trouble refusing to mind one's own business and let others be who they are can cause?
Kissing is now sexual assault. Consider the bar officially lowered. Hell, let charge every nervous high school kid trying to get his or her first kiss to jail for sexual assault. Awesome.
What could be a bigger non story than asexuality. I figure far too many people on this earth + millions more men thanks to sex selective abortion = I will take any reduction in competition I can get.
eating chocolate produces the same endorphins as sexual activity... but it's far less messy.
eh.. I get it. It does seem like our culture puts entirely too much emphasis on sex! And as over-exposed as we are to it, it's easily a target for rebellion. When I was young, I had more than a few bad experiences, sexually and the whole concept turned me off for a long time. So I have to say that I understand the desire to remove the sexual component in relationships in seeking authenticity, and that can be very hard when others 1.don't understand it and 2. don't share the same desire. However, not to agree with 'anonymous', BUT, all the people in the picture are astonishingly ugly! LOL I'm sorry, but just because you aren't trying to have sex doesn't mean you can't put on some make-up and fix your hair.. for reals!
I actually feel pity for asexuals. Physical intimacy is fantastic, and I'd find life so dull and empty without it. But, to each their own and regardless of what they want any attempt at physical contact without consent is abhorrent.
Ivy Decker may not be attracted to men (or women), but she sure is attracted to attention.
Sadly, it seems that ignorance and fear of choice is alive and well among those who attack persons who make a CHOICE to lead their lives a certain way. Those who find the need to 'correct' (rape is an extreme and brutal example, but the many subtle--and not so subtle--ways that people can put down a person who chooses to be asexual, or try to 'persuade' or 'educate' or 'convince' or 'fix' or 'awaken'--are still invasive and uncalled for) are doing so because of THEIR insecurities. If one is secure in their body and desirability and worthiness of care and connection; they will not need to put down another who may have made a different choice. To be asexual is not a bad choice. It is not a dangerous choice. It is not a choice that puts anyone in danger or clashes with morality or religion. It is simply a DIFFERENT choice. But there are those who are utterly phobic of 'different'. And there are those who--narcissistically enough--get enraged by the mere thought that what is SO important to them, may be not at all important to someone else... As if that person's lack of interest in sex is a PERSONAL INSULT to the other person's attractiveness. Which makes me wonder who is the 'broken one' needing of 'fixing'... Those who write about 'needing a good rape' are double ignorant and they broadcast their insecurities and fears (and fantasies of someone 'giving them a good rape'?). How sad for them.
well how do you like that the lgbt being descriminitory against another group. turns out the lgbt has no tolerance for anyone who is not like them. what's that word they like to throw around- bigotry,hate speech,rights for them and no one else. looks like the lgbt is the fascist group now.
If you could pick one celebrity not to have sex with, who would it be? I'd like to think that asexuals have crushes and fall in love. Their sex lives are up to them.
Thank you for posting this article. It's something I've seen so often and it's heart breaking to know people think like that. It's made me wary in who I tell about being asexual because I've heard tones like that. But, I hope people start to learn more about asexuality from these articles and I hope they learn that asexuals are people just like everyone else.
I've never had a conversation with an identifying asexual so I'm just trying to understand this here... Human sexuality has be an integral part of the human psyche for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. Usually when someone is disinterested in sex (and does not identify as asexual) it is because of some kind of emotionally/psychologically distressing or traumatic experience(s) with sex. Or something or someone just put them off from sex in general. While the biological components of sex do depend on genetics, sex is also highly psychological. I guess what I'm trying to understand is HOW? (How is this possible and how does it work?) Also, I'm interested to know how a relationship between a romantic asexual and a hetero/homo/bisexual would work? Or do asexuals just avoid romantic relationships with those interested in sex? (Please don't call me ignorant or anything. Like I said, I've never known someone who was/is asexual and I think conversations are more helpful than googling it.) On a side note, the rape culture in this society is effing disgusting.
I don't think that there's really any reason for people to judge asexuals. You don't know what they've experienced with their feelings about sex, and it sounds like people can live fulfilling lives as asexuals. I don't know why anyone would want to put them down if they are happy with who they are. Now I'm a homosexual man and I really think that homosexuals need to take a second look before writing these people off as "inhuman" (which they absolutely aren't) because they share some of the same acceptance issues with gays. There is no problem with asexuals and we don't need to "fix them" as some have said. Can't we just try to make them happy with who they are? Why is that a problem?
Great article that casts light on something very few in the community would have known about. |
But why talk about it if you're asexual? And open yourself up to discrimination? This is very different from being gay, where you (sort of) have to (eventually) identify yourself. I mean, I'm not saying to live in shame and hide from everyone, but I just don't see how the conversation comes up and how people get to know you're asexual. Can I have your number? No. Why not? Not interested.....(moving along)
The very concept of "corrective rape" is absurd and offensive. |
I think the issue is that you aren't a group. You aren't discriminated against because you are not different, there are no bans on people who do not desire to have sex doing anything. Also people think there is something wrong with you, because there kinda is, human beings are programmed to seek out partners, to lack this means you are missing a crucial part of the human experience, and pretty much every doctor will tell you a healthy sexual relationship with your partner is crucial to successful relationships. Asexuality if it exists and is not simply a byproduct of hormonal imbalance which reduced your libido so far that you lost all interest in mating is a disorder, not an orientation and once again, there are no bans on asexuals doing anything, people just think you are odd. That doesn't excuse the vile comments about rape or sexual assault either, don't get me wrong, but comparing the plight of the LBGT community with people who cannot even begin to understand sexual orientation or sexual desire is pretty short sighted, especially when the LBGT community has suffered real discrimination. Also take a biological anthropology class, try Sex and Gender studies, so you can actually have a clue what the scientist really have to say on the matter.
I admit I don't really understand asexuality, having a very strong sexual attraction to the same sex, but I find making comments about raping asexuals (let alone the act of rape) to be totally disgusting. As far as I know, asexuals harm no one and they have every right to live their lives in peace and free from harm.
Is this real or an elaborate satire of some sort? If you don't want to have sex, don't have sex. If you don't go around announcing you are broken, people are much less likely to try and fix you. I agree that no person should be assaulted, but I also think that a person of reproductive age with absolutely no interest in sex probably has an underlying psychological, emotional or indeed physiological problem to examine.
Asexuality, that's a new one...Sounds like the Bible is okay with it so, so am I. Although I am strongly hetero, if the desire is not there for sexual relationships...that's one less distraction. Think about it..no unwanted pregnancies which lead to,at times, abortion, no STD's, no ruined reputations, sexual purity(never a bad thing religiously), more time devoted to doing want you want to do. And you can still have friends. Now that sexually self-questioning teen now has a third option..asexuality. "Maybe the reason you don't like girls is because you are asexual". Gay doesn't always have to be the alternative.Right. Be who you are right and if that's asexual..so be it.
Here's a group of people who don't have abortions, don't increase the population, harm no one but are the ultimate threat to feminists, pedophiles, pornography and other blights on society who try to use sex for power and intimidate people that don't conform to their plans for their life.
I could not be happier to see these articles coming about. As someone who is still learning to accept their status as a grey-a, but still feels like something is wrong with me, it's refreshing to see that people are starting to notice us. :) |
Why is being asexual posted in the Huff Post Gay format. AN asexual person id NOT gay. This is doos data foe a medical arena or a Behavioral health forum but it does not belong in a gay format.
I actually met Miss Decker on a dating website. Still not sure if Asexuality is really a thing or not. It seems un human, but who knows nature can do some seemingly strange things and without all that sexuality getting in the way I'm sure a person could get a lot more accomplished.
I completely see where skepticism comes from about asexuality. Gay or straight people who dont experience it cannot conceive an utter absence of desire towards sex. And when 'aces' are actively in a 'relationship' with someone I think its pretty easy to see how confusion even among the most 'enlightened' and understanding of people can be rife. For aces themselves its never easy especially if you were sexually active and arrived at the revelation afterwards. Its easier for people to rationalize a person as 'weird' who may be a virgin or only had a handful of intimate interactions (intercourse or not) and now identify because its easy to fall back on the [Your just ugly] or [burned by a bad relationship] line or reasoning. If it is scary to recognize you like the same bio-gender as yourself. Its as equally scary to not be able to figure out why any gender doesnt 'do it' for you. I suspect there are any number of aces who never even thought about the possibility that they are such and instead simply think of themselves as being 'broken'. I think the big challenge is that you do not need to go around declaring yourself aces (as opposed to coming out per se). An ace can live their lifestyle without anyone knowing so it makes it that much harder to bring awareness and communities together. And thats if the individual has even begun to wonder if what they are feeling is asexuality.
Why is anyone else's sexuality any of my business? Asexual, bisexual, homosexual, pansexual - the idea that any of us have anything to say about how anyone else views their own sexuality is appalling. |
Thank you for writing this article. I honestly have not heard much about asexuality, and was unaware of this issue of abuse facing our society. I am glad to be informed. I will start to pay more attention now and look for ways to be a small voice of support.
I just view asexuality as another part of the human spectrum. I was, frankly baffled at the negative reactions to those who happen to be aces...then I thought that maybe it is because sex has so permeated this culture, and has become such a "currency" in every aspect of living, that encountering a human who has no desire, or need for sex is incomprehensible to many. How do you advertise, coerce, belittle, control, negotiate, entice etc... without the ever-present crutch of "S.E.X."? Finding themselves at a loss, too many people then resort to the second, most used crutch in our society: violence. |
I say that whatever consenting adults do in their own bedrooms- or don't do as is the case here, is their business. I'm not trying to trivialize anybody's experience with jokes; it's sad that in 2013 people still have a hard time with that concept. I really don't understand the hypocrisy of society's attitude about sexuality. I'm tired of the good and normal people of the world limiting the human rights of those of us outside their circle.
"Sexual harassment and violence, including so-called “corrective” rape, is disturbingly common in the ace community" fairly common for the lesbian community as well. Let's face it, sexual violence is prevalent in the world period. Rape is not about sex, it's about power.
What a strange age this is. I never eat stuffed bell peppers. 'Think I'll become an activist and promote the lifestyle.
I know several asexuals, one of whom is extremely beautiful, and they don't seem to elicit romantic/sexual expectations from others. Everyone who meets them reads the "not interested" vibe without getting all bent out of joint. I would say they are lonely and don't want to live alone forever. Partner relationships with other asexuals would seem to be a solution. |
I thought I was just weird, and you know, people who think they know you will insist they know what you think and feel and that "you can't possibly be that way, you just need to find the right guy!" Hmmm, interesting when you are not sexually attracted to either sex. Not to the point of actually wanting to sleep with them. Fortunately, my weight keeps people from finding me attractive, which either unintentional or intentional. I think people, gay or straight, want you to be like them, to 'fit in'. Unfortunate for me, my weight tends to keep people away, it's not that I don't like people. I really do, I just don't want to 'sleep with them'. |
Julie Decker, something more I wanted to add to my last comment here; I felt alone as an asexual before I read this article because I didn't realize there were other people in my shoes. I don't know how long I will be an asexual and don't care because everything happens for a reason, and usually for the best. While it is important to feel independently strong, it is sometimes needed to know we are not alone. We can find the support we need if we just make an effort to reach out. So as I continue on my journey, not knowing exactly where I am going or why, I will believe in the best of me and make the most of it, WITH OR WITHOUT SEX. Life is so much more beautiful to me without sex. I am happy that you are with us and wish you the best of the good things left in life. Cheers to your strength. |
Interesting.. People who choose to have no sex of any kind are ridiculed by those people who choose to have only homosexual sex and accuse them of trying to corrupt their movement.. Not their status of natural birth... but their movement... their agenda... People who choose to do or not to something in a specific sexual manner, all think they are a "special" group that deserves special Rights. That is why my avatar is the Divide symbol. America loves to divide itself into special interest and political pandering groups... No one wants to just be an American anymore... This story also proves that the Gay community using the Equal sign only applies to them. Equality for others doesnt matter. |
When will Gay Voices do something about those who are sexually fluid?
I can't believe someone would say that to another person. That is just so cruel. |
I always retreat to movie world for comfort when things get so damn dicey and unpleasant. Isn't there one scene in The Knack (and How to Get It) where a bedraggled person knocks on a door and gasps out to the person who answers: Rape! and the homeowner gently replies: No, thank you. |
While the rape and rude comments are terrible, why does every single "group" in America feel the need to be accepted for every single difference? It's exhausting. If people want to be ignorant and think stupid things, they have the right. The truly ignorant hateful people aren't going to change their ideas or opinions based on activism. I am a member of at least 3 groups that have MAJOR discrimination surrounding them. One of them is so misunderstood, if people know, I would never have a job or friends. But, you know what? In spite of that, I am happy and successful. How? I just live my life and don't go looking for people's approval or disapproval. I don't feel entitled for people to accept my differences. I am who I am. People can like it, dislike it, whatever they want. We all pretty much have a whole lot of weird going on behind the curtain and people can feel how they want about it.
"I hope you get raped. It has a dual benefit, you'll get laid finally AND put you into your place as well." Now there's a person who needs to be tracked down and put down like a rabid dog. |
Nobody needs to be abused. A man will not be attracted to women if he is beaten and shown porn. A woman will not be attracted to men if she is attacked and humiliated. Crossdressers and transgender cannot be "converted" by violence either. I would be very much in favor of de-genderising society. We absolutely do not need to be gender identified on our passports, drivers licenses or anything. It does not serve as any legitimate form of identification - just as a form of discrimination. This discrimination is partly behind this abuse thing. Let people be themselves and let people make love to whoever they want to and let them express their identity as they want to. That'd get rid of a whole load of issues. |
Does this violence happen towards asexual men?
test |
I mean the desire and drive to have sex is mostly chemical; a base urge stemming from primal need to reproduce. Not having a sex drive or sexual attraction doesn't seem so weird when you think about how simple those things are to influence. |
So the real issue isn't who you have sex with it's being different from the socially accepted "norm". |
I will admit that I can't understand asexuality. For whatever reason it just won't compute for me. Having said that even though i don't understand it I think what is happening to these people is horrific. Nobody regardless of sex or sexual oreintation should be subjected to this. |
I suspect that the Hodson and McInnis study that "found that people of all sexual stripes are more likely to discriminate against asexuals, compared to other sexual minorities" did not include pedophiles as one of the other minorities. Be thankful that there is not a concerted effort to exterminate you based on who you love. |
Anyone who thinks rape is the answer should volunteer their Mom for it. Let's see how that works.
Oh, so now we have to be GLTBQ...and A? Give me a break! |
"Mosbergen linked a CNN video "Corrective Rape" documenting South African LESBIANS as "queer". The HORRIFIC stories of these lesbian women are NOT "queer".... They are lesbians. Ace activists should know better then invalidate lesbian sexuality." Also, trans activists in the United States push rape culture concepts like the Cotton Ceiling. See http://pretendbians.com/2013/06/21/endangered-species-actual-lesbians/ |
i get asexuals..sex is so overrated,it only complicates everything.. |
What is this world coming to? The kind of people who make self-righteous claims about others sexuality are the same kind of people who make rape and death threats. It seems to be increasing in leaps and bounds. Zealotry, it has to be uprooted! |
Geez, if you don't want to have sex, don't. If you do wanna have sex, go ahead and find a willing, legal partner. Why do so many people feel the need to concern themselves with the sex lives (or lack thereof) of other people? |
The tragic sadness of rejecting difference and using that terrible word 'normal' ... is that those who cling to such modalities have no idea they're stuck in amber, in a delusion, a cognitive dissonance as large as such things get. Take any human being on the planet - now find another person exactly like them - that isn't them: a twin won't cut it, even the closest, because it is impossible to anyone to have lived the same exact experience/moment at every point of life. There will never ever ... ever .. be another person exactly like any person you find. Nor has they ever been one. Nor is there. We are all born bounded by time and space ... our experiences are therefore also bound in the same. That makes every single human being - that has lived, is living or will live, all of them, absolutely unique. Diversity is infinite - ain't that wonderful :) |
I feel like a bad person after I couldn't stop laughing after I read the line "corrective rape". I am still giggling what is wrong with me!!!!! Its just so stupid I can't stop laughing. |
Hi this is Angela who created the post on corrective rape and how that affects the Asexual community. I would just like to clear some things up. The post I made about corrective rape was in response to the anon that I received. I received that anon response I'm assuming because I was bothered by this particular blogger that was posting hateful comments in the asexuality tag. This particular blogger (wtfsocialjustice.tumblr.com) runs a "backlash" blog and frequently harasses people they perceive to be "social justice bloggers" - never mind the fact that people merely discussing their orientation online is not an act of social justice. This person has a lot of exposure in the tumblr community which is somewhat dangerous as their followers go after people in the asexual community as well as other communities and leave hateful comments and even threats such as the rape threat that I received. Seriously if you ever want to gross yourself out just go through their asexual tag and look at some of the comments on the posts they reblogged. That is how I ended up receiving the threat and that is why I ended up creating the post. It was a 'this is the last straw' kind of situation. I don't take threats lightly and I'm a very aggressive and assertive person. I wanted to put into words exactly how these attitudes harmed me and other people like me, especially since asexuals supposedly 'don't experience problems' because of their identity. |
I can bet that asexuality is a real and true trait for people and there is no calling into question the legitimacy of it on my part. What I don't enjoy is the thinking that everyone has to accept the premise right off the bat, such as the thought that, "A few years ago, there was nothing. There was a deafening silence about asexuality"...and when she talks about going to counselors and psychologists and receiving little help. Not being completely aware to a fairly newly identified sexual orientation, and finding it just a little odd that a person can have no sex drive is not tantamount to being a bigot or homophobe.
asexual would be the perfect Christian, in fact I believe the Shaker sect disavowed sexual activity. the hot/cold judgmental hypocrisy of the loud Fundamentalist choir would be silenced by the asexual movement
I still don't understand that how many reasons insane people need to discriminate against someone. Gays and lesbians are hated by many bigots because they have wrong sexual attraction (accoding to these bigots). Now what is the problem with assexuals? If someone doesn't want to have sex with anyone and then raping them. Is it not against one's choice and will? Is it not violation of one's fundamental human right? I think bigots and insane people need good dose of discrimination. |
I would think that the asexuals can be in the Christian club more so than the GLBT club. Not being driven by sexual desire is a good thing.
One reason I never married would be that I would have to do my "duty" as a wife. I thought that more horrible than anything I could think of. Do I love people? Yes I do, just don't want to have sex with them. Would I marry if I could have a truly intellectual relationship with someone? Maybe, I have loved some people, and some people I have loved so much that we decided not to have sex because we were actually closer for not having it, and we didn't want to ruin our relationship. I know that doesn't make any sense to most people. To those of us who have lived through this, it makes perfect sense. |
It's sad that one has to have a "movement" just because they do not need or want sex. They still have a gender, that is true. It seems almost a parallel to someone who does not drink, does not smoke, does not curse, etc. As long as it is moral and causes no harm to self or others I see only an individual's make-up and that is only the business of that person. |
This is all news to me as I have never heard of asexual and I still don't after reading this story. Anyone care to enlighten me? |
Asexual? Look at her picture. Lipstick, makeup, ear rings, cutesy hat, cutesy pose, hair strands dyed 2 different colors. No, she's not just trying to get attention. No, she's not doing anything to stand out and make herself look attractive to "someone". And since when is trying to get a kiss on the doorstep considered rape? For a while I dated only blonds - somehow I never felt the need to join the "blonds only" community. I never felt persecuted and I never sought out a political party with a "blonds only" platform. And, stupid me, I never even thought to look for the "blonds only" tax deduction. If a brunette had tried to kiss me on the doorstep I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have cried rape. |
I admit that I don't understand this, but to me it isn't something that I object to either. Everyone should have a right to decide what path they take in life and what that life will entail according to their own guidelines, judgments and ideals. I think if it's possible for someone to be attracted to all genders and/or types, then it stands to reason that there would be those at the other end of the spectrum who are attracted to no one of any gender or type. I might not understand it, but I see nothing wrong with people who are asexual. I expect to be accepted for who I am and therefore I think everyone should do the same for others who are different...not just tolerated, but accepted. It's our differences that make us all important and unique and special, so to each his own. Those advocating 'corrective rape' need to be locked up in a mental facility and evaluated for psychological dysfunction because they're no better than any other rapist. No one deserves to be harmed or violated in such a way, especially for being different and most especially for being open and honest about who they are. I hope this lady and others like her find what they need in the community. Peace. |
When I first read this, I was like "Now I've heard it all..." then I started to really think about it - what happened to society that a person can't find the simple joys in life without the need for sex? There are so many ways to be intimate without having actual sex. Also, how foreign it is to people that you'd rather experience life's simple joys than have 14 orgasms in a session for which is more important to you. The real rebels - those who can go through life without sex and be just as satisfied and not feel like they're losing out on anything! Never thought I'd see the day when there would need to be rallies to point out that lifestyle is o.k. as an option! (this from also knowing several confirmed bachelors/ettes which is what we used to call it..) |
So we have heterosexuals,homosexuals,transwhateversexuals and now asexuals?? Every form of human screwed up sexuality now has a name and want legitimacy? |
I never knew much about being asexual but I'm glad that I'm aware of it now. Were all born so different that of course some people will be born with no sexual desires. And to think that someone would rape them to cure them he should have gone to jail for that. |
Hey, if they don't like the idea of sex, then why is that such a problem? Asexuals are ok by me, and just as human as everybody else. I just hope they don't end up like the Atheists, and think they're somehow better than everybody else, just because of the way they are. |
Rape is never justified! That being said, no one would discriminate against them if they didn't go around telling everyone about their sex lives, or lack thereof.The less you tell people about yourself, the less ammunition they have to use against you. Sex is your own business; this era of over sharing certainly has it's drawbacks. |
Used to be hetero but after being abused by the child suppoort system, being asexual is the safest route. |
have these people had sex??? once you pop the fun dont stop
I was always taught that people are allowed to identify themselves meaning I should never TELL someone how he or she identifies his/herself. I mean, who does that? Who goes around telling people that they're just broken or that their identity "isn't a thing"? I find it so sad that anyone should have to feel excluded because others aren't willing to TRY to understand. |
Asexuals are probably not less human. They are less animal. Which must mean they are MORE human. They may be more highly evolved. A famous person who was clearly asexual? Jesus Christ. |
My sheep and I have been together for three years now. It's beautiful relationship. |
The corrective rape sounds really messed up. The asexuality seems a very small percentage of people and sex does influence a lot of things in this world. Not knowing anyone who claims to be asexual I have no idea if they are troublingly different or different and just fine. I did work with a guy who claimed to hate all forms of music, just couldn't understand it at all, it all was noise to him - he seemed frequently angry..maybe he just felt isolated. I kind of see some in the LGBT movement not wanting them to join in with them, as they have been fighting for various sexual and relational rights that probably don't pertain to asexuals. Sort of how some minority groups don't like the LGTB movement co-opting their minority-hood. This is intersting - I'll stay tuned as I have no answers on this other than they deserve peace and respect if they are of no harm to anyone. |
yuck poor things frigid and what a life in a personal prison must be triggered by deep fear |
Just like homosexuality, asexuality has no cure because it is not a sickness. |
I say this with all sincerity, I don't understand this whole acceptance thing. You go through life as whoever you want to be, you choose your friends based on them accepting you, you take care of your business, and you live your life. Who cares about everyone else accepting you? Unless you are throwing it in everybody's face, who cares? I really don't understand. |
I am against homosexuality, that being said, nobody should have to endure rape whether they be homosexual or heterosexual. |
I'm curious - how would anyone even know unless an asexual broadcasts it? They would look like anyone else who is "just not interested" so what provokes the corrective rape? |
People who are interested in having sex (and forcing others to have sex) consider themselves to be "normal," but a better word for them is "common." It's common for people to want to have sex and have children, but it's wrong to think it should be considered "normal," the opposite of which is "abnormal." It's uncommon to be asexual, and also not to want to procreate, but so what? The uncontrolled pursuit of sexual relations is often rooted in psychopathology. What is it about asexuality that makes common people feel threatened? The asexual people I've encountered are much more at peace with themselves and with others than the randy ones. |
I read the article and still am not sure what 'asexual' means. Does it mean a lack of desire? The thing that is always confusing to me is that people get involved in other people's sexual lives. I can see it if there is a connection between two people but to wonder what someone's sexuality is when first meeting the person is weird. I would never assume anything about someone's sexuality. Meeting people for the first time I don't think that they are auditioning for a role or applying for a job. They do not need to prove anything to me. To think that someone should get raped to change their sexuality is ignorant and criminal. But then this is America and we have some strange, puritan ideas of what sex is supposed to look like. |
I am surprised that anyone who is asexual actually feels the need to fight for that right to be respected. Who in their right mind would think anything is wrong with these people? |
Our society dismisses things that don't fit the norm and they don't understand. |
Too many minorities and social groups suffering from sexual victimization. I just can't keep track. |
Sex is both self-indulgent, a human instinct, and a privacy issue, regardless of sexual persuasion. Homosexuality is an anomaly and an abberation of nature. A-sexuality is a new "let's talk about it" fashionable topic of conversation. Rape is against our societal laws and cannot be justified for any reason, just because someone created a bumper sticker called "corrective rape." |
Why does it bother ANYONE that someone isn't attracted to another person? How does it affect anyone but the asexual person? What you do or don't do in the privacy of your bedroom is not my business. |
When the idiot started to lick that lady's face she should have said," If I want a dog, I'll pick one up at the pound." As for "corrective rape" that sounds too disgusting to contemplate. It's like saying, "Therapeutic assault." Oh well, one oxymoron is as good as any other. |
Rape for any reason to anyone is horrible and there's no excuse or forgiveness for it. That being said, however, I'm confused by this whole need for people to identify themselves as asexual, or for that matter, bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual, gender confused or any other label. It is no one else's business who you have sex with (or choose not to have sex with) and no one should have to explain it to anyone. I realize we probably have to go through this phase to enlighten the flat earthers, but I long for the day when what people do behind closed doors isn't a public discussion. |
OH My, If it isn't bad enough that we have Gays and the like, now some DA Wants to play the Asexual Card for attention? Are you kidding me?????????? You don't like boys? Scared of Men? Get over it and move one, so you want to never date or marry, why do we need to know about it? Lets put this whole mess back in the closet where it belongs, along with Drug Addiction! Do you understand that you are messed up? Get help while you can! Most Doctors I know still give drugs to Gays to straighten them out, maybe they can help you, or just keep quiet about it, we don't want to know! |
It probably would have been beneficial to those of us who have no clue what asexuality is to define it at the beginning of the article. Just a thought. |
As pointed out in the article, I've heard of asexuality in terms of other organisms, but I never considered that it would be a lifestyle for humans (I heard of celibacy of course) until I read this article. I can honestly say that the only thing that I don't understand is why some "outsiders" can't let asexuals be. This should be a non-issue: some people aren't interested in the sexual aspect of the human experience...so what? Besides any who suggests someone needs a "good raping" is the one who isn't human. |
I think asexuality is more common than admitted. I had a total hysterctomy, including both ovaries. Was put on high dose Premarin. In 18 months I developed breast cancer and needed a mastectomy. Nix the hormones. My body image was shattered, I gained weight, felt miserable and was morre worried about living, than getting laid. Due to circumstances I couldnt care less about sex. Surgical castration with no supplemental hormones DOES have an effect, as well as aging. TELL ME, WILL RAPE HELP THIS? |
Taking a course in college MANY years ago about Human Sexuality and the sexual continuum - the many ways people expressed sexuality or identified sexually: Asexual, self-sexual, heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual and polysexual. These are ALL natural and NORMAL expressions of sexuality... People may find they fall somewhere in between any of these markers, or that they may identify differently at different stages in their lives. But let's repeat: They are ALL natural and NORMAL.... |
rape is about power and control, NOT discrimination! Stupid story! |
What is the big deal? Some people have no sexual desire at all. Why does anyone care? As long as they are happy there should be no problem. Sex is not a must for humans to live. |
Asexuals are not less human. They are less animal. Which means they are MORE human . They are probably more highly evolved. One famous person who was obviously asexual: Jesus Christ. |
Why is this still news? Big deal people are gay. I do not get what all the hype is on both sides just live life! |
In college, a male friend confided in me that he was not attracted to females. He wasn't attracted to males, but rather had no sexual attractions. What did I know then? I suggested that he either had a very low sex drive or was asexual. In anycase, he wasn't "broken". |
Could we all please just keep our sexual preferences to ourselves? It is getting more than sickening to hear all these people want to share. |
Ok, I understand you prefer to lickety split and shove the highway......horrible isn't t.....but you're just nasty when you want to do both..........menow especially......... |
had to get the first off my chest, pertaining to the article don't care who you are or what you like in life no one should be taken advantage of against their will. |
Why do people feel the need to fit everyone into neat little boxes when nothing else on this planet, or the universe for that matter, fits into a neat little box? There is a spectrum for everything and we are all peppered across it, that certainly includes sexuality. |
This is another manufactured cause. If you don't want to have sex, then don't. Rape is already illegal. Having a crusade to announce to the world that you are asexual is just a desperate plea for attention over LITERALLY nothing. |
People need to get out of bed and start living. There is much more to life than always doing or talking about sex. Being asexual is just being neutral and living without always putting sex as the most important thing in life, because it's not. |
There was a sect, that totally believed in Non-sex. Shakers. they died out, there were no children, ergo, no offspring. The State took over all the assets of the community they built. If people wish to follow this course, with todays world population. best wishes. |
It states that she was sexually assaulted by her friend. Licking her face is not sexual assault..albeit gross..is not sexual assault. By over exaggerating for sympathetic effect just makes the article as a whole less credible. |
I don't understand why anyone's sexual preference, or lack thereof, has become one of the most important issues of our time. If you're heterosexual, homosexual or asexual....who's business is it??? Why do people have to "join" or "celebrate" any type of sexuality? Just live your lives....aren't there more important issues to be concerned with? |
Asexual? Or just smart? Think of all the problems they don't have spending thier lives chasing after another person. My first spouse cured me of the desire to marry. |
Let the guys be with the guys, the girls be with the girls and the asexuals be with their pets...at least they are purging this from the gene pool. Maybe someday this behavior will become extinct. |
Rapists deserve to have their genitalia cut off.
" ZERO LIBIDO " tee shirts might help get the word out............. |
I'm ok with people of all different beliefs, lifestyles and races. The only ones who are an exception are those who think they're better than everybody else. |
This is all pretty much unknown to me. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that any kind of rape is personal invasion and assault. As to the rest, it's all called "preference" for a reason, even if the preference, a la Bartleby, is not to. |
What ever happened to modesty, humility and self respect? Why do some people have such a need to air their sexuality, or lack thereof, especially if it's outside of what's considered "normal" by a majority of humans? There's no excuse for sexual assault for any reason, but as my Mom used to council "Why invite trouble"? Unless I have an intimate relationship with you, I don't CARE what you do or don't do in the privacy of your own space as long as it harms no one, and I certainly don't want you to know about my private life. |
God's law is that EVERYONE abstains from sex until married. |
I'm confused. An inappropriate attempt at a kiss is now "rape"? |
Ok I get it now ... the majority are in California ...the land of fruits and nuts and flakes.... |
Rape of ANY kind...NO, NO, NO!!! For that matter, anyone using ANY type of forceful action to make another do something against their will...NO, NO, NO!!! Incidentally, one of my favorite fantasy heroes also happens to be asexual (from what I can tell): Dr. Who. |
Mind-boggling. |
'corrective rape' ..... a b.s. term invented to make this news article and have people gasp. |
I wish I were a-sexual. god, my sex-drive is getting quite annoying after 338 years/
Whats the big deal? Why should they have to explain their sexuality to anyone? You want to have sex. Do it. You don't want to have sex and have no desire too. Then don't. It is not that difficult. |
Wow, the fact there's a term that condones rape firghtens me. I get you'd want to give it a go and try to give pleasure but there is no pleasure in rape. Oi! |
It's just another lifestyle. It doesn't affect or harm anyone, so what's the problem? |
I'm absolutely sure that what makes these abusers so angry and violent is some kind of underlying doubts about their own sexuality or identity. They're actually reacting to asexuals with fear, and that gets translated into aggression designed to placate their own emotions. Some people prefer strawberry ice cream over chocolate. I don't need to rape or stalk them. |
It amazes me why some people are enthralled with other people's sex life. If you aren't paying someone's way, or married to them or even feeding them and they are not hurting or controlling someone else's mind/body? Then what business is it of yours? A business associate of mine was once relating about how his son died of aids and the reaction he'd received in his rural small town. I related my opening remarks to this comment to him and added, "It's none of my business and I don't care who you're with". "What I do care about is someone getting in my face about any side of the subject". "I just happen to be male, straight, married and christian, but I don't want to hear about anyone's sexuality, Period". Gay, straight or non-sexual, KEEP IT TO YOUSELF! I don't want to see it on the 5:00 O'Clock news. |
Wow, this is all new to me. Why on earth would it matter to anyone if another person identified as asexual? People need to mind their own business ASAP. |
if an attempted kiss and lick on the face is sexual assault or corrective rape then my two dogs are predators. sure the idea of corrective rape is horrific. are asexuals nonsexuals? everyone has the right to choose their sexual partners...unless you are married of course...lol |
Asexuals are people that never got layed. Period. |
I don't understand why people have such a condemning attitude toward asexuality but at the same time, asexuals wanting to claim that they're just "special" is only being in denial. It's not a "special" trait of some, it's obviously a disorder scientists have yet to study. To get to a place of total acceptance of having it is healthy, but acting like it's normal to be asexual is a refusal to admit that they suffer from an obvious disorder even though asexuality is the only "normal" they know. |
Everyone is on the bell curve. It doesn't behoove anyone to feel superior to anyone else. |
What an odd definition for someone to classify themselves as. So people that abstain from sexuality and really don't want anything to do with sex are called asexual. As are most single celled organisms. Two things: -First this really is nobody's business what their preference is. People need to leave people alone and let them do whatever they want to do so long as kids or critters are not involved. IMHO TYVM. -Second , this movement is nothing new to the Catholic church, heck pretty much all priests and nuns abstain for sexuality. .. well err .. some try homosexuality with boys but we won't go there. |
after reading about this asexual..i kept trying to see what was the bottom line here, like get to the friggin point, I just don't see why anyone should care about anyones sexuality, and why they should advertise it...do we really have to know, and why is this important. |
Seriously? Just another cult |
I actually throughout my life couldn't understand how people are NOT asexual. |
Cant imagine my life without my bald kitten......... |
next civil rights cause - asexuals should be able to not marry another axesual and get all the federal benefits as heterosexuals and homosexuals ------ and you KNOW we'll see that lawsuit soon
back in the day we used to call them FRIGID............... |
My first question is: why is there a need for rallies and such? I tend to think "Don't ask don't tell" would actually work in this situation. Please - I'm not trying to be sarcastic or ignorant, but obviously the latter is true. I don't feel insulted or threatened; and on the other hand, I don't feel happy for an asexual person either. I don't feel anything, except disgust and outrage that anyone would be verbally/physically assaulted or raped because of it. I also wonder why it would ever come up in casual conversation; and therefore, why would someone be attacked? The internet is a different thing; you'll get all kinds of crazies on there -- that's to be expected, unfortunately. But going out with someone and having to explain your most personal desires (or lack of), why is that necessary? Why can't an asexual just say "I'm not attracted to you in that way," and leave it at that? Do that a couple of times and the other person will either want a non-sexual friendship or nothing at all. What am I missing? And getting back to rallies: what is the fight for? To let the world know that there are asexuals? I wouldn't know myself if I hadn't seen a show about it, but I found it more interesting than anything else. I wasn't shocked because I can be asexual for years at a time when I'm not in a loving relationship. |
I read this article a couple of times and I still don't understand the problem. Why does an asexual person feel the need to explain it to anyone or to even be recognized and/or accepted and/or understood for it?......You are who you are. Period. It certainly doesn't bother me. I don't see why it should bother anyone. No different than taking a vow of celibacy and certainly better than a life of promiscuity. It's your life - live it like you want to live it. |
Who cares? |
After viewing the video, I can honestly say that it is difficult to get past the presentation of the subject. Dripping with sarcasm and name calling doesn't make the viewer receptive to your point of view. You're carrying yourself like a 17 year old instead of a woman of 35. Perhaps you might re-think this and drop the cutesy theme and present it like the serious matter you want your audience to understand. |
Mom! Oh, nevermind. |
Why would anyone wish rape upon someone else? I don't understand why some people take such offense with other peoples' lives. Who someone is, or in this case, isn't attracted to has no negative or positive effect on any of these strangers' lives who find such issue with their lifestyle. And how can anyone in the gay community bash this group of people for their sexuality? You would think a group of people that has seen such discrimination against them would be a little more sensitive to others. People are allowed to believe in what they want, date who they want, and so on, if it isn't damaging your life, and I'm certain it isn't, buzz off. |
I don't understand what they are protesting about. I get gays who want to get married and treated as equals under the law, especially when it comes to spousal benefits, they are also descriminated at work, because it is pretty hard to hide your sexuality. Asexual people don't have any of these problems, they don't want to be with anyone and they are not descriminated against, because they act just like the rest of us. So what are they protesting about? Rape? Rape is illegal no matter who is committed against. Again I don't understand what the problem is. I agree with the LGBT communitty these people just want to feel special. |
Trying to explain asexuality to a sexual person, gay or straight, is like trying to explain the color blue to a person who has never seen blue. Equally, for a sexual person who tries to explain or bestow sexuality on an asexual person is like trying to force a person with no eyes to see. Neither one can ever really understand the other. In fact, a sexual person cannot even conceive of sexual emotions and desires not existing in another human being. This is why, IMHO, asexuals "aces" do not belong in the LGBT movement. Asexuals belong in their own, separate category.... because the LGBT movement is all about sexual desire and emotions. |
Although I'm not asexual and have been married for 20 years and enjoy all aspects of my marriage, I've always thought that humans would become asexual as we evolved in the next 1,000 or so years. |
Strangely, even some homosexual people who have dealt with discrimination because of their sexuality will make statements to heterosexuals about homsexuality like, "How do you know you don't like it until you try it?" as if various forms of sexuality are just things you try and maybe you'll like it and maybe you won't, which is totally contrary to what homosexuals have been fighting for all along, the fact that sexuality is something that is inherent within you, not something you choose or something you "try it, you might like it". |
I'm genuinely confused about something - I went back to read another of the articles in the series and at one point it seems to say that the definition of asexual is lacking or does not experience sexual attraction. Which makes sense. Except then later in the article and comments it said that some asexual people DO have sexual attraction. So which way is it? I'd appreciate some help understanding the definition better.... |
Take a look at these asexual people.....No wonder !!!! |
For all this article kept going on about raising awareness and understanding of asexuality, nowhere is it actually explained. I don't really understand it, but I would like to. Do they not want any romantic relationships at all? Or is it just the sex they don't want? Like, are they just friends with the world? Or do they desire love, but without sex? Do some of them enter relationships and then have sex just so they can have children? Do some of them give their significant other sex occasionally? Is sex painful for them, or just not pleasurable? Do they just not want sex with other people, or do they not masturbate, either? This article should've explained if they really want the word out there. |
yeah. this is typical behavior. gays are genetic anomalies. but, that is no reason to discriminate against them. glad that DOMA was overturned. leave that to the states. |
Okay. Let me get this straight. There are heterosexuals, homosexuals, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, asexuals, monosexuals, pansexuals, polysexuals, objectum sexuals, transexuals, transgenders, third genders, cisgenders, genderqueers, intersexuals, androphilias, gynephilias, ambiphilias, pedophilias, urophilias, zoophilias, coprophilias, klismaphilias, necrophilias, exhibitionists, transvestites, voyeurs, frotteurs, transvestic fetish people, cross-dressers, partialismites, masochists, sadists, telephone scatologists, two spirit people, and homophobes. Did I leave anything out? Seriously, I’m no hater, and I don’t care what you do as long as you don’t try to push your agenda on me or mine. And, right now just a few of the groups mentioned are trying to get the “all clear” to be accepted. For the most part, everyone’s embracing them with open arms, and calling the rest of us haters or homophobes. But, how do you feel about all of the above getting that same “all clear” when they start asking for it? Will you embrace and love your neighbor if he’s a pedophile? Will you let your local objectum sexual make love to your car because it makes him feel good? I’m a little worried about where we’re taking civilization - to an early extinction? I wonder, too, if I'm going to get a hug even if I don’t see it your way? |
I only ever thought of asexuality in a biological sense. Now we have to hear about those poor asexuals not getting enough attention. I think I`m going to become a recluse sooner than I thought. |
Whatever Im tired hearing about it |
Since when has rape of any sort ever turned someone TOWARDS having sex?! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. |
Well, here's hoping the Supreme Court doesn't have to legislate the right NOT to marry. |
Good afternoon. I'd like to say that I was NOT aware of asexuals/asexuality until this very day. Secondly, I'd like to know why people feel it necessary to go around telling others that they are an asexual and now there are marches to let everyone know that there's a group of people known as asexuals. We're supposed to care about or be aware of this because..............???? Just something else I've lived my whole life ignorant about, and I'm none the worse for it. |
When Julie Decker was 19, a male friend tried to "fix" her by sexually assaulting her. You do a disservice to those who have truly been sexually assaulted by including such a mild form of aggression as an unwanted kiss. Just saying... |
What? |
There are two issues here: #1 - Rape. It is criminal and disgusting regardless of the circumstances. #2 - "Asexual" -- what? Now there's an "Asexual" community? Really? People must really love labeling themselves to have come up with that one. If you're not interested in sex, so what -- who cares? You really have to organize this? For what purpose? This takes the cake. |
Yes is yes and no is no....to many will say yes..rape is a violent act...not related to sex |
Sexual violence as well as all violence against another human being should never be tolerated. Having said that, I have never heard of asexuality re humans - what does that entail? |
Why do people feel the need to announce their sexuality and make such a big deal out of it? It's people's public behavior that matters to me.....it's none of my (or anyone else's ) business what they do in private. As far as the rape part of the story....there is never an excuse to attack someone like that no matter who you are. |
Why does there have to be a movement? Why don't people just do, or not do as they please and just shut up about it? Why does everyone have to discuss all of their proclivities in public? Just do it or don't do it. It's all so boring. I've long thought that sex is much better felt and the less SAID about it, the better. On another point, I see a comment from someone called "Josh hates clowns". Now THAT's a movement. I hate clowns, too. Always have; but I thought I was the only one. Hey, Josh, let's get out and march!!!!!!! |
I just wish it was easier for an asexual person to recognize that in themselves, so they wouldn't marry someone who has normal sexual expectations. I have been married for 38 years to an asexual man. I have a high libido. In the beginning, I thought there was something wrong with me, not pretty enough, not sexy enough. I was open to any sexual experimentation that might turn him on. Nothing did. We had an on again, off again sex life, with him trying for awhile, then giving up, then trying again, then giving up. I was on this roller coaster for years. Finally about 5 years ago, he stopped trying entirely. I am nearly 71, and I still have a raging libido. I never cheated on him, and it's too late for me to have a normal life now. I beat cancer last year, and the thought that I will never have sex again for the rest of my life is agonizing. I'm in deep depression, hardly able to function, and wasting what I have left of my life. I have nothing against any form of sexual expression or non-expression, but don't ruin the lives of others because you want to pretend you are normal, as society dictates normal. He's happy as a clam now, has everything he wants in life, while I am miserable. Is that fair? |
.....to each his own....someone please enlighten me...what is the difference between being asexual, and being celibate?..... |
In reading this one article, haven't read the other 3 because I didn't know of them. I've also read most of the comments. First and foremost I want to say KNOW ONE DESERVES TO BE RAPED FOR ANY REASON, MALE OR FEMALE!!!!! Second: I will admit to believing, for a long time, that homosexuals were wrong. Third: Now I don't believe that anyone's sexual preferences are wrong, there just not for me. I have come to the conclusion that what consenting ADULTS do in their own privacy is not up to me, but up to them. Fourth: I don't happen to be looking for sex of any kind, but I have lost the only man I've ever had sex with and am just not interested in sex with anyone else. Doesn't make me asexual, bisexual, homosexual, or anything else, I'm just not interested, period end of report. Fifth: Why do we have to classify everyone's sexual, eating, playing, walking, working, etc. preferences? JUST LEAVE OUT CLASSIFYING EVERYONE! LET PEOPLE BE THEMSELVES!!!!!! Now off my "soap box" and back to my e-mail. |
Most women are asexual. They just put out to get what they want. |
Odd... These so-called Asexuals talk of being raped.. yet at no point, did they ever file rape charges against their rapist....Hmmmmmm |
I dont care what sexuality someone is, no one deserves to be assaulted in ANY form. Humans are a whole always fear what they dont understand, and for those that advocate "corrective rape, you quite obviously dont understand a damn thing. |
My God, with all the problems besetting the World, how can one spend one's energy on something so ridiculous as this?? If those persons choose to be asexual, it is indeed their right. It is also ours to find them utterly ridiculous, and to tell them that we do. This country never seems to end having problems with something as fundamental, as crucially important as Human Sexuality. Every pretext under the skies is being found to push guilt on everybody, for being a Human Being. May I offer two solutions, if indeed the asexuals find themselves "harrassed" by us? Mount Athos is one, and a Carmelite convent, another. Let us work, in the meantime, on far more important rights, such as the Divine Freedom of those less than 18 to do what THEY want, with their God Given Bodies, and rid the World of the putrefaction of Protestant Guilt gone bad through redirecting by the American Feminists, the most authoritarian beings perhaps in the World, who have passed horrid laws in order to "protect" people who should be Free, and left alone, and fed with Literature, Philosophy, and TRUE Feminism. |
Sometimes ignorance certainly is bliss. I came up during a time when homosexuals were firmly occupying closets. There were married couples which consisted of a man and a woman, and men and women dated. You never saw a man kiss another man on the lips in public and when women slept together they were assumed to be friends. All of that has been jumbled so badly it is all hard to keep track of. The only sexual preference that still seems to remain unacceptable is pedophelia, and I often wonder if that will be considered normal some time soon. Now that same sex marriage has been accepted it shouldn't be too long before you will be able to marry your dog or cat, or even the entire girls basketball team. Now in this article I learn there is a sect of people perfect for the priesthood and to serve as sisters. Thinking with all their problems the Catholic Church would be recruiting these folks. |
She is a very well spoken young lady, her oral skills are really something else." |
The number of self-diagnosed "conditions" that are really just named eccentric behaviors has, to no one's great surprise, skyrocketed since the dawn of the Internet. |
I'm ignorant on this topic. I seem to understand that asexual people do not have sex because they do not desire to have sex. Do asexual people have romantic relationships, like is kissing okay but not sex, or do they not enjoy any form of romantic affection? Do they masturbate? |
Ladies, gents and others who identify as asexual: Don't be afraid. Carry a piece. ARM yourselves. I for one, would NEVER see you as committing a crime if you defend yourselves against a sick rapist pig who deserves to die. |
Well, we have the psychiatric community to thank for instilling in our culture the fear there's something wrong with us if we don't have a robust sex life. That said, however, if this person doesn't care that she doesn't have or want a sex life, why is she trying to make others care? Why can't she just contentedly and quietly live with her special condition, instead of having to go blabbing it all over the place? The condition isn't even anything that is painful, disabling or requires any kind of special accommodation. It isn't visible, isn't going to keep her from getting a job, or a place to live, or anything else in the life of the community. Next thing you know, she's going to demand "marriage equality" for un-marriage. Persons of any sexuality can be subject to rape, and I agree with all here who are outraged that it should happen to anyone. But an "asexual" would at worst be no more subject to it than any other sexuality -- unless they go blabbing about their condition, which IS an invitation! Look, there are enough classes of people in the world with special conditions deserving special sympathies. Speaking myself as one who is short on libido, I'm sorry, I'm just not going to add "asexuality" to that list. |
Her "friend" is a jerk. No question. But "people don't see us as being fully human"?? Get a clue, most of us just aren't that interested. I spent 15 years being celibate. Not once did my sexuality ever become the topic of conversation. |
So basically asexuals just don't give a f_ck. |
I don't understand it. It is ok with me for you to be asexual.....just please please please don't expect me to, no matter how it is presented. And also do not act as if something is wrong with ME because I don't understand you nor care to. |
I never saw so much activism by people who DON'T want something. The rape stuff aside, I don't know who would care if a person is asexual or not so long as said asexual person isn't trying to be in a relationship(of a more coupling nature) with someone who wants sex. And my guess is, if you have someone who is trying to sexually assault you, you're asexuality is more of an excuse than a reason. |
Asexual ....What happens to most married people after a while .. |
Does any of this matter when we have so many serious issues threatening our freedom. Leave them alone, let them marry, or not,,,, if they don't take something out of your pocket or break your leg, let people do what they want. Focus on freedoms that are disappearing. Open your freaking eyes and learn about your world, and open your mind. |
Why is it important to tell everyone that you are asexual? Whay not just "be" and let be? |
There is no discrimination |
Newest "fad' thing to join........., |
Life's gotten so complicated. Heterosexuals, Bisexuals, Asexuals, Homosexuals. I know there's a few more. I think no means no though, regardless of the orientation or has that also become more complicated as well? I wouldn't be surprised. |
Don't throw it in people's face and no one will care. Having a parade for something like this is akin to pointing out to the local bully that you have tape on your glasses and just bought a new pocket protector. |
I'll never understand why people are so horrible. As a species, we hate everything that is different from us, even if those differences don't affect us at all or are even outright noticeable. |
I have a question or two- So you are asexual - you have no interest or desire for sex - at all. Ok - I get it. Why do you feel the need to advertise it? Would anyone notice or care if you didn't? Its not like everyone on this planet hasn't said "no thanks, not interested" at some point in their lives. Does is NEED to be followed up with "I'm asexual you see. I'll never want to have sex. I'm special". |
I hate sex...and no one out there can convince me otherwise |
The human race is changing. From one article I read a few months ago men will no longer exist in a several thousand years. They have a chromosone that will cause them to become extinct. It's obvious that our sexuality in this world is changing. Why? No one seems to be able to answer that question. Or is it because the human race has surpressed the change for years do to religious beliefs. Maybe the human race isn't changing, but instead it's just waking up. I'm not LGBT. I'm just a person who likes to think in many different ways. |
corrective rape? try correction facility!!! Are you flippin kiddin me.... |
Why did she go out with him? |
Aren't monasteries and nunneries "A-sexual"? |
Your sexuality, or asexuality, is no concern of anyone else. Likewise, anyone's else disdain for your sexual identity, or any feelings towrds it, positive or negative, are none of YOUR business. You see...? Freedom - a two-way street. |
Basing a meme on "someone once said this in an internet chat room.." is totally meaningless. 13-year olds are on chats. It means nothing. And an attempt to make it 'mean something' shows up the author as a person looking for trouble. No one cares about your sexual identity, and that's the real problem, isn't it? You want a parade. |
There is nothing wrong with this. If they go a little further they could live a consecrated life. |
I watched this video, all 15 and some mins of it. I have to tell you the idea people say this stuff and truly believes it makes me sick to my stomach. The people wishing wishing rape on others belong behind bars as much as rapists themselves do. I am not Asexual, I am a straight very sexually active woman, yet I feel it is my duty to educate myself. I took a human sexuality class in college, I read and listen to when the LGBT community has something to say about who ans what they are, and I will listen and I will read what the Asexual community goes through. I feel that is only one was we all should use to pay our debts to society. Get an education people. Asexual people are just that PEOPLE. They aren't broken. They aren't autistic, (by the way how friggin dare anyone? So now if your Asexual your autistic? I wonder how the families of Autistic people feel about that particular comment?) I am tired of the view that if your not of the societal norm your wrong. Guess what SOCIETY. NOT a SINGLE one of us falls 100% into the societal norm. We all have some quirk that makes us UNIQUE. This mentality of fall in or get out is just a lack of education. Yes people I called you STUPID. Read it and weep. Get educated. |
The logic of the so called corrective rape escapes me. Must be a liberal thing as they never seem to make much sense to anyone else. |
What puzzles me is why people want others to "understand" their sexual or non-sexual lifestyles. Why do they want others to know their (what should be) very private lives? It seems that the whole country has become obsessed with exposing, and getting public acceptance of, the most private areas of their lives. Is there no such thing as 'privacy' any more? |
While I cannot understand the movement being a very sexual person--Rape under any guise or means is reprehensible and should be squashed and punished to the maximum allowed by law. We are who we are and I admire the people courage in this article amidst all the ignorance of so many people wanting to correct them |
Since is it OK to rape *anyone*? It is *never* OK. I was horrified to learn about the kinds of harassment reported here. My heart goes out to those who have received such hateful threats and gestures. I'm so sorry. |
Since when is it OK to rape *anyone*? It is *never* OK. I was horrified to learn about the kinds of harassment reported here. My heart goes out to those who have received such hateful threats and gestures. I'm so sorry. |
I like her I think she is smart,funny, witty as all get out and she is happy unlike most people I mean. |
HILARIOUS.......the overwhelming majority of people don't care who sleeps with who or who isN'T sleeping with who. American's seem to create ways to victimize themselves. |
Pretty funny, the article is about azexuals and it won't let you post the word. |
They use to call these women "old maids",.....life used to be so simple. |
I am a heterosexual female and cannot presume to judge another person's orientation or practices. As long as no one is being harmed, this is a private matter. I have more respect for someone who recognizes his or her sexuality or asexuality and lives an honest life than I do for someone who marries someone whose needs are very different in order to appear "normal" (whatever that is) and cheats both of a fulfilling relationship. And I certainly cannot find any kind of justification for rape. This is a violent crime no matter who commits it and no matter upon whom. |
We does sex defne any of us? |
Rape use to be a capital crime that could land you the death penalty. Hummmmm |
I do not understand the mentality that sexuality, which is a mental function, is something that has to be one way. Everyone's brain, while having similarities, are different, and the sexual control center of the brain can be different from one person to the next. Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc. I believe are just differences in the wiring of that part of the brain, and are not choice derived. Most of those notions, are theologically driven, and lack logical rational. It is sad that those that do not understand someone's sexuality tend to react violently. It is beyond my understanding why people create prejudice behavior, because they refuse to critically think about a subject. I will be glad when we can one day rejoice in humanities diversity. |
my wife had "corrective rape" happen to her. she now suffers from anxiety and PTSD. If I ever find this guy he will know what rape is when he is in Jail! |
Awww, great! First we have Gays, now we have asexuals?! What does that mean? Do they like their as---sexually or what? Now, I'm confused..... |
I've got hundreds of friends, acquaintenances, business associates and the like. 98% of them would have no idea if I'm straight, bi, gay, asexual or whatever because I do not make my private life public. Why has what people do or don't do in their sex lives become the main identifier of their personality in public? Either way, rape or any other form of unwanted physical interaction should ALWAYS be reported to the police. If you're not willing to stick up for yourself, you don't have the right to expect others to. Someone touches you in any way they should not, react to it immediately and forcefully. |
wow, just wow. Just when I think the world cant get anymore messed up, I see this. Wow. COME ON ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE OR WORLD CLEANSING PLAGUE! |
"Asexual discrimination" and "asexual 'movement'" . . . . it all sounds rather ridiculous to me. Thismight exist on a one-on-one, personal basis; but I certainly do not perceive it as a "societial problem". It appears that "these asexual people are apparently mostly looking for a cause that gives them a coommon bond for social reasons. Rape of any kind, whether it be date rape or whatever, is a criminal act. Revealing any type of "personal information" to the wrong type of other persons is just inviting potential problems. The solutions would seem to be very selective about whom one reveals personal information to, regardless of whether one is hetrosexual, homosexual, or asexual. I don't see any basis for any type of asexual "movement" . . . it sounds rather ridiculous to me. |
Rape? I am late on the conversation, but I didn't see an example of rape. If I understand correctly, a male made an uninvited advance to a female and tried to kiss her and "lick her face". Sounds like a clumsy attempt at a french kiss. Rape is serious business. Sexual orientation is a deep personal issue. Let's not exaggerate any details just to further a story |
It seems that asexual individuals would be better candidates for the mission ot Mars. Sexual tensions would be removed and there would appear to be less tension on a two person mission. Maybe this should be considered and studied by NASA with willing participants in a long term isolation simulation to see if this is true or if other stress or tension factors would make this less likely. I hope I have not offended anyone but I think this might be a positive issue to persue. |
So now we're supposed to call frigid women "aces", as if they're #1? What a crock of BS. I don't even believe this crap that an "asexual" woman is at a significantly greater risk of rape than women in general. I think their "problem" is being exaggerated. Also, if you are an "asexual" woman but for some reason you are dating normal "sexual" men, when your date makes a romantic advance, such as trying to kiss you, it's not "sexual assault". That's a normal move. If you firmly say "no" and he forces himself on you anyway, then it could be sexual assault. |
Either they lack sexual interests due to bad experiences in the past, were rape victims, insecurity, a cover up for taboo sexual interests, or lack sexual urges due to some neural anomaly. Other than that there is not really many other reasons anyone can identify as asexual. In exception for the last reason, everyone has sexual urges at some point. Unless reclaiming it publicly for attention. If you keep who you are to yourself and avoid the wrong people or the wrong expressions of who you are. You shouldn't have a problem with you are or with other people. I'm not sure if Asexual tho, means not having sex with others but still resorting to masturbation, or no sexual acts at all. If I could i would give up sex, but the drives and urges keep me masturbating or getting some when possible, and if i repress them they interfere with my mood and performance in life. Lucky those who truly are successfully asexual. I wish i wasn't so depended on sex as I seem to be. At least it reliefs stress when it's good. |
As noted, I find the idea of corrective rape ridiculous, however asexuality truly isn't 'real' persay, it's a means of identification. Typically if you ask any person who identifies as an asexual they will have physical arousal but will lack mental arousal. This can be biological, hormonal, or mentally related. This is typically why the asexual community is met with skepticism. |
There are plenty of physiological reasons why someone would have a diminished or non-existent sex drive. However that doesn't mean that physiology would be the only reason and that there's anything innately wrong with an asexual person. Happiness can be found outside of sex and certainly more so if you don't feel that desire in the first place. It's a perfectly valid identification just as anything other personal trait is. From a medical standpoint it has been widely documented and has existed, from a gender standpoint, for thousands of years. Asexual is a recognized gender typically associated with tribal communities or religious individuals. The gender (not to be confused with the specific examples provided buy this article) is one in which the community typically views the individual as neither male nor female for sexual or gender purposes and typically serve a specific role in the community. Those roles are often of a co-leader or spiritual nature. The problem here lies in that asexuality is fundamentally non-western. In order to overcome the exclusionary habit prevalent in our culture education is required. I learned about this in anthropology and found it both interesting and wholly practical. There is a place for you and it's growing. |
dont get it, asexual community sounds like they have sex, is there a bsexual community? why make a group out of it. why not just say i prefer not to have sex, don't need a reason, it's your choice. isn't just saying your celibate mean the same thing? does an asexual person have children, or kiss their husband, or do they even get married.???Hmmmmmmmmmmm wonder |
N O T ....... |
I really could not care less who or what you like to do in your sex life. It is none of my business just my sex life is none of yours. Pretty simple really. |
I'm not buying asexuality. I feel it's a mental illness of some kind or at the very least like some sort of defense mechanism to justify or rationalize not growing up, not getting sex, being bad at sex, or after having a really bad experience with sex or relationships. Like to make yourself seem like a special case instead of a pity case, you call yourself an asexual just because you are afraid to get close and honest with people. I'm not advocating corrective rape in anyway. I'm just saying there's a lot more to sex than just the physical act. There's a lot of mental, emotional, and spiritual things that goes along with sex. It's therapeutic, promotes closeness, trust, honesty, and bonding because it's like you are giving yourself to the other person. Are you sure you're asexual and not just some person with some serious trust issues? Have you ever tried to form a good, honest relationship with anyone and not try to push them away when they got too close to you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_disorders |
Society needs to fear God and get back to the bible again. Judgment day is coming. |
We all go through a period of asexuality as children, and again at a certain older age, differing with each person. This seems so normal to me. I don't understand why others can't see it. |
If people would quit talking about what they do or don't do with their private parts, there wouldn't be an issue. |
If I was asexual, I could probably cure cancer. I swear, we'd all be super productive humans if we didn't have sexuality distracting us all the time.
Why does anyone have to share so much about their "personal" stuff? Keep it to yourself and go about your business....no one needs to know. Why the need to have others inside your very personal life? Unless you're looking to be another "victim" of society. |
Of course violence will not "solve" anything but don't tell me, "Asexuality" has to be another American phenomenon. I bet is started in inventive California. Next we will get Bsexuality and so on. |
Thank you, Julie Decker, for sharing your story. As of last year I became an asexual. I don't fight it or let anyone break that choice because it feels natural to me. I still have natural desires but I don't act on them because I feel as though respect and love, for the most part, are not combined with sex in our society. In all the relationships I have been in in the past 15 years I have been used and blamed by partners for breakups. After experiencing an abusive childhood while witnessing domestic violence between my parents, being bullied at school, miscarrying my first two children from domestic violence, birthing the only child I was able to have, struggling through three marriages, experiencing homelessness, moving on from a broken relationship with my parents, relocating again and again, suffering and surviving depression, I realize that I am the only one who can make myself truly happy. |
People need to spend time working on their own issues and personal realities. And spend less time figuring out how to fix the things in OTHER folks they don't like. OR ARE TOO STUPID to understand. But maybe more will know about it if folks keep saying it out loud. Would really make the heads of the dogma tribes go BOOM! |
If, as a society, we had not made sexuality the driving force in all aspects of life from selling soap & clothing to success in business, this would not be an issue. You are a person, a unique individual, and your sexuality is a part of that, and no one has the right to presume you should be anything different. |
When will people learn that not every human being is interested in having sex? It as simple as that! Gees grow up folks these people are bothering no none!!! |
look at me.i have a brick for a brain,most humans |
some people are just animals nothing more if fact they are beneath animals,a person's sexuality does not give anyone else the right to rape,the same as how some one dresses' does not give another person the right to rape.. no one needs fixing only rapists |
What people need to comprehend and accept as fact is that human sexuality runs the gamut from 0 to 10, and from totally gay to totally straight, and everywhere in between. And it is all normal! If you don't want to have sex, so what!!? If you are a man wanting to dress like a woman, so what!? If you desire both men and women, so what!!? As long as you are not hurting anyone else by your actions, it is totally your business and no one else's. So, thanks for posting this article. It never occurred to me that there were so many asexuals out there, nor that there was discrimination, no less a movement. |
Hi Ivy I'm guessing you are an only child I keep hearing about community when in actuality all you really want is isolation from the world. No one should care about your sexual preference it is your choice, Now it is not right on your part if you do not explain yourself when a person of the opposite sex ask you out for a cup of coffee or diner you as an a committed asexual in total isolation from the rest of world you should never except any invitation from a normal. Just like you do not want to be judged you should not judge them. Even in the Bible it states go out into the world and be fruitful. I wish you the best in your endeavors cause we social creatures by nature. Hopefully you will find another just like you where you can draw a line down the middle of your house and watch out for each other otherwise in the end your neighbors will find you by the smell. |
people have gone their entire lives without sex for centuries- big deal- why do we need another friggin group that has to show the world "their feelings" about their personal decisions- and why is the minority groups always have to have to make a "statement" but the MAJORITY still keeps qquiet- no parades, no banners and flags, no "Im Hetero" bumper stickers- We need mroe attention seekers in the world (sarc) |
I don't care what anyone does sexually.....it's all a bore. |
Are you open to hugs and holding hands |
YOU CAN'T GO WITHOUT EATING BUT YOU CAN DO WITHOUT SEX...FOR REAL !!! Ten or even five years ago I could not have understood this story. Now I do. I am a 54 year old heterosexual married woman with adult children who no longer wants to have sex in my life. Frankly it makes me tired just thinking about it. This does not make me abnormal. I consider it perfectly healthy to want to just have your own body to yourself for a while or even for a lifetime. You are not devoid of affection or even weird. There are plenty of people who choose to be sexually inactive and just as many people who are asexual (non-sexual). Anyone's so-called sexuality can be expressed through common courtesy and compassion for others. That's what true LOVE is. I firmly believe a person can be WHOLE without sexual experience. I LOVE YOU doesn't mean I want to stick something into you. It means I enjoy your company. Period. |
Sex.......either you like it or you do not like it. |
im a heterosexual male, but i know exactly what asexual people are about...and i think anyone who pretends otherwise is being kind of shortsighted. the same exact feelings of intimacy that you have for other humans (whether they be man or woman) is the exact feelings that asexuals DONT have. it's not complicated, nor is it something that should be hidden or "kept in the bedroom." all of us hetero's/ bi's/ homo's like to share our feelings concerning sexuality, so why should asexuals be any different? everyone wants to feel they belong and that they have a community -- ESPECIALLY if they belong to a select group where they don't run into people of their "kind" that often. people need to start realizing that people all over the world are all compelled by some hidden force to feel, think and act the way that they do. we're creatures of circumstance who are playing roles in this life, but at the end of the day, we're all the same -- regardless of what our nature compels us to do/ not do. this is harder to understand in those of us who are compelled to hurt others or act in ways that society deems 'bad' or 'evil', but at the end of the day, even these people are just acting out their own nature. people love to take credit for things that largely have nothing to do with them and were pre-chosen for them at birth. |
I officially know so much more than I ever wanted to know about other peoples sex lives (or lack there of.)Whatever happened to just shutting up?People blab on & on about their sex lives & then complain they're mistreated by others!Solution,mind your own business & let other's mind theirs.I personally,& I think most others feel the same could care less if you're having sex with a farm animal..............or not. |
Asexual discrimination? Well it may have something to do with the fact that you won't shaddup about it. |
Why do SOME men think they can cure anything with their penis? |
Can you imagine a world where no one is sexually turned on by another.....some can....try to understand, even if you are horny...On second thought, that won't work... :>) |
Let me start by saying that if you are not a heterosexual, then you are a homosexual. This asexual junk is merely a cover up. Secondly.....since when does a guy licking a girls face, constitute RAPE. Have you people all gone MAD. You try to rationalize your behavior by implying there is something wrong with the rest of US. Good grief, stop blaming others for YOUR actions. Stop trying to force your agenda on US. As liberals, you preach tolerance. And yet, you find those of us who dont agree with you, to be INTOLERABLE. For heavens sake......Take a long hard look at yourselves, and ask, Does the problem lie within??? |
"Corrective rape" is BEYOND horrifying. If someone doesn't want to have sex, that's his or her right. And no one has any business trying to "fix" that person! Just when I think I've seen and heard it all, someone proves me wrong. Again! |
I have actually confused asexuality with transgender, gender neutral and intersexed identities. If those can exist, why not actual asexuals?
Do we seriously have yet another label for yet another sexual preference? Aren't people tired of being pigeonholed and seen as divided in to separate groups instead of just being people? With that said; Corrective "Rape", seriously? That's really horrible. My deepest sympathies to her . I can only imagine what she must be going through. |
I've had a thought: If science could find the neurochemical impetus for asexuality, maybe they could use it as a form of "sexual lobotomy" for offenders. |
Asexuality=hormonal imbalance
So they're losing the battle on "same sex" sexual relationships, so now their focusing on "no sex" sexual relationships? I won't lie, I do find it odd that someone isn't interested in having a sexual relationship with someone (hetero or homo), but I really don't care how anyone get their rocks off. Threatening someone over the sexual preference or "lack therefor" is ridiculous. Only in American will we be upset that your having sex too much (having kids you need help supporting), having sex with the "wrong person" (race or homosexual), then be mad that you choose to not have sex at all. "Thall shall not sleep alone with thyself"- The "Newest" Testament |
Why do some people now days feel the need to share their sexuality, or lack of it, with the world? Personally I don't care whether someone is gay, straight, asexual, pansexual, bisexual, or whatever. What sort of person they are interests me a great deal more. Are they kind, loving, giving, interesting, enjoyable to have coffee with? But my heart goes out to anyone who's been assaulted for any reason. The idea of corrective rape is as repugnant as it is ludicrous. |
Just out of curiosity...how does anyone know you're asexual unless you tell them? And why would you tell them...unless you're asked? Wouldn't it be just as easy to 'just say no'? And most importantly...whose business it it of anyone else's but yours. So why would you tell anyone? |
First off rape is rape and for my comments that needs to be taken out of the context of my comments. I'm sorry, but this sounds more like a social or emotional disorder than a "sexual preference". If you don't like sex or feel sexual, that's totally fine. I don't like chocolate. But that doesn't mean I feel "oppressed" because people can't understand why. I just don't eat it and I certainly don't feel a need to announce it to everyone in order to achieve some kind of acceptance in light of it. This appears more to be a cry for attention to compensate for some much deeper seeded emotional connection issues. Your sexual preference does not define who you are as a human being and shouldn't be the focal point of your existence and primary source of your happiness. In all honesty, without other unrelated emotional issues, a life with out sexual interest "should" be far less complicated and rewarding as it hypothetically would free your mind to pursue much more rewarding endeavors. Just my opinion. |
I fully support asexual people. Not for the reasons you might think. Why? With the human population out of control anybody that's not producing more humans is a good thing. |
Depraved mind and soul leads to much evil, resist the devil and he will flee from you, promised the Lord |
Those who are enraged about someone's choice, or way of being, are probably themselves in an asexual relationship, though not by choice, and are very, very angry at themselves, and the partner, and cannot fathom someone being content without sex. |
I think this says more about how our society has become hypersexualized than it does about these people. When people's sexuality increasingly becomes how they define themselves, then I suppose it follows that those without sexuality are forced to define themselves as a group. |
Asexual = A person who doesn't like engaging in sex, man or woman. Hmmm, sound strange, but you won't know unless you are in their shoes. Is it the pain or the close body contact?
No one ever needs to be raped for any reason. If you don't like sex that's your choice and it's alright. It's your body and people need to respect your wishes and leave you alone about it. |
It frightens me to think that there are people that can actually rationalize an act of horrific violence by calling it "Corrective Rape"! Further, sex is an act of mutual agreement. Rape is an act of extreme hatred and violence. The two have nothing in common. |
This is very interesting to me. I am middle aged with two children, and have never really had much of a sex drive. I have a younger friend, that every time he calls me the first thing he always asks is "So...have you gotten Laid lately?" This is a guy that has been divorced three times already! The other question I get that is extremely annoying from people "So...are you dating anyone?" My theory is that people who have the biggest problem sustaining relationships are the ones who are the quickest to look down on, or make fun of, people who have no interest in a relationship.
I have known asexual people, but did not know there was a movement. In some ways, they are blessed not to have the burden of needing to seek intimacy. They can focus on bigger things. |
I am a man who did not willfully make love until age 32. I knew I was attracted to men, but in my childhood I was sexually abused by a male older cousin from age 6 until age 11. He always said if I told he would hurt me and I def believed him. Whats wierd is by the end I sorta liked it , but it was I who finally ended it saying " go ahead hurt me but this has to stop". I then hid for 20 yrs, never having sex with anyone. I buried my hurt in alcohol and drugs, until I crashed and put myself into rehab for 32 days. I have never used since then. I joined gay AA, terrified to go in, there I was accepted. 2 yrs later I dated for 8 mnths before we made love, not sex but love. We were the same, never sexual. Discovering love at age 32 is late I guess. So many tried to match me with the right girl, over and over. Falling in love is a gift, but not until one is ready, never forced. |
Regardless of the adjectives used with it, RAPE IS RAPE! There is nothing "corrective" or beneficial about forced into involuntary sexual activity. That used to be the thinking of straight men, and some women, regarding lesbians and the transgendered. Before that it was the thinking around "frigid" women. Most recently it has been, an often unspoken, part of the "reparitive therapy" community which attempted to "repair" homosexuals in addition to the "pray the gay away" brainwashing. The damage done by that movement alone is incalculable, up to and including multiple suicides and attempted suicides by survivors of such abuse. It's despicable and an excuse for sexualized violence against someone regardless of their orientation or their preference. People are what they are. Let them just BE. |
" In a 2012 Fox News segment about sexologist Anthony Bogaert's book Understanding Asexuality, host Greg Gutfeld and a panel of guests mocked the asexual identity, treating it as something invalid or exaggerated. " These twits have to be some of the best examples of arrested development that I have ever come across. They are stalled at the same emotional (and probably intellectual) level of fourth graders who find endless ribald humor during grammar lessons whenever the world "period" is used. It's no longer politically correct to ridicule anyone in the LGBT communities but this is still ok. There seems to be a segment of humanity that desperately needs to have some one or some group to make pick on, bully and/or make fun of in order to not feel like the complete waste of resources that they are. I've heard of the host a few times before and looked him up to see what he's all about, He's never had anything to say that I wanted or needed to hear. But kudos to him for finding a way to get paid and avoid honest work while still being as unpleasant as humanly possible. That has GOT to take some kind of gift.. As for his so called panel, not long ago they were the recipients of swirlies, wedgies, being stuffed into their lockers and have now found a way out of the AV club by ridiculing yet another subject they obviously know nothing about. |
The new kind of attentionwhore... they go aroun announcing to everyone that they are "different" and need to be "accepted". Why is there a need to go everywhere announcing ones sexuality to every person? She "had spoken extensively about her asexuality". WHY????
Found this story a few days ago but didn't have time to post until today (7/1). I absolutely understand the emotional connection between asexual folks and gays. Anything outside what our society considers "normal" is a target for all kinds of discrimination, misunderstanding and hatred. Atheists also fall into this category. But I was surprised to find out that there's a community of support and encouragement. You just never know what (or who) is out there until you dig a little -- or stumble over it accidentally, like I just did with this. |
An 'A'sexual movement for people who got F's in sexual education class in the 6th grade. It goes WHERE? I'd rather eat pie. tee hee. :( |
What disturbed me is the term "sexually assaulted". He licked your face. While as gross and childish as that may be, I don't think it deserves the phrase "sexually assaulted". I mean, I'm sorry that he did that to you, it must have been an uncomfortable moment, but take it from someone who has been sexually assaulted and raped, this was no "sexual assault". Please don't use that term lightly, or freely. With that aside, I wish you luck in all that you do.
Look at the people in the picture holding the banner. You're only as promiscuous as your options. That picture says a thousand words. Enough said. If I was a man who looked like that I'd fear the p*ssy too. |
I think this is one community that will grow greatly in the near future. With the dangers of traditional romantic relationships and marriage to men, (biased family courts, false domestic violence, rape, and abuse claims, alimony, losing your children, losing your rights). Sex has became simply too dangerous. Now lets stop the violence, first by not doing it, and 2nd by stepping up and reporting it. Guys this means you too, when you get a slap to the face in anger, its not simply what Girls do, its abuse. Just wondering if there are many MGTOW coming out of the lone wolf lifestyle into the asexual community. Heck sounds like possibly a place for me in it.
I blame sex education in schools for some of this asexuality, starting children to thinking and talking about sex too soon and experimenting with their same sex friends.
This is totally me. I always thought I was a freak because of it and that I would be forever alone. Maybe I still will be alone, but at least I know I'm not "abnormal". I'm really tired of people accusing me of hating sex or acting as though something is wrong with me because I dont "hook up"
I can't help but cackle at these people. I am generally open minded, but sex is a part of human anatomy and DEFINITELY a requirement for living a healthy life. (or at least masturbating... I guess.) It's my opinion, but if you can do relationships without sex, more power to you. Just not my thing.
I don't really get this, but I also don't see how I am affected by what they choose to do, or not do. Good luck to you. I'm a little inclined to think you're not doing something right if you refer to sex as "ritual sex", but whatever floats your boat.
I'm really enjoying reading all the articles this week, and I'm going to have to save that infographic for 'explaining myself' to others.
I am autistic, and there are a decent amount of asexuals in the autistic rights movement. I obviously can't generalize about all of them, but the people I've met have always been unfailingly polite and respectful of others, while expecting nothing more than reciprocation. They seem to understand that nobody deserves to be othered just because of something like sexual preference or neurology.
wait...so if you are asexual and dating...arent you really just good friends? What is the difference?
Interesting reading. In my culture, the only people for whom asexuality was accepted, even expected, was elderly widows. For anyone else it was inconceivable. I don't know how people think about this nowadays but I suspect little has changed. Perhaps articles like this will raise the awareness.
Nature if anything, loves a variation on a theme. So yes, maybe when we think of roses the first color to come to mind is a red rose, because that is the most predominant of the species. But with further examination, we find roses come in all colors, shapes and sizes. Some roses give off a heady perfume and some hardly any at all. We are now starting to realize that it is the same with human sexuality. Saying that only red roses are the "normal" rose sounds silly. So is saying only heterosexuality is the only normal kind of human orientation
Fascinating. Isn't demisexual just another way of saying "this is what a healthy, sexually intimate relationship should be like"?
Do asexual people hang out in nay bars?
This was very informative. I've seen a lot about the Ace community recently & this answered a lot of my questions. I feel that being informed is often key to acceptance & I'm glad I can somewhat understand people in the ace community. ...so if I come across a potential new friend, he/she won't have to hide this about themselves around me, and I won't need to bother them with a million questions.
I don't really see any problems with any of this but the need to define and put names on things seems kind of compulsive.
I think the included chart goes a long way towards illustrating that a large part of the problem with comprehension of this issue is tied up in lack of adequate vocabulary. "Sexual" is a charged word, loaded with all sorts of connotations. It includes concepts as vague as attraction, intimacy and love as well as finite ideas about physicality, arousal and orgasm. Even on their own, any of these words have many sub categories. For instance, an orgasm can come in a wide variety of forms, but is still represented by this single word. Someone who recognizes themselves as asexual has a number of possible points that are coming to play in their sense of whom they are. This vagueness makes it a little challenging to wrap your head around. While one wouldn't want to go off trying to turn the world into a series of chart identified subtypes... it's helpful for those of us who are on the sexual side of the equation to stop and look at the multiple elements that make up our sexuality. In so doing we can start to better understand the mechanics of our own desires and understand the mechanics of others.
Waaaayyy too much info. I was just looking for a "yes" or "no" answer.
We don't need a new category for people who can't get dates or who are too shy to close the deal on sex.
What happens if somebody develops a mood we don't have a "name" for yet?
Gays need protection as a class because they risk violence being done to them if they hold hands in the street/kiss/"look gay." They need protection because they are fired from their jobs for being gay. They need protection because the federal government denies gay couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. Same with trans folk. Tell me, besides being looked at strangely when you announce your asexuality, what is the big deal about it? Are you going to risk being kicked out of your home for coming out as asexual? The biggest hurdle for the asexual community to possibly have to overcome seems to be, "to finally not be thought of as slightly weird/closet gay in denial/hormonally challenged until the doctor dispels that idea." That is to say, what is the political significance of the asexual community that it warrants this many articles flooding the gay voices section? It's annoying and seems to trivialize gay politics.
Why is this on the front page of gay voices? Asexual people have nothing to do with the gay community.
Can someone elaborate on how this is different from simply having a lower sex drive? It is just further along the spectrum? Is asexuality like homosexuality or heterosexuality, in that it is pretty fixed and begins at birth? Or is it something more fluid that some people come in or out of? I have no experience with this at all (never even heard of it) and I am finding these articles fascinating.
I'm really loving this article series so far. Very informative! I've been sharing it with my FB friends and on my Tumblr. :) I do wish there could be an article this well-written about just the romantic identities though...especially about aromanticism and how aromantics connect with each other and the sort of relationships they form. Because a lot of people assume aromantics to just want light friendship and nothing more...and there's a lot of interesting ideas in the aromantic community I think. What with how they describe friendship and things like queerplatonic relationships and the such. It's very interesting.
Wow. Seriously. This is boring.
I don't understand this at all. Nor do I understand what it has to do with the homosexual community, the gay men and women. The LGBTQIAafjklsgjlkjasd acronym is getting incredibly long. But, that doesn't mean I can't try to understand. My lack of understanding has nothing to do with my own willingness to accept someone. So, I guess my lack of understanding comes from the fact that my partner and I lose ourselves within each other when we make love. The act of sex between us is so powerful and overwhelmingly emotional that it affirms our love and passion for one another. The physical act of kissing, hugging, cuddling, making out, dancing in the shower, and whatever else are things that bring us closer together. They are things that feel SO good. So, I don't understand how a person could reach the apex of togetherness in a relationship without intimacy. I don't think it is possible to reach the same level of intimacy without sex. But that's just me. I don't know if I personally would qualify asexuality as a sexual orientation as I consider it celibacy. Choosing not to be sexual is a choice, or a simple lack of interest. Masturbation wouldn't be necessary if biologically they were not sexual beings. We are all sexual beings... we are born sexual beings. I don't want to sound insensitive as I have been following the articles but, I just don't get it.
Individuals that practice asexuality do so because they tend to be introverts who don't like to share and surely don't want to engage in the trials and tribulations inherent in any relationship whether it be hetero or homosexual. And of course they don't want to raise any children. And probably all aces live a financially better life than if they were married.
No! We can't break up things into categories! We're in a nation of all or nothing! Think of the conservatives! Their brains would explode! ...waitaminute... Carry on ;D |
Shouldn't this article be in the "Asexual Voices" section?
I have sexual desire in spades. But I can understand why someone who doesn't may still have the need to masturbate. There's kind of an uncomfortable build up of fluids.
I don't really understand how it's possible to masturbate and "think of nothing"? If I did that, I might as well roll over and go to sleep! Mission not accomplished!
Asexuality seems to be another variation on sexuality. On the other hand, sex expert Brotto is flat out wrong that masturbation is not sexual. It is. Your desire and fantasy does not have to be directed to other people, but if it involves your sex organs, it is sexual. Some folks might experience masturbation as a perfunctory exercise in tension release, but it is sexual release. Sometimes experts get so involved in their topics that they don't see the forest for the trees.
A sexual? Congratulations Liberalism more damage to society
Curious that this series is about asexuality, but it hasn't even mentioned that something like 70 to 80% of the asexual community is female. In fact, it has hardly even mentioned female aces - almost every ace quoted has been male.
give him a testosterone injection and he'll be chasing women in their locker-room ... problem solved and I'm not asking for the Nobel Prize.
Sorry I can't help it but: I remember the first time I had sex. It was dark, I was scared, I was alone......
this is getting out of hand. next up, ahumans
Masturbation is by nature a sexual act... it's stimulation to release and procreate. This is nonsense that it's not. Yes, you may not be attracted to one sex, but you are releasing what your are suppose to... it's not stress relief.
How can they be asexual if they masturbate?" uh, it's Asexual not NONsexual |
Oh go back to Tumblr with this asexual nonsense. It is an insult to the LGBT that these doofuses even remotely believe their "struggle" is similar. Literally the only social group that it should be okay to make fun of.
After reading this very informative article I have discovered that i am also an asexual... when I am not having sex.
Masturbation is absolutely sexual. A virgin has a sexual orientation, don't they? Human beings aren't asexual, single-celled organisms are. Human beings sometimes have psychological, emotional, or social issues that make them celibate.
so when a asexual man has a wet dream, what was / is he dreaming of ? flowers in a meadow ? ,a tight hairy / or smooth butt, or va nay nay
Yea so what, some people don't want to have sex as much as others. Why are you making a big deal about it? Until yesterday I wouldn't have even know you all existed, but now when I say it's weird for someone to not want to have sex with a beautiful woman I will be automatically reprimanded for being discriminatory. When all I would be saying is you are different from me. It seems the more we know about people the more segregated we become. Its a weird paradox, especially since those going against the "norm" are wanting understanding. What you need to understand now women, is that if you identify yourself as asexual don't expect me to talk to you because I want passion in the bedroom and there would be no future for us. If you would have just kept your mouths shut I probably would have taken the time to fall in love with your personality and then worked through the other stuff later.
Sorry for these folk.
Romance is great and sex doesn't need to be a part of that, but relationships develop and the intimacy of sex is part of it, . . . when you're ready. There are no time limits and everybody is different. Every relationship is different and what's right for one relationship isn't for another.
This was a great article to read! I can totally relate and it's nice to know that people like us exist ^^ |
I'm asexual by choice...unfortunately, its not my own. ;-)
this asexual stuff annoys me. how can you be a "community" of people who DONT do something. its a bit ridiculous. i dont do indoor wall climbing. im looking to join a club of non indoor wall climbers. its silly
What do they masturbate to? Is their mind just completely blank when they do it? |
My answer: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Don't worry. In a week, the side boob stories will be back. |
Physical attractiveness is the degree to which a person's physical traits are considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. The term often implies sexual attractiveness or desirability. If asexuals claim to be devoid of sexual attraction or sexual feelings then how is physical attraction explained? Or do asexuals not feel any sort of physical attraction? Can physical attraction be separate from sexual attraction? I think that at some basic level, physical attraction is a type of sexual attraction. But that's just my opinion. Thoughts?
Here is an idea. Let's get in a big discussion without first agreeing on the meaning of the key word.
masturbaition ? not if the republicans have their way. You do know it is only 1 step away for a baby. |
My dad became asexual after marrying his 2nd wife. If you saw her, you'd understand. |
Can we get an article on, like, hypersexuality? I need some affirmation that I'm not the ONLY one who ALWAYS thinks about sex.
I don't like the choice of words. First off, the prefix "a-" from the Greek means: without. Something that is asymmetric lacks symmetry. It doesn't matter how or why it lacks symmetry at all and to be a proper lexical definition a word would broadly include all the members of its class. So in this sense, people who have no sexual desires are just as asexual as people who are celibate for religious reasons. Secondly, the etymology of the word asexual has always referred to a species that does not require sex for reproduction. Putting all this together, what i see here is a poorly chosen way to describe a persons lack of sexual desires. To me, this choice of words smacks of poor diction.
Some people just can't get laid.
I just hate that people have to explain themselves to others..and it's sad that the asexual individuals referenced in this article felt so alone and isolated. Everyone is different! Intimacy and sex can be very complex and unique human experiences(for some more than others). How great that studies are shedding light on asexuality and hopefully eliminating the stigma of a judgmental world. I'm not asexual but always support and respect people's differences and really hate when people are made to feel isolated and alone because they're different. Progress is a good thing.
These articles on asexuality are really interesting. And yet... Something bothers me a bit here: why do we always have to pigeonhole people, put them into different strictly delimited compartments and classify everything...? Doesn't it depend on so many things in one's life? I think that I could recognize myself in the Romantic and Sexual spectrum above but I am sure that two years ago, I would not have considered myself to be in the same circle, and I won't either in three years from now... Besides, I know people you used to be sexually and romantically active and then, things changed in their life (after a break-up for example), and they've been "asexual" and "aromantic" for years now (and they do not see that as a problem)... But maybe they'll meet someone new and sexual arousal will come back. No one knows. What I mean here is that: everything can happen and everybody's so different that we really have to stop classify everything... But still, I think that these articles make people aware of these differences, and this is a good thing.
What about people who only want se-x with people they aren't attracted to? Demiserious question reflecting terminology problems?
I'm sad to see all the negativity on this forum. I'm bisexual, and while I might not truly understand the asexual orientation, it doesn't mean that I think people who identify as asexual are wrong or their experiences are invalid, or that asexuality doesn't exist, because it does. I appreciate Gay Voices for running this series so I can learn more about asexuality and be a better ally. I had a coworker tell me a few weeks back that he thinks one or more of his sons might be an "A" (we were talking about LGBTQIA, of which we are both supportive), and to my embarrassment I said "allies?" When he said no, he meant asexual, I had this "doh!" moment where I was horrified that I had forgotten that A stood for asexual. Right then I promised myself that I wouldn't ever forget about asexuals again. So I truly appreciate this series on HuffPo for helping me learn and check my privilege. |
Here's Triumph's take on the subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zWNJHS9PBE
Nice article, but — again — I must ask: why is anything having to do with sex, regardless of orientation, shoved on the Gay Voices? Why is this the lead here? Has the US now fully resolved all its LGBT issues that there is nothing here to report? Im not being disrespectful. I just find this too obvious trend of dumping alternate sexuality issues on GV, since, I gather, there's no place else on HP for them to go? Being supportive is one thing. Feeling like this space is being used as an all-purpose dumpster is quite another. |
The infographic really helps explain my wife, a lot better. I'll be sharing these articles with her and see what she thinks. |
"she masturbates to mythical fairies" Yeah, there is a name for that - not very polite though. |
my best friend's aunt makes $60 hourly on the laptop. She has been out of a job for nine months but last month her check was $15914 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more on this site http://makingmoremoney.qr.net/kmWN |
Aha, this sounds like my first wife. No desire, would participate in sex, would have orgasms, but seemed happy with no sex at all. She used sex to form the attachment with me, as she did with her second husband. To her, sex was a useful behavior with which she could form a bond of love. To me, sex was about passion. I understand she did what she could with what she had, but that was not what I wanted with a wife. |
Masturbation is sexual, it's stupid to say otherwise. You masturbate because you need to relieve sexual tension. If you're tired there are many other things to do and without sexuality how can one get horny enough to masturbate? The whole thing seems so strange to me. I couldn't imagine what it would be like not to be attracted to females. It would be a huge relief, I think, that's for sure (no more loss of cognitive ability, no more having to reread a paragraph over and over again, no more having to pretend that the super tight business suit is appropriate when in reality it's what the clothes look like it's how much bum can be seem but can't talk about that, it's evil, etc, etc, etc). It would be magical, almost. Very boring, too. While it's annoying that hornyness can't be turned off, it does feel good.
Classifying people is kinda hard, huh? |
Beating the Bishop is not sexual. Seriously? |
The bigger question is what are they fantasizing about while doing it? Do they think about doing laundry or flying in a plane? Is there a fantasy at all.
Do Asexual People Masturbate? Maybe... Do I care? No, it's none of my business! |
Masturbation is not sexual? I guess if they are rubbing their nose it's not. |
I am enjoying learning from this series. Science teaches us that sexual arousal is the physical reaction to increased sexual desire. If one is capable of becoming aroused (possibly through self stimulation), then one is capable of desiring sexual activity. Some Ace's in the article gave reasons for sexual activity as stress relief, child bearing, and even being "biologically compelled". So it seems that, the innate desire for that type of dopamine release is present at some level in everyone but that some chose not to act on it.
I would think that the term asexual would refer to a person with a disinterest in sex, including masturbation. I would think a better term for a person who restricts their sexual activity to masturbation would be 'autosexual'.
Where is common sense? Fine not to know something, but this always seems like the sort of thing people don't know because they're too self-absorbed. Of course masturbation doesn't have to be popularly "sexual." Neither does urinating. Neither does intercourse. |
I wonder why this is under gay voices. Anyhoo, I think sometimes our society places too much emphasis on sex and coupling. There are many who feel at their most complete when they are alone. Those are the people who travel alone, go to movies alone, buy houses alone. They enjoy the company of others, bond with others and even have sex but it's not a biological drive like it seems to be with others. |
Asexuality just seems so sad to me.
have they started a rights movement? |
Just be happy!! :-) I love sex, but I have to say - it is refreshing to see people not give a #$%2 about it! |
i think its something to do with being incapable about getting out of one's own head. and why is this in gay voices anyway?
yes they do - even more than Bill Clinton in the Oval Office powder room |
Masturbation is NOT for Christians!
Sen. Patrick McCarthy is not married. |
Oh come on ;-) |
Everyone wants to have their own little group because they choose to swim upstream. These people aren't special (in the sense that they deserve reverence or recognition for their mental illness). Oh, now these people are going to want to marry themselves.
A-sexual, panromantic demisexual, Gray-A....at some point aren't we no longer describing a true 'group' or 'category', and aren't we just talking about the individual preferences of a very, very few people?
Sexuality exists on a spectrum. I like that we seem to be getting away from simplistic gay/straight/bi definitions that don't really fit. Our society is so overly sexualized it's nice to acknowledge that it's not, in fact, compulsory. |
"Do Asexual People Masturbate?" Not well. |
there is too much conformity...people are restricted in their behavior and do not feel good being disingenuous and calculated. There are so many assumptions about gender and the meaning of behavior that I think many people have missed out on the very stimulating activity of flirtation, or playfulness... it is often assumed that intentions are not innocent and this leads to stigmas. our actions and perspectives become enmeshed in the dynamics of our culture, almost like words in the context of our language... I might not understand asexuals, but what I am saying here is my perspective about the subject. |
Sure sounds like a sucky (or lack of) way to go through life.
Sex |
This is so interesting. I love knowing more about human sexuality. The more I learn the more I'm enlightened to my own sexuality. |
Masturbating while thinking about nothing - I am so confused by that. I don't really get how that would work. |
Of course they masturbate. They just think of a brick wall while they do it. |
I can certainly relate to these feelings. I had them at times in my life. But I think there needs to be a different, more positive term. Maybe that's where "ace" comes from. Sexuality - both the degree and type - is a sliding scale, as is gender. I have always been firmly hetero in my interest but have been mistaken as gay for my behavior and mannerisms at times. More power to people who are finding strength through such a community. Trying to make everything black-or-white is so limiting and painful to those who don't match up. |
For me it was discovering that sex was greatly over-rated, had a lot to do with ego gratification and/or control and manipulation of others, and was usually more trouble than it was worth. It has amazed me how easily and quickly some of my more promiscuous friends could bed with people they didn't know well or at all. |
As for the Asexuals who masturbate to "clean out the plumbing"...yeah, right. The plumbing is quite capable of self cleaning while you sleep, so I don't buy that reasoning. Sounds more like they are sexual but asocial - or at least they dislike doing laundry more than they dislike sex. |
"...actually masturbation is not inherently sexual. [Asexuals cite] boredom, stress reduction, helping them to get to sleep, etc., as reasons behind masturbation." if you have to wipe yourself off, it's sexual.
How can you "release" without thinking of something to help you get there?
I have known myself to be Asexual for quite some time, the most important thing to remember is even in a world that seems to revolve around sex for everything from sales to supposed self worth. (young women are certainly the most ostracized if they are not "sexy" enough,but it happens to men too if they do not care for the traditional hormonal male lifestyle, believe me.) is that this is merely another standard deviation in the complex system of human sexuality, and nothing to be ashamed of. You can still have good friends, and a great life even if you don't feel the constant drive for sex the "normal" people (as they call themselves) do, even romance is not out of the question, it just takes a different form. |
"masturbation is not inherently sexual" THEN YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!! |
I like the beaver eats man story better. |
Cool |
Lol....slow news day |
and to think all these years i thought i was odd having to dress in my Tele-Tubby costume during sex just to ejectulate |
really? You wasted all of those bytes on a story like this? Who freakin cares what you do in your bedroom (bathrooom or wherever) Just don't tell me, ( and make sure to wash your hands)
Lack of desire, don't want or belittle physical and emotional intimacy, masturbation without fantasy of another... seems Schizoid to me. As if there is a void where there should be an abundance of internalized objects. |
"I do have regular sex, and it is pretty nice," she said. "And I do feel some sexual desire under special circumstances … but I enjoy a lot of the sex with him only very partially from my own sexual desire, which is minimal. It's really from this secondary sexual desire, this desire to make him happy, that makes it enjoyable. That desire is a powerful force that stems from the head, rather than my libido. I don't hunger for sex the way other people might." ummm... if that's a description of what it is to be 'asexual' there are a lot of asexual married people out there... |
I suppose we can blame Bush's 'no child left behind' fior this article, a generation has grown up thinking you're nobody unless you've first been tested, scored, ranked and pigeon-holed. What's this, the sexual SATs? Sorry Chester, we think you should apply to sexual tradeschool. |
Ya nothing sexual at all about sexualy stimulating your sexual reproductive organs to the point of orgasm. Stupid
This is an interesting subject - not many talk about it. It is healthy and natural - Just like same sex gender - healthy and NATURAL - Sexuality is such a complex topic - but there are many people closed in "their box" - It is sad... of course, having sex with an animal or a family member is too much for me...LOL
They are just fooling themselves......appears that asexuals are really sexual. |
BINGO. This article described it perfectly. Some of us have a dualism with romance/attraction and sex. Most people view them as one in the same. I've described myself as a Gray-A, but after the article I've definitely got a better term: Heteroromantic-Demisexual. I feel like an "ah ha" moment just happened. Something clicked. Love this series of articles Huffpo has done. |
"Pan romantic" is what we are meant to be. Virginia Woolf was the first person to note romance has nothing to do with sex. Romance is being thrilled someone else exists. Anyway. An asexual movement is bound to happen in an advertizing culture that uses sex to sell everything from cornflakes to cars, to white bread and toothpaste.
Asexual is not the same as not wanting to be with someone for sex. |
Whether they do or not is of no interest to me. |
Not asexual, not bisexual, not heterosexual, not homosexual, but (yes) unisexual (or maybe autosexual). |
"When you talk about masturbation, you may think of it as a sexual activity, but actually masturbation is not inherently sexual. [Asexuals cite] boredom, stress reduction, helping them to get to sleep, etc., as reasons behind masturbation."" BULLSH*T It's as sexual as it gets.
Who cares??? Good golly! Why do liberals always have to announce their personal traits? Nobody cares!!! |
The "I only masturbate because I'm bored" thing especially cracked me up. Oh la la la la what should I do? I'm bored! Should a read a book? Should I see a great movie? How bout playing a fun videogame or spending time with my dog? Naaaaaahhhhh, I'm going to play with my willy that I absolutely do not enjoy in any way *wink wink* |
The world is so complicated as it is, now we these...pan - romantic, asexual, pro- sexual, masturbating to mythical fairies, ....ayyyy caramba !!! |
People are getting stressed with this news.....and you know what happens when you get stressed.... |
It's amazing how you can take something so natural and turn it into a scientific experiment with charts, studies, and theories. Jeez folks.
I'm glad to see this presented and discussed. Given the irrefutable legitimacy of this as an issue, I think it's due time Huff Po creates an "Asexual Voices" page. Not only are their issues worthy by their own merit, but giving them their own page would help others understand that it is indeed a separate issue, and would help to dispel the generalizing notion that there is only "normal" sexuality (i.e., straight) and "other," into which everything else is too often grouped. |
I think being "aromantic" makes a bit more sense to me then being "asexual". Relationships can sometimes feel like an unnecessary drag... (I can see a few bad relationships being enough to put someone off to them for good) but "some" form of sex, even if it's just masturbation seems to be pretty much a biological requirement. Could just be a hormone thing though. I definitely don't think about it 2000 times a day anymore like I used to. Maybe in another 20 years I'll barely think if it at all. |
"Demisexuals are people who do not experience sexual attraction toward others unless and until they forge a very strong emotional -- and usually romantic -- connection." I'm 36 years old, single and alone, and for the first time I have finally found a term that explains me. Thank you. |
do asexuals like getting massages? you can call it "sexuality" all you want but all it really is is nerve endings. a penis massage has nothing to do with sexuality now does it
Why would somebody ask why am I this way? I am as I am. The people that discribe me as a disorder are the ones that need to be examined. As for the subject of masterbation, It has little to do with sex. Men have bodily fluids that must be ejeculated one way or the other. As long as the body is producing semen we must deal with it. The clergy made masterbation into a sexual issue in order to control us through guilt. The psychologists continue to sexualize masterbation out of pseudoscience. When viewed without any premise masterbation is simply another bodily function that everyone deals with regardless of their sexual orientation. And, face it, masterbation is a fast way for a man to get to sleep. |
Love without sex? ? What? Call the morgue, I'll die in a second, I always tell my wife, you can take my food, but not that thing. |
As a physician, my first question is what are their hormone levels? I have found in practice, that people who have low sex hormones obviously have low sex drives. In this day and age, many factors may be influencing the hormone production in our bodies in a negative way. If their hormones were treated and returned to normal levels, would they still be asexual? I have no idea if research has been done in these areas, but it would be an interesting research project and could elucidate some interesting findings!
People are fascinating + of course there has to be such a wide range of sexual responses and sexual identities that make us all part of the human family. Now that we appear, in some countries , to accept this without jumping up + down morally + demonizing people who are different, we can be more open + learn. |
Use porn to release, much easier that way. Guys must practice everyday.
Why is an article about Asexuals on the Gay voices page of Huffingtonpost? I'm sorry, but I really don't think that every single minority connected to sexuality and gender necessarily belongs as yet another added letter to the already ridiculously long LGBTQI ad nausuem. Should we hold up ENDA if it doesn't have language specifically protecting Asexuals? I just don't feel connected to this in any way. It's no wonder younger people feel no connection to the community, when it is so amorphous that it has utterly lost any meaning.
How is 'asexual' NOT a lack of desire to have sex? Am I to understand that some people get more pleasure from self sex than with others (mental reasons only) ?
I am reaching the age of menopause and I am so glad I have no desire or feel no attraction. I used to be such a horndog, and now it doesn't matter! What a relief! |
Seriously? It's a simple choice to not have sex. Does this really represent a group that needs a voice?
Well, she is probably done with disco and all that. She looks terrific BTW, and hope that some great scripts will come her way. I really miss her film performances. She is an amazing actress. Hopefully she will pick her next project carefully, so as to not be stereotyped or used up.
I have waited all my life for the answer to this key question. |
I've seen it all now. |
"...estimates that half of all asexuals stimulate themselves on a fairly regular basis..." Darn, I thought we were talking about dunkin donuts............ |
Well if you had been following the news you would know that masturbation begins in the womb so of course this would mean that asexual people masturbate.
I have it on good authority (Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas) that asexuals do masturbate . . . but only in utero. |
Anyone involved in this kind of situation is CLEARLY overthinking it.
I admit I did not read this whole article. But just from the headline alone, I can see this is TMI. |
Interesting. Physical attractiveness is the degree to which a person's physical traits are considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. The term often implies sexual attractiveness or desirability. Asexuals say that they are not attracted to people sexually. Does this mean that they do not care about how their partner looks? Physically that is? What type of attraction is the one that kicks in when you are attracted to someone's looks? Romantic or sexual? I would say that physical attraction is a type of sexual - not romantic attraction since it has nothing to do with someone's personality, just their looks (physical). If asexuals say that they have zero sexual attraction, that means that they also don't care about physical attraction. Perhaps some really don't care about looks, but something tells me that's not the case. Almost invariably, people are in someway concerned about looks. Stop trying to define yourselves people. Stop pigeonholing yourselves into neatly defined categories, its not necessary.
In answer to your question posed on the main, can I get back to you? I'm a little preoccupied at the moment. |
As a straight woman, I have yet to come across an asexual man while dating. The more I read this the more I am becoming more 'ainterested' since I am actually finding the articles making me more confused about where these people find themselves. I think that's the problem in a way, like me reading about it, they are neither here nor there with regards to sex; I suppose they can take it or leave it which is still on the spectrum of all things sexual. I am a bit dubious about what they think about while masturbating. Something makes them 'pop' and it ain't thinking about making a sandwich or mowing the lawn. I would be curious, although not my business, what exactly makes these folks 'pop' and whether there are similarities there. but then folks would have to be very honest about that.
This really got me as a reason why it's NOT sexual, "boredom, stress reduction, helping them to get to sleep, etc.." Geez, half of people having sex with each other is about that stuff. My husband and I have sex because of that stuff all of the time. Stimulating a sex organ is sexual, period. It makes no sense to say it isn't and then site actual reasons why couples have sex.
I thought I was asexual for a min while living in nyc...turned out I was just going on a bunch of dates with really bad kissers. |
As it's already been said that if ever there’s a reduction in “crime & social disorder” it’s because some ‘homophobia’ forgot to get out of bed on that morning. . . |
Lewis: Any of you that have ever felt stepped on, left out, picked on, put down, whether you think you're a nerd or not, why don't you just come down here and join us. Okay? Come on. Gibert: Just join us cos uh, no-one's gonna really be free until nerd persecution ends. |
Yes, we masturbate, a bad habit left over from our days in the womb. |
That dude in the picture knows good and well he's not asexual. He's trying to slowly creep in and get some action from that chick.
So what do they watch or think of when they masturbate?
If nothing else, this conversation has given me, as a gay man, some fresh insight into the mystifying resistance so many people seem to have toward any sort of sexuality differing from their own. What we might call the "what's it to ya?" aspect. I see that photo of Luke Bovard, who's a very attractive young man in that "nerdy-sexy" way that's in fashion these days, and think, "Gee, that's too bad; what a waste." Of course, I can't count the number of times I've heard the same thing said by a straight woman about a gay man, so it brings me up short to find the metaphorical shoe on the other foot. But even as a sexually active gay man, I've never quite felt the same way about an attractive, sexually active straight one; at least they're "getting some," so in those cases its more of an "oh, well," than a "gee, that's too bad," in the sense of a waste of "material." So in the end, even though sex is an important part of my life and it's difficult for me to understand those to whom it isn't, I can at least mentally back off enough to conclude, "Well, whatever makes them happy. It's not for me to impose my values upon them." If those in the "sexual mainstream" can see their way to apply that thinking to asexuality, maybe they won't find it too much of a stretch to do so for any other kind.
Asexuality is the only thing related to the human sexual condition that Republicans have yet to complain about and attack.
it's 90% of people in Seattle
I am so relieved to hear that they masturbate. Because my own experience is it is unhealthy not to (and studies in Australia have linked strict celibacy - no masturbation - with an increased risk of prostate cancer in men). When you think about it masturbation is sort of a "gay act". I don't bring this up to bash gays but so gay basher's realize that they probably have sex more often with the same sex (themselves) than anyone else over their lifetime. |
I'm glad to see people who are feeling free to decide for themselves what role sex will or will not play in their relationships. So many people don't, and instead read magazine articles and determine that there must be something wrong with them if they'd rather go to sleep instead of do the deed X number of times a week. |
Most married men have learned that feeding their wives wedding cake causes a similar anomaly. |
Being male and m-asturbating for s-exual relief, with a nonexistent partner or an unwilling partner, doesn't actually narrow it down. At all. |
The speaker was excellent and articulated asexuality in a simple, personal and compelling way. There is a certain beauty to Asexuality. If you remove the sexual motivation from a relationship, you have eliminated many problems, and are able to enjoy a relationship for who you are, or they are. Nothing wrong with masturbation, all organisms are engineered for reproduction. Our limbic system still functions and compels us to seek this mating pleasure even without a reproductive partner. |
if i weren't so damn attracted to my girlfriend, i would be 100% on board with being asexual... most problems in my life have stemmed from either drinking too much or screwing too much sometimes both at the same time...the drinking is easy...stop drinking...the screwing on the other hand...can't seem to want to give that one up...hoping my 40s take it away naturally... respect to the asexuals! |
After spending most of my adult life trying to conform to a heteronormative standard, I discovered that I am heteroromantic Gray-A/demisexual. This has released a lot of stress from my life. I had always wondered why I fretted so badly over the sexual portion of a relationship, for which the relationship always suffered, but now I know. And while I am single, celibate, (and lonely) after five years, my ability to cope with it has increased dramatically to the point where I don't worry about finding a partner so much.
It's great that asexuality is getting more light and that more people are learning about asexuality :) I, myself an asexual although I'm more in the grey-A (possible demisexual?) area (I'm pretty sure part of the reason is that nature messed up my downstairs (I'm trans) lol, so idk if I will still be on the asexual side when I'm on hormones and/or had SRS since that changes things). One of my friends (who is also trans), is like a diehard asexual, but he isn't totally aromantic (although he's close). Gotta love it when people actually know and/or understand what you're talking about and/or going through! :) Now let's all have some cake! ;P |
OH PLEASE. I am sorry but if you can masturbate you may as well have sex!
This is a huge area that has been ignored. there are a LOT of asexuals who have previously had no label. I'd love to see the ACE community grow and become as well known as all the other "labels" I think sex with other people as a necessary part of a relationship is nice for some people but not necessary. And I think more people are coming to see this and like it.
Great articles..... |
Fantastic article/series. I'm a panromantic asexual as well. And I am happily married to a sexual cis male. Any sexual interaction that I take part in is solely for the benefit of my partner. Because I love him, I enjoy making him feel good. The actual physical act of sex, though, does nothing for me. I'm so happy to see some attention being given to asexuality. I also need to check out that social networking site, I've never heard of it before. |
Bright and dark are not colors in the spectrum. |
I think the inforgraphic is well done, although I was a little disappointed to find no mention of demiromatnicism or grey-romanticism. Oh well, those two are rather rare in the asexual community already and it would be expecting a lot to find them here too. I'd would be nice, as a grey-demiromantic, to see it there, but it's not that bad. These articles have been well done so far. I'm enjoying them, while making a strong point to avoid the comments section. The masturbation section describes my experinces to a T. Very well done! I look forward to the rest! |
People think I'm weird but I take my time forming "bonds" with the oipposite sex. I find the physically attractive bnever really want to get se3xual unless I find a mental/emotional connection. Many people think I'm gay as i don't hang around the ladies but I don't feel comfortable around them; I feel like a piece of meeat theya ll want to fight over. (My initial foray in the sexual areana was diastrious; I've been quite a bit wary since then). I've been on both side of the undesireable/desireable divide; truly seen how ugly woman can be. I think I shall remain single. Life is a lot less complicated..I come and go as I please do what I want. Please stop assailing my lack of partnership as a disease. I prefer to be single. |
There's a danger in labeling who you are. Being "heterosexual" feels like the most natural thing to most people because most heterosexuals do not carry a label of identity saying they are heterosexual or don't try to prove themselves in any way shape or form. So as long as you label yourself, chances are you are putting yourself in a box and will become a target for people's injustices, prejudices etc. Labels rarely allow us to understand who we are. It's about you and what's in your heart, if you don't hook up don't fall into the peer pressure of trying to, get a back bone and stand up for what you believe in, not what "an expert" says. In short - be true to yourself and don't wait for "an expert opinion". |
My micro-bio says it all about me. I am referring to being asexual. |
This makes me wonder if I am somewhat asexual ... hmmm... Quite fascinating though. |
And not one mention of a person with a disability. Yet, the stereotype persists that all individuals with a disability are asexual. I'm fascinated by asexuality, nonetheless and learned a lot from the article. It proves that sexy isn't everything and it certainly isn't the glue that holds all relationships together.
I keep seeing comments on these articles with the tired old claim that bad experiences with sex and relationships are the source of asexuality. I gotta say, it would have been difficult for my partnered sexual experiences to have gone better. I wasn't forced or coerced into anything against my will. I was with someone I cared about. My partner was someone who was generally considered to be attractive. I felt safe and comfortable and knew that I could stop at any time if I wanted to. We weren't rushed or afraid someone would catch us. There was no performance anxiety or embarrassed nervousness. It had a satisfactory conclusion. In other words, it was pretty much the ideal scenario. I admit, I have a limited sample size, but every data point in it was positive. And yet, I'm still asexual. Bad experiences don't cause asexuality any more than good experiences prevent asexuality. (For the record, I did not know I was asexual at the time, although I was aware that I wasn't as interested in sex as my partner. They intentionally worked to make sure I had the best experience possible in the hopes that it would make me more interested. Didn't quite work out that way, though...)
Great second article, I've heard several times that I'm just ill, have some type of mental disorder, or some type of sickness in regards to my asexuality. It's absolutely crazy that I can be told time and time again that I must be sick. I've been asked if I was molested as a child, hate sex, hate people, am a psychopath, and if my hormones are all out of whack. Time and time again, it's disheartening to run into someone who thinks asexuality isn't real. Hope this helps in the understanding for others!
There is a complex, diverse and beautiful array of gender, orientation and sexual libido. You have chromosomal gender- XX or XY or a variant of both You have anatomical gender- male or female reproductive organs or a combination of both. You have hormonal gender- male or female hormone predominance or a equal combination of both. You have psychological gender- who do you know yourself to be- male, female or a combination of both. You have orientation- which gender are you attracted to, male, female or some combination thereof. You have intensity of attraction and libido- on a scale from none (asexual) to very strong. Last but not least we have gender roles and sexual rules, which are entirely social constructs. Our problem as a society has always been that the these roles and rules were not always designed with OUR best interests in mind. They were designed to serve the needs of religious empires and as systems concerned more with mass control than individual fulfillment. Therefore billions of people, have been forced into molds, under duress and absence of any other alternative, that do not quite fit them. The result has been disastrous on our health, relationships and well-being. We now have the chance to rectify these missteps by breaking free of superstition, fear of ourselves and most of all, systems of control that do not work in our best interests.
asexuality is NOT part of the GLBT community. There is no reason for them to be. they are NOT discriminated against nor openly hated!!!!!!!!!!
Arguing about the source of asexuality is certainly interesting. As a Gay man I often muse about where this orientation I have sprung from. Everytime I read a new hypothesis it's interesting to run it through the profile of my own experience and see if it pans out and how far... However, it bears mentioning that one shouldn't categorize something a "disorder" simply because of the statistical prevalence of those who see themselves as asexual (or for that matter homosexual or bisexual). There's a desire in our attempt to catalog and understand, to pathologize a condition that is unusual... Unless a person is experiencing difficulty with their asexuality, why does it need to be a disorder. Simply being branded disordered can be a heavy stigma in and of itself. Just like Gays and Lesbians struggle to explain to some that the attraction we have for people of the same sex is inborn, so asexual people have the right to assess and present their own condition, without the rest of us second guessing their direct experience. I'm still curious to see if we'll discover the source of gayness... But not because I'm hoping for a cure or a reversal... Because whom I am is not a disorder and I would resent anyone attempting to imply that it is that simple.
We're here! We're ambivalent! Get used to it!
But you could be asexual masturbating several times per day but fantasizing about nobody. Asexuals can have libido but they look around and are not attracted to anybody. Perhaps Asexuals can have sex with themselves but Nonsexuals don't need to pleasure themselves and truly lack a sexual response of any kind.
reading that article made me angry. I've not thought about it one way or another. I certainly never thought to put a label on it. I'm simply not interested. I don't like being hugged and sex always felt like I was being mauled. It's been twenty years now and I'm okay with that. |
It's interesting to me that people who are asexual say that they are okay with it. How can you know that you are okay with it unless you have ever experienced true sexual desire? Sex is such a wonderful and amazing thing. I think that it is at least worth a try for people to get a medical work-up. In some cases, if not many, the cause could be medical. But just assuming it's who you are without at least trying to see if it is medical seems pretty asinine.
In the first article, I commented on the fact that I was excited for this and even welcomed them as fellow sexual minorities who are discriminated against. Based on comments from both this article and the one before, people say they are not discriminated or they are nor sexual therefore they are not welcome. Here's what I have to say that: by not welcoming them, you are discriminating. Those who say so are no different than people like the Republican Party or even Westboro because they do not welcome "sinners." News flash! We all have differences. But we are also people! All of us! We are all born human, why not act like it?
can we just admit, sexuality and gender and attraction are three complicated and not always connected functions. |
I think this does a pretty good job explaining the reasonable discussion of whether asexuality is a biologically based hormonal (or other biological) condition. In the last article, many of the commenters immediately jumped to "these people should get their hormones checked," and while some people said it was just for our health, I think it's important to note that getting a medical work-up once does not satisfy those detractors. "Well what about now? It's been a couple years. Maybe there's something wrong with you now!" Others insist that it's not a physical but a mental issue we "owe it to ourselves and our health" to check out. Others insist it's a fear of sex that we should get over by deliberately seeking out multiple partners of multiple genders to "make sure" it's not just fear. But ultimately you cannot prove a negative, so it's great to see that people who are fully equipped to determine what's a disorder are open to the possibility that sexual attraction to others is NOT automatically an essential ingredient of a human being. |
Good article, interesting subject I have not heard much about. In my opinion I think we all spend to much time worried about others peoples sexuality. If people just would let others have sex with who they pleased or in these case not we would all be better off. Oh an I mean consenting adults, you don't get to have sex with children or animals, that is not only wrong it is illegal and inexcusable. |
"Why wouldn't you choose to be bisexual? Then you get the best of both worlds." - I don't think this is true (I'm bi), but it's an amusing idea.
Sounds more like a blessing to me. One less thing to stress about. As I get older I think of sex ALOT less.
and the world keeps getting weirder
Don't tell me we're going to add yet another letter - LGBTQIA.
Is it me or are all the pictures of the people who are asexual of nerds
This is quite enlightening. Whatever the reason it is for asexuality, they have the right to be happy. I don't quite get the discrimination part, though. Would it be like: "oh, I don't want to have sex with you because you don't like sex?" Somebody please explain. I want to learn.
A lot of the questions raised by this series of articles can be answered with the great resources over at http://asexualawarenessweek.com/whatis.html |
Frankly, it's amazing to think how much time and energy people put into being sexy, attracting sexual partners, etc. The world would be a different place if sexual energy weren't so dominant for so many people. I have a question for those folks who identify as Ace: Do you find certain people physically attractive in a compelling way, but just aren't interested in sexual contact yet want their physical presense...or do you crave snuggling and non-sexual intimacy? Or is attraction to others based solely on personality or...? I know it varies person to person, but I'd like to better understand the various ways this is experienced.
That doesn't mean hermaphrodites?
Who do they want to marry? Themselves?
I am genuinely perplexed by this. Why is there a need to label someone asexual? If you are just not interested in sex, how does this even come up?
Don't believe it. I think there needs to be something either psychologically wrong with the individual or they haven't come to terms with their sexuality. Seems this way because there have been other studies pointing to the fact that to be sexually attracted to someone is a part of us as humans.
If I am consistently accurate at identifying people as being asexual, does that mean that I have good naydar ?
I wonder if some asexuality has any correlation to long term antidepressant use.
To me it just stands to reason that if people are gay, bi, etc., that there would be people who do not have sexual attractions at all. And that's fine, I just don't get them having "partners". Isn't that a best friend?
Remember the good old days when people would say, "I'm a banker or I'm a construction worker."?
I'd been mentally classifying people -- both men and women -- as "asexual" (even using this particular term) for years before I read anything about it as an "official" diagnosis. I am anything but. However, it's actually fairly obvious after even limited contact with someone -- and I don't mean this as a put-down or marginalizing comment. It's just something you're aware of about people (or at least I am) like hair or skin color, age, etc. I never thought it was a big deal but I also never thought it was a matter of choice on anyone's part either. It's just the way they were and I accepted that....
Honestly, I think it's silly to keep telling asexuals they're "just ill" or have a disorder. It's more like the media's portrayal of sex is shifting the spectrum to make being sex obsessed the norm. |
Why is an article about asexuality in the "gay voices" section?
Just like anything, isn't it a disorder if it causes distress or dysfunction for the person? If asexuals are comfortable with who they are and they ate able to have the life they want, who cares?
do asexual still feel the urge/need to have children?
Thank you Huffington Post. I am a lifelong Ace and it's about time a news outlet has acknowledged that we exist and we are not "abnormal". |
Being subjected to anti-depressants (SSRIs)can also cause long-term loss of libido. I would strongly recommend refusing anti-depressants or going off of them if already prescribed.
What's the difference between being asexual and just having a low sex drive?
No one in the pictures look attractive. It's probably because they have high standards and nobody that meets those standards will date them. Or maybe they had a really bad experience in a past relationship and refusing anyone is how they deal with preventing any more pain.
Honestly, who gives a darn? How long are we going to let words on pieces of paper and people who hold pieces of paper dictate our lives? If being asexual, bisexual, gay, straight, or what have you makes you happy then what others have to say about your happiness isn't important. "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." - Dr. Seuss |
Embracing differences instead of indicting them makes for a more palatable world. |
People choose celibacy. The next thing you know they will be seeking special rights because they feel they were born this way. This society is in mass confusion.
In the past was easy, you meet a girl, you go out, you get laid..now you meet a girl you don't know is it girl, is it a man, is it transgender, bisexual, homosexual or asexual, polyamorous, monogamous or polygamous..man life is getting complicated.
This is yet another example of the medical community using their own prejudices rather than logic or scientific proof to label a whole community of people as being problematic. |
Why are you A-sexual? It has to do with genes, chromosomes, and hormones which has an effect on your brain. |
Why do we continue to insist on identifying primarily by our sexual habits? We live in strange times. Why don't we focus on things that actually matter? |
Alan Frances, who lead the DSM-4 task force, resigned before the DSM-5 and is now one of big pharma's harshest critics. Let's hope the tide of making everything a "syndrome" turns back towards normalcy. |
...at this rate, psychologists might as well throw up their hands and declare there are no sexual disorders: marry a door knob, kiss a cabbage, it's all good. (I was going to type, "Kiss a cow," but that seemed ill advised.) |
....good grief. |
"Heterosexuality is not normal. It's just common." - Dorothy Parker Asexuality is not a disorder. It's just less common. |
"Is Asexuality A Disorder?" - Nope. Next question. |
Asexual or Celibate? No desire vs. controlled desire? |
"For people who say we choose to be asexual, why would anyone choose to do that?" I have a better question for you; Why would anyone chose NOT to?
The question reminds me of a line from the British comedy, "Absolutely Fabulous'. Bubbles, Eddy's clueless assistant, responds to Eddy's declaration that she has chosen, at least for the moment, a life of celibacy. Asks Bubbles: "What's that mean, 'I'm celibate'? That's what anybody says when they can't have it very often, isn't it? 'I'm celibate!' I'm fat and ugly with no chance of a poke, more like it." And before you start hating on me, save me the little pearls of wisdom gleaned from community college's 'Intro to Human Sexuality', ok? I know choosing celibacy is not the same as the orientation of asexuality. AbFab was a comedy, nothing more. So have a shag already and you'll lighten up.
Or great, another group of innocent people for the GOP and Fundies to victimize. |
I don't think I've ever heard of this before. I'll have to do more reading.
Good for them. You can get a lot done if you don't waste time chasing tail. There's a very large internet waiting to be trolled. |
I wish there were more asexuals in the world. All of this focus on rampant hyper male sexuality and laser like focus on easy sex is disturbing. |
Anthony Bogaert is the "Father" of asexual research. Sounds contradictory. |
Some might just have a higher expectation then they are able to attract. Some might realize that they aren't the type to be attractive to those they are attracted to. Some might want a greater commitment then they are being offered or able to find. How is this a problem? |
Sometimes to "be" is just enough. We evolved from creatures on earth who reproduced asexually. Then sexual reproduction formed. It became the most common form of reproduction, and accordingly, hormones and complementary physical attributes, and secondary sex characteristics, evolved to strengthen the attraction, and the pair-bond. I'm no expert, but this is how life is. So it's no surprise to me there's still an asexual part of us, no matter how small, and may express itself in a small population. There's nothing wrong with variation in sexuality. And since none of us have the same exact sexual feelings, or climax in exactly the same way, and have variation in our responses, our orientation and everything else, then I don't see why asexuality wouldn't be included in that. I really don't. We must just be afraid of it, just like we're afraid of homosexuality. |
Love this series of articles on Huffpo. Score 1 for the Aces! |
i thought most married couples were asexual |
I've heard it all. |
As a gay person, it bothers me that so many people feel the need to justify their sexuality based on "I was born this way." I wish we could just accept everyone's sexuality, in-born or chosen or whatever. Whether someone wants to sleep around with everyone or they want to never sleep with anyone, everyone should have a right to choose how they want to be intimate, and no one has a right to judge them.
Another misunderstood, newly discovered, oppressed minority so that progressives can find more ways to divide us, rather than finding common values and strengthening the fabric of our society.
"Why am I asexual?" Any number of reasons, but good chance that you are dysfunctional.....unable to engage in a normal relationship that enriches your life, but that also demands effort on your part. |
A very well written article on a subject I know very little about. |
Am I asexual. Um....no. |
Sexuality measures are from what I've seen are extremely shallow and take in account little past "What's your gender? What gender do you like? How often do you have sex?" Granted the main reason why it's so shallow is people simply refuse to explore the reality that some people aren't attracted to other people, but end up being attracted to situations, animals, or inanimate objects. Questions that go a bit deeper than "Skinny or fat? Brunette or blonde?" A person's true sexuality is likely revealed when left to nothing but one's own imagination. Kind of what a person would be thinking about if they were blindfolded, not knowing who or even what they are working with. Odds are the answers pulled from that kind of a study wouldn't match any sort of existing measure and the bulk of those surveyed would probably be recommended to a mental institution. |
If you don't mind, it don't matter. |
People sure do love a good pride parade when it comes to what they like to do where their swimming suit covers. |
Marriage is asexual in many cases. |
Legitimately the only sexuality grouping I think it is okay to make fun of. |
If it doesn't have an official name or medical classification and you were not born that way then you have a real problem. You would have to apologize for being the way you are. |
Do the male aces have "wet dreams"? Are they prone to prostate cancer? My understanding is males have to have some level of sexual activity (even if auto-sexual) and my own experience with attempting prolonged celibacy (self-imposed scientific experiment in earlier life) is that the semen became orange like colored with bilirubin.
Asexual? Oxen, are they asexual? They cannot ever record their sexuality? Does this make them asexual? It is not for a lack of trying, therefore it is difficult to say that they are asexual, because they have sex all the time. But it is more or less, imaginary sex. As they are not "registered", sexual beings. Because they do not own the equiptment. That is and was the war in Heaven. It was an Oxen, nothing more. That has all ended, all those devoted to God and its kingdom, have been burned. As Michale and his tribe duly make note of. Sure there still are pigeons, they still offer the Goats, sheep and even the lambs of their own. However, the Rams and Bulls, were all taken from them/these people. As they are all poor. They are eternally Asexual. That is their eternal Gift. That is their victory. That is the kingdom of Heaven. They are forever saved! These people are lost souls, but as stated, saved in Christ!
Human being aren't asexual. Single-celled life forms are. Human beings are sometimes have emotional and social issues that make them celibate. |
Simply put not everything is for everyone. That is how variety is born and it is much needed....... |
Not sure if this is the PC or hipster way of saying not getting any. |
I had a brief period of asexuality. I was never attracted to my own sex. When my ex cheated on me, I declared that I would never have anything to do with women which worried a lot of people around me because they thought I was coming out of the closet. Then I decided to give my wife a chance. I'm not saying this is the case for anyone else, I'm just telling my own little experience. |
Be asexual, more for the rest of us. |
On a similar note, many married men will claim their brides become asexusal once married a few years! |
What we see is a divergence of sexual proclivity suggestive of evolution, not a convergence that would otherwise be consistent with creationism. |
What we all need to fully understand is that sexuality and gender do not exist in a simple, either/or binary scheme. Their variations are better represented by a spectrum with a myriad of diverse states of being, all of which are equally valid. Until we update our paradigm to include a spectral representation of sexuality, the subject will continue to be confusing to many. |
Asexual rights now! Asexuals should be allowed to marry themselves. |
Why are they talking over their laptops? |
Great article. Sometimes, though, asexuality is a choice -- a mind-ver matter decision -- for personal, professional or circumstantial reasons . . . |
tmi |
Why does it matter? This is all like obsession with one's navel and the lint collected there. We all have navels. Why collect in groups of inies and outies? We all have sexes. You are either male or female, by birth. What you do with it is fine. I function as asexual publicly but an very sexual in private. This is due to psychological factors is am sure. Why do I or anyone else need a label. To quote Cat Stevens: "If you want to sing out,Sing out. And if you want to be free, Be free. 'Cause there's a million things to be. You know that there are." There are many parts of who we are, and in each of us some of those parts are different and the parts that are the same are not all aligned the same or expressed the same. There truly are a million things to be. Why try to label them all. Why can't we just be and accept everyone as they say they are. If we accept all people as being who they are and as they define themselves, refusing to set up walls, then the phrase "I am who I am" begins to have real meaning. |
I have friend who's an ace. He said that after 1 divorce and a dispassionate 2nd marriage he was just tired of all the sustained misery that comes from not getting any. He said "It's just easier to focus on the things that make me happy that aren't conditional. Sex has always seemed to come with a price." I can see his point.
We need to stop judging others from the perch of our own standards. Let people just be who they are without question or judgement. Not too much is every just black or white. |
An asexual 'movement'? Really? How about, 'be yourself', and if you're not interested in sex at all, SO WHAT? Hardly a movement... |
It's so sad! And it's such a waste! Many of these men are so beautiful! As if there wasn't already enough loneliness, suicide, and confusion in the world, and now this?!?! Asexuality? To each his own, and certainly there is NO hurt, bigotry or discrimination intended here, but what a waste, guys! It's so sad, that's all I'm saying. |
The REAL disorder is the one that says this: You're not like me! You're not like me! There must be something wrong with you because you're not like me. I can't mind my own business because you're not like me. You'd better stop what you're doing, even though it has no effect on me or my life, because it scares me and you're not like me. Everybody must be just like me, because both god and I say so. I don't like it that you're not like me. The world is full of people who say "you're not like me, and that something that makes you different offends/entices/scares me. And so, whatever I do to you is justified by that fact." It applies to women, to race, to religion, to sexual orientation, to language, to ethnic group-- you name it. Oh, NOES! You,re not like me! |
Is the asexual person happy with their reality? That's the question that's important. Even if it is a so-called 'disorder', does it really matter?
I do not understand the controversy here. On a human scale where you have extremes in both femininity and masculinity - why would there not also be room for nada? The entire spectrum of sexuality should be considered when we discuss that topic. Asexual is certainly part of that equation. |
So, you're saying that was a BAD parade to try and pick up dates? But seriously - the definition of psychological "disorders" almost all come with the phrase "causes considerable distress." If someone's sexuality is not causing them (or others, for example in the case of pedophilia) any distress - it should not be pathologized. People can be who they want to be and have the type of sex they want to have, including no sex at all. |
The need for non-sexual physical intimacy isn't necessarily removed because a person is, at their base, asexual. In fact, I think there are many people who self-identify as one of the normative sexual identities because the only way they know to get their non-sexual physical intimacy needs met is through sex. So many people acquire what can be viewed as unhealthy sexual behaviours to meet their need for physical intimacy as well as to bolster their self-image or as a response to societal pressures to conform. I think this is a large contributor to what is labeled "sexual addiction." |
I have come to simply believe that society, along with the medical establishment, just wants everyone to "be the same," to conform, no room for people who are "different." Society assigns the concept of "bad" to anyone who is "not the same," and so, the medical establishment labels people as "sick" and proceeds to attempt to medicate any differences out of existence. They will probably invent more and more "sex drive" pills, just to make everyone "the same." Or, if you don't want to be over-medicated, just pretend to be someone you are not... Sad, isn't it? |
The "medical community" regarded homosexuality as a mental disorder once. Hopefully this demographic has become more scientific since then. |
I knew it .. as soon as the lgbtroflmao community lost steam, they would invent some other mental disorder regarding sexual dysfunction. good criminies... does anybody go to work anymore. |
So these people haven't found someone or just don't care. Why is this even anything?
"Is Asexuality a Disorder?" No. |
Cool a movement/ism that is self correcting over time. If these people are real then it will only last as long as they do!
oh for pete's sake, can't we all just keep our noses out of other people's business--why must everyone be so fascinated with labeling who and what other people are when who and what they are has absolutely no effect on our lives? |
I think it's kind of cute that Asexuals are defined by lacking something...maybe we should start referring to vegetarians as a-carnivorous people?. |
"Is Asexuality A Disorder?" That will depend on how much the pharmaceutical industry stands to profit from treating it. |
I always say the world is far more complex than black and white and some shades of grey, it's us a humans we tend to put everything in a binary equation to find an explanation for our realities. The day we can see beyond black and white we will realize how amazing we are. |
Too bad there aren't more asexual Catholic priests. |
I'm not sure about all of this "asexuality" stuff, but, I just can't seem to find the right guy. Ergo, I don't get none. Like being gay .... it's not necessarily a choice. |
In terms of associating a mental disorder with asexuality, what is wrong with someone who isn't interested in having sex with anyone? What I find more mentally compromising is for certain elements to impose their sexuality on others in order to either trick them or pressure them into going against their personal values.
I think the environment growing up plays a role, too.
I wish more men were asexual.
The lemonade antidote is lovely; however, I'd just like to see the press entirely disregard anything to do with Westboro. The unfortunate people who comprise this strange community of lonely souls receive their sustenance from publicity. They're just not at all important, until media makes them so.
The self described asexuals that I have met do not prefer to be alone. They like companionship, closeness, cuddling, etc. They just don't like the next step. I'm curious to see if other people identifying as asexual or ace vary on that issue, or if there is still a common thread of desire for companionship for you or someone you know.
I married an asexual man. I can respect asexuality but don't marry sexual people. It's not fair.
Many times when I was single...I was emotionally attracted to men but not sexually attracted, never wanted to have sex but felt drawn to them to be close to them to share emotions and ideas and laughter. Laughter and sharing its complex chemical output when experienced with someone is so addicting and longed for just as someone who looks for sexual experiences. |
My desire to be sexual has diminished to the point I never need it, I hate the pressure of others who think it needs to be a constant focus of their pastime for laughs and I am happy with every aspect of my life as anyone else. I appreciate Asexuals and their ability to feel normal and not focus on anything others say they should do but enjoy themselves for who they are. |
I think it's important to note that the DSM was already going to revise its conceptualization of gender and sexual identity "disorders." This process was well underway for many years. The reason the criteria changed was not due to pressure from the asexual community. I believe that this article deliberately obfuscated the true progression of DSM changes. |
The affliction isn't asexuality. The affliction is in letting others determine your personal self worth. |
I think there's an awful lot of confusion here regarding sex vs. touch in general. TOUCH is an important part of being human. Babies that don't get enough cuddling or human contact will actually die from failure to thrive. Sex is a kind of touching, but not all touching is sexual. Asexuals have no problem with touch (generally speaking). We have no problem hugging, or even cuddling, or shaking hands, or dancing, or any other form of human contact that reaffirms our connections to each other. We just don't feel any burning physical need to touch other peoples' naughty bits. It's like classical art. It's pretty and all...I just don't really feel like I need to touch it or else I'll explode from pent up energy. It's not a "disorder" unless you feel it is honestly RUINING YOUR LIFE to not feel sexual desire. Believe it or not, some of us just honestly don't care about sex or sexual desire. We have nothing against people who do, we just don't feel it ourselves and we don't mind. Figuring out I was asexual came as a huge relief to me. I didn't feel like I had to try and force myself to feel things that weren't there, which was incredibly exhausting. Now that I've found my place and I'm not forcing myself to be something that I'm not, I feel a lot less stressed. |